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 Jan 2015 Deviswanto
 Jan 2015 Deviswanto
who are you to appear, dancing, and smiling in my mind?
who are you to be an actor in my dream?

why am i thinking about you so often?
why are you appear in my mind instead of sitting next to me?

please don't be my thirty minutes thoughts,
i want you to be here
next to me
I am sorry for a ****** poems and my skills are not improved, i can't write beautiful words because i feel so empty oh god help me !!
 Oct 2014 Deviswanto
don't fall in love with a boy
who smells like winter
because all he had is
frozen heart and cold soul

don't put your high hopes with a boy
who smells like winter
don't. you. ever.
because he just love a girl
who smells like spring
the one who are melting for
the one who keep him warm
even in the 0 degrees

don't you ever
fall in love
or put your high hopes
with a boy who smells like winter
because he will never love a girl
who smells like autumn
whenever I write a love poetry I just didn't know for who it is. I've never been in love and i thought that I don't want to, but the feelings is here. it's in here, in me, in my soul and I can't deny it.
 Oct 2014 Deviswanto
he's like an old poetry
it took so long just to understand about his feelings
 Oct 2014 Deviswanto
isn't it funny
how i kept writing a poetry about you
even all you did was hurted me

isn't it funny
how i always love you
even all you did was left me

isn't it funny
how i still put my high hopes
to you;
to someone who don't even have a heart but still living
 Oct 2014 Deviswanto
don't force me to believe in love
when all i could see is just another broken part
don't force me to believe in your heartbeat
because it's still beating even though there was no love
don't force me to look into your eyes
because i don't want to drown in the sea of your tears
don't force me to believe in love even though it was real..

— The End —