like swirling colors, we begin at a party.
at a school
in a town
and a time on earth with the people and the streets and the trees.
like swirling oil of holy alignment. we begin
as a glob (or embryo)
tiny little me/you/each
(organic ******).
as children, involved and wearing warm hats,
we wait
on furniture.
the home stretch is free
unto college,
unto seasons, moss or mold, to bud new spells.
boy dunked in the river/
transformed into horror.
(summer slash winter)
little brother,
little baby orb of water / air / mountain(s).
my son becomes a stoner.
he puts a giant-squid on his head
& dances the cha-cha.
star ghoul &
star-calc, skull of light/
bits of she beaming through and known only as the sky at night.
in goatsblood.
& the mathematic sacraments of babylon.
meat and feast on forests of tall city steel beasts in beams; towers;
with the blood of men to raise them;
(the consumed one)
swallowing dreams and family force nutrients for more and more and
more; as said to sustain.
for life is to devour.
previously published in Deluge Mag. by Radioactive Moat Press