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 May 2015 Diavione Finney
Gun Boy
You used to be my best friend.
You used to be the person I trusted.
We are back to just how we were.
You told my secrets.
You rip my life apart
You rain destruction on what I protect the most.
Is this what you wanted all these while
I sacrificed so much for you.
Endured all the pain
Stood by your side when everyone deserted you.
I'm shattered.  
I'm giving up.
Because I only exist when you need me.
Written by a mortal that endured so much.
I remember someone I once knew
You are no longer her
She has faded away with time
I sometimes see her deep inside
But no longer showing
Tucked away, she still finds her way out

But this new person is growing
More beautiful than before

What once was a wilting flower
Is now a new bud growing into
A beautiful flower
Lavender, sunflower, rose?
Who knows

But one day it will be fully grown
Yes it might wilt on the dry
Horrible days of its life
With the old self trying to break free
From its prison deep inside

But you are stronger now
And you can keep it from reaching the top
And decaying the beautiful outer flower
Smile for me? You are the most beautiful person in the world... And that smile of yours could brighten anyone's day... I wish I could see it... I love you...
 May 2015 Diavione Finney
I don't want to think about you
But i don't think nothing other than you
How mad to like someone deep...
He told me he is giving her roses.

The boy, who yesterday I finally admitted I love.

The boy, who the day before that , kissed me.

The boy, who a week before that told me I was his forever, and I said the same.

The boy, who has my heart.

Is giving her roses...
I could hear my heart shattering
 May 2015 Diavione Finney
How dare you.
How dare you steal my heart.
How dare you steal my sleep.
How dare you invade my dreams.
How dare your cloud my thoughts.
How dare you let me fall in love with you.
I am NOT in love.
Once you made me happy,
It was only just for a little while,
Now I can really finally smile.
I refuse to be shackled.
I can claim my victory
In my internal battle.
Now I am free,
I refuse to feel blue.
I can be happy with just being me
I am free of you.
This could probably be a continuation of my poem The Internal. I tried to make it rhyme for once. Tried.
 May 2015 Diavione Finney
I remember the darkness before the flames
Remember when death called your name
So strange, we were all so young then

I remember you saying, the shadow was cast
Remember laughing, I’ll have your girl when you pass
So strange, it didn’t last

I remember the dead, the screaming eyes
Remember till I die
So strange, I never asked why

I remember thinking, never again
Remember going straight back in
So strange, had to win

I remember going out drinking with friends
Remember them asking me to explain
So strange, I never saw them again

I remember going over the hill
Remember the kills
So strange, no glory, such a bitter pill

I remember when I knew it was over
Remember how I didn’t die
So strange, why

I remember the day I walked away
Remember looking back
So strange, felt like yesterday.

— The End —