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  Nov 2016 The Dedpoet
The light touches
of the wind,
caress the blush
in reddened cheeks.

Gentle fingers abscond
with the moisture
in hapless tears.

Teasing playfully,
the obstinacy
of wayward strands.

Inciting a smile
from a heavy heart,
lifting off the anvil
that carry all fears.
  Nov 2016 The Dedpoet
a sextillion tons of sea above me  
I am watchful sentinel, in the trench
Mariana--what strange creatures visit,
in this world without light  

day or night matters not, here,
where pressures are beyond measure
yet these beings glide by, more drifting
dreams than sluggish flesh  

my neighbors yet belch fire,
steam, and black cream from their bellies
as I did in my youth, but
I am now silent  

and though I have perfect recall
of all that has ever happened, I am crevice  
without the crease of time, and remember
not one sorrowful thing
*The “challenger deep” is the deepest point in the Mariana Trench , 6.8 miles below sea level. I wrote of it only a few days ago, but am drawn back to its depths.
  Nov 2016 The Dedpoet
You leaving makes me feel completely worthless
That no one can love me for who I am
No one can appreciate me
That its just my looks that guys want
  Nov 2016 The Dedpoet
I keep a smile on my face,
Not by myself but by the pace,
The speed of life.

I keep a smile with grace,
Not for herself but for a brace,
The support of life.

She was my dearest fave,
Not by heart but for the pave,
The road of life.

She was mine with awe,
Not for permanence I now know,
The dream of life.

Hoping she accompanies me to my grave,
Not foolish because I'd made her my all,
That searching happiness of my life.

I am surely a fool,
Not that I am dumb,
But I am just a fool.

Gave her all the weapons,
Gave her all the strength,
For killing me, *in the end.
HP Poem #1246
©Atul Kaushal
Give me the swing vote
bring out your dead.

I note with alarm
a severe lack of charm and
charisma has taken a back seat

but someone'll win
someone'll get beat
someone will sit on the
number one seat

I'm having breakfast and it
don't bother me.
The Dedpoet Nov 2016
Autumn comes when my sadness
Arrived like a cold blanket
Of leaves,
The fleeting sun with short days
And rainy sessions of music
Too melancholic to feel
Any ray of sunshine.....

But I like my pain,
It holds firm to memories
That tie it all together,
The glow of a quarter moon
On my drowning lips speaking
The way I used to hold you,
The way you wore me like
A robe folding every curve
Around me:
How much the depths of my soul
Want to see you in a certain
Light, passing me even as air,
The pain with final skies
Which calls for anguish in a flowering
Darkness leaving me
Nostalgic and scattered,
I like my pain,
That is how I know it was real.
  Nov 2016 The Dedpoet
The Ripper
VVe vvrite words
to fill in the emptiness
as if they vvere concrete patches
for neglected sidevvalks
that nobody vvalks on
Carry on
D A R K  poets
Toss that alphabet
tovvards my shovel
let me bury it
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