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  Aug 2020 devilmoon
Nidhi Jaiswal
"My heart is broken into pieces,
I wanna give piece of my broken hearts in the shape of a fist,
Because i read in books,
Heart shape is like a clenched fist."

"Every evening,
Going through those infamous streets,
I collected my heart pieces,
And i tried to give it the shape of clenched,
But i failed,
Every evening."

I cry on a deserted street in infamous streets,
It seems like it is raining without the weather,
Tears tear my broken heart pieces,
I want to add this,
But every evening remains in the grasp in fist,
And pieces of my heart get lost in infamous streets.
This poetry is based on the situation when we want to move on.
But we have no dare to do it,broken heart have no courage to add again.
Every evening when i sleep i lost in,This poetry is also based on my imagination.
Thanks for reading.
  Aug 2020 devilmoon
Nidhi Jaiswal
I know i 'm bad
but i want to be good one
and i will!

Than i'm not bad.
because i have desire to be good one
And good desires never think bad one
So i'm good.
No one is good or bad.
If a bad person thinks to be good one
Than he is good.
This is my opinion
Thanks for reading.
  Aug 2020 devilmoon
Nidhi Jaiswal
The cow is crying
In moaning tune
She cursing.

*Last few days
I was on a trip of village
When i was on the way
Lightning started flashing
Cloud thunder
The wind was so strong
Trees shaken up,
Hut started flying*

Our car stopped on the deserted road,
The sound started coming from the cloud,
You are not human, you have become crazy,
There were snowflakes in the raindrops,
Nature showing their havoc!
The spirit of revenge was taking the form of a spark,
Nature get disturbed by human work.

When i reached to village,
I saw an old cow crying,
There were clouds of sorrow on his face,
It seemed like she want's to asked question from everyone!

*I checked the goods
I found that cow shepherd did not let him eat
She was a pregnant cow
She went to graze in garden
The owner of the garden tortured him a lot
And she lost her child
Since then and crying.*

The spirit of revenge was taking the form of a spark,
Nature get disturbed by human work
"Nature showing their havoc"
This poetry is based on a true story,In today's time humanity get lost..due to this..Animals are tortured time to time,Rad data list is filled with extension of animals in today's time.we should control it.
The spirit of revenge was taking the form of a spark,
Nature get disturbed by human work
_**Nature showing their havoc!**_
Thanks for reading.
  Aug 2020 devilmoon
Nidhi Jaiswal
i feel
life is like a race
we are horse in face of humans.

but still,
horse have no self control,
humans have self control.
The winner is always horse.
This poetry is based on my opinion on today's time
We are humans but again we are part of this ride.
Everyone want's to reach at topmost position in today's time due to this they also do bad works.So the winner of ride is always horse.
Thanks for reading.
  Aug 2020 devilmoon
Nidhi Jaiswal

When you think deeply you feel that in this universe nothing is like praising.
"Kindness" is only the best verse of living organism,either it is plant ,animal,birds or etc.
Thanks for reading.
  Aug 2020 devilmoon
Nidhi Jaiswal
Due to force of gravity;
An apple fall down from tree;
And Newton's gave law of gravity.
In Today's time,
I feel situation like same.
Due to force of attraction;
Boy's falling behind girls;
And we gave the law of attraction.

This poem is for enjoyment...
I really felt like the situation so i write in like such manner
Thanks for reading.
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