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Tears fall like rain
scarring skin
as my heart breaks in two.

Who am I?

Swirling in a maelstrom, deepest black
as bruises form unseen.
Hands tremble like leaves
reaching for purchase
grasping for the last vestige of light.

All are beyond me now
Touch, a distant memory.
Sympathy tilts in time
with broken clocks
as impatience looms large
on my souls horizon.

Blood drips its crimson path
tainting all and maiming none
as temptation laughs her last
at my broken shell.

This night, too long to sing of
will not be my last.
 Jan 2019
a blue whale's

eye sloughs ocean


as the limitless rain

that skied it open.
 Jan 2019
The old wives
from the mountains
used to tale us  ;)
that if you tell a lie
when it’s lightning
you’ll wake up
at midnight
spitting blood
which makes me
think I must’ve been
talking in my sleep
last night when
the storm blew through
loud enough to
shake the house
and wake the dead
so I woke up to
smoke a cigarette
and let my dog go
outside to take a ****
when I saw a rose
pretty as you please
there on my pillow
I swear, I think I dreamed
that I was the President. ;)
In the parks cold outdoor winter cafe
Huddled to my cardboard cup
Of hot Americano coffee
I sit and just watch

The dogs bark
The people walk
The joggers jog, grim faced
And a man skis, on wheels

The wind blows through the trees
Void of leaves
With the views of castle and city
Grey and sleeping

A squirrel
Sifts through the blanket of leaves
Watched by the lone Magpie
I salute him

I take another sip
 Jan 2019
Star BG
I want to go back to the time
where cell phones existed not,
and communication was more personal.

Where TV was radio
and eyes with mind collaborated for imagination
as ears reveled in sound.

I want to go back to a time
where people would be on street holding hands instead of phones. And individuals looked at one another to see each others expressions instead of impersonal texting.

I want to go back
where there was no internet to steal ones time on a Face Book site that takes your information and tries to promote fake friendships.

I want to go back yes back
to a time where I could meet a poet for lunch
instead of only on a site that keeps one at distance.

Time waits for no one and so progress
for the sake of disconnect continues.

Until robots replace our reality.
This poem is so so much NOT like what I write. Its just tonight I found myself disconnecting from everything. I turned off my cell phone, don't have a TV so didn't have to do anything with one  and am just chilling with myself
as I feel distant from most of who I know. (my decision)
I think everyone should sometimes step back to do a re-set
 Jan 2019
you rode

this meridian

hard enough...

to flash-freeze


wordless and masterless.

multi-colored snow~
 Jan 2019
There's a snow shovel
On my porch
Under a light
As bright as a torch
A place for gathering falling stars
Unfortunately snow
Is all we are
Frozen here for just one kiss
Waiting to melt
In eternal bliss
Yes it's winter
My heart is blue
I need summer
Just like you!

Traveler Tim
 Jan 2019
Sally A Bayan
I am a foreign body, floating on the moon's surface,
suit-protected.....winds are blowing without cease.
high and low i go, over its dark craters
strange, not seeing fog or mist in the atmosphere.

the cold quiet leaves me in awe
soundless, as the moon that glows
'pon which i raise my eyes to,  from below
i sense a mix of joy and fear....i don't know

this boundless heaven has me conquered
the moon, and its open-ended
...if it's possible....i have often wondered
who knows, somebody must've dared, or tried,
i believe those wise words most often uttered: man is an island...

from the moon's surface, i could picture
bright events to come in a few days...i'm sure
fires of red, blue and green would soon be bursting
to light the world...when the new year comes marching

there's this go home, to my earth  
where God meant me to be, the planet of my birth
to celebrate life...the present, the future, even the past show, to speak my matter what...

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
December 29, 2018

(a work of fiction)
May we all have the happiest and most
              prosperous new year!
              PEACE TO EVERYONE, MY LOVE TO ALL!!! <3 <3<3
 Jan 2019
I bury this year's stillborn dreams
in the soil of despair, before the
new year begins with colorful
explosions embroidered in the sky.
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