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 Sep 2021 teni
You messaged me today
I listened to what you had to say
My heart didn't hurt
You didn't try to flirt
You apologized to me
And said you'd like to see...
You'd like to see me and catch up
I said okay
I could talk to you today
Is this healing
Because I have no feeling
I have no feelings left for you
 Sep 2021 teni
It's Okay
 Sep 2021 teni
It's okay to be white
It's okay to be black
It's okay to be Asian
It's okay to be Hispanic
It's okay to be female
It's okay to be male
It's okay to be gay
It's okay to be straight
It's okay to be YOU.

What's NOT okay is skipping a track on The Black Parade.
 Apr 2021 teni
half empty
 Apr 2021 teni
i spend my days
pouring myself into the cups of others

only to find that
when it’s time for myself
to take a sip

all that’s left
in my cup
is the remainder of a girl
who gave too much
self care is extremely important. most days I fight my depression by putting smiles onto others faces, but forgetting about my once bright smile.
 Mar 2020 teni
 Mar 2020 teni
Fingers stiff
Back arches
Eyes blur

Pages yellow
Keys sour
Strings rust

Melodies fade
People leave
Heart breaks

The piano remains
I can't play our favorite song. Not because I've forgotten it, but because I couldn't bring my self near the piano after you left.
 Mar 2020 teni
WhyWould YouGiveUp
How could you forget so easily?
Even when it was meant to be
 Mar 2020 teni
 Mar 2020 teni
Death is like you,
silent, cold, and
doesn’t love me back

If you are death
then I long to be dead
 Feb 2020 teni
Poems aren't written,
they're found,
Somewhere in your head the words are waiting,
They're sprawled across the floor,
You just need to pick them up,
Make a path with them,
Let your path guide observers,
And if you can't write,
Walk down somebody's else's path first,
First poem I've written, to anybody who reads this is hope you enjoyed it and it made you day a little better
 Feb 2020 teni
Fist to face, Pen to paper
Words of disgrace, poetry is safer
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