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 Aug 2015 DM
Liam C Calhoun
My aunt’s in the garden,
     Growing gold.
My uncle’s in his new shirt,
     Growing mold.
My cuz’s in Af-ghan-i-stan,
     Growing cold.
I’m swimming in wine,
     Growing old.

This piece should make sense,
     But it don’t.
This piece should tell tales,
     Still, it won’t.
I’m home decades later,
     Or so I wrote.
My daddy’s days dead
     And so I’ll tote.
"Asylum Harbor" - A harbor used to provide shelter from a storm. Much obliged, Aunt "Patty."
 Aug 2015 DM
DaSH the Hopeful
I've been looking for you all around

I can't find you in old photographs
And sometimes I can't reach you by phone
    But when I look in the mirror and see my smile

*I know I've found you
 Aug 2015 DM
Roger Turner - Poet
There's lots of books out there on marriage
But one thing is a must
Your marriage will just crash and burn
If it is not based on trust

Ma and Pa were married now
for 40 years or so
When asked what made it last long
dad said mom knows how to....

keep a house and run the kids
she finds the deals out at the malls
and when the day is done and dusted
mom is good rubbing my....

back, dad he likes his hunting
going fishing and his truck
mom, likes to make up scrapbooks
and mom also likes to....

work the church bazar each month
she is always baking food
while mom is working for the church
dad is running around...

driving us kids everywhere
he likes to takes us to the lake
we fish for bass and afterwards
he pulls out his large .....

*** of bills, so we can buy pop
still in bottles made of glass
he always buys one more for mom
to take and stick it in her....

fridge, they always say I love you
before they go to bed
and then after they say goodnight
mom gives daddy...

a good night kiss. (what did you think?)

There's lots of books out there on marriage
But one thing is a must
Your marriage will just crash and burn
If it is not based on trust
 Aug 2015 DM
Just Melz
Autumn (10W)
 Aug 2015 DM
Just Melz
 Aug 2015 DM
DaSH the Hopeful
Who else would listen,
But* you?

       You take every inch of self-blasphemy and agony I have to offer
           You hear every half muttered feeling
                        Every cut
I only used the blood to tell you what I thought

      Our love was one most often found and subsequently lost in childhood
    Before the sunset of adolescence brings dark into the world
      And in its depths
We realize how small we are
          How far we are from places that feel safe
                          Our love was a shield against that
    I could tell you my secrets and you'd shine brightly, make the world small again, if but for a while

         It was you I stayed up all night to talk to
             Underneath the covers with a flashlight and a pen and YOU.

   God, you.

          You listened to every insignificant detail of who I was and in your foggy dialect made me feel vindicated

          You've always been,
And as long as you have, I've loved you.
       Dear Poetry, my God, have I loved **You
 Aug 2015 DM
SE Reimer

where clear blue sky meets water's deep
his sunbeams reach her waves to tease,
to warm her currents, foaming spray;
dawn to dusk when daylight fades,
till only afterglow remains,
an interlude of celestial stage.

he speaks to her on written sky
and in the mournful sea-bird's cry,
wraps sultry ribbons in her tresses,
his fingers linger in caresses,
and in soothing choreography
he gently stirs her ocean's breeze.

he sends her gifts of palm and dates,
wrapped on waves in salty sprays;
watches her with much delight,
he sings to her each eventide,
love songs with the calling gull,
and rocks her tween the gusts and lulls.

wedded at horizon’s edge,
devotion to her he has pledged,
to have forever and to hold,
his comfort to her storm-tossed soul;
his tender kiss on tear-stained cheek,
where clear blue sky meets water's deep.


post script.

when one gazes
into the vastness
of sea and sky,
of what is from
height to depth
an endless blue,
one cannot but think
of eternal devotion,
of the relationship
between two who have
pledged their forever troth!

as i wonder from what recesses
this one came, i remember…
our 36th wedding anniversary
is fast approaching...
i’ve been thinking of what to gift her
that will make her cry anew.

**thank you to Hello Poetry for
the tremendous honor bestowed
with their designation of this poem as the daily
and to all who have expressed their heartfelt
love and appreciation... your message
came through loud and clear...
there can be no denying it,
i am an incredibly blessed man
because of each of you!  
thank you, truly,
from the bottom of my heart!
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