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 Dec 2014 Rose
i can't catch my breath when i'm away from you and my mind keeps going back to your lips, i can't think straight. i wonder if you can't sleep at night and i wonder what it's like to be next to you every moment of the day. maybe i'm nervous about leaving for school in a few months and i know i get choked up but i can't stop thinking about the "stay" and the "please don't leave me" but what's going to happen when i'm hours away? i'm terrified of goodbyes. the first time i saw you i knew i'd love you forever and i knew it'd hurt. i knew you'd wait for me to let you know i arrived home safely and i knew you'd care. i get hung up on the moments you trace my knee cap and the moments when you leave traces of kisses around my neck. sometimes i wonder why you're looking at me and my hair on the back of my neck stands up when you do. your voice against my hair makes me feel safe and i can't stand knowing i have to leave this place soon. but here i am back to wondering why the ******* fell for me in the first place. the hair on the back of my neck is still standing and a trail of goosebumps goes down my spine.
 Dec 2014 Rose
Liz And Lilacs
If I asked,

Would you pretend to love me, truly?
I'll smile,
  I'm okay...
Better than the
First in my series of lies.
Click #mylittlelies for the opener and click #mytruths for the previous series.
 Dec 2014 Rose
He spits onto my face,
And I wonder why
I'm still alive.
He shoves me against the wall,
hands at my throat,
And I remember that
death isn't enough
of a punishment for me.
"... is living."
 Dec 2014 Rose
Something triggered me
I can't for the death of me tell you what
But I'm spiraling now
What the **** **** ****
Get out out out of me
I can't breathe help help help
I'm having an anxiety attack attack attack

please please please
 Nov 2014 Rose
Amitav Radiance
Writing poetry is a Zen moment
Emptying yourself of words
Concentrating on the bank pages
Cleansing the soul as words flow
Spiritually making you aware
To be a worthy listener
Empty coffers can hold more feelings
And poetry shall flow eternally
It's not you
    I promise
What I say is true
      He never deserved

     It's not your fault
           I know for a fact
      Trust me
             You are better
          Than a boy like that

It's for the best
    Believe me
          He'll do it to the next girl
       And the next
            And next
      You'll find your one
          In this world

        It's time to breathe
             Have faith in what
          I'm saying to you
      This might just be
          But I was cheated on too

It's time to believe
      You're worth more than
   You can see
           No more tears, please
      He's not worth your pain
             You're gorgeous
       And you're NOT to blame

     It's for the best,
              It's not you
    Just Breathe.
          Believe me,
  Cause I've made it through.
         I know,
      What I say is true.
         **I was cheated on too.
I'm here for you.
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