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 Jan 2019
David Lessard
January skies are clear and cold
they hold no hint of spring -
the sun provides no warmth
of what the future brings.

The snow comes without warning
soft and white and silent -
it's lovely to behold
fluffy, wet and pliant.

January skies are pale in color
the blue is often missing -
the night is swift in coming
more daylight now I'm wishing.

The winter seems to drag its heels
it stays around too long -
I'm longing for the green again
and the start of April's song.

January skies are somber
dismal, gray, depressing -
it comes and will not leave
its end is beyond guessing.
 Jan 2019
HTR Stevens
Under the Christmas tree
Are toys for you and me:
First we have our personal phones;
Now, we can each have our own drones…
They fly high – they fly low –
Hovering to and fro.
Like eerie will-o’-the-wisp they fly…
Appearing like dust specks in the sky…
They fly high…they fly low…
We can’t see where they go…
Suddenly here! Silently there!
Like ghosts, they show up everywhere!
Like aliens, out of a nightmare –
Disappearing, ev’n as we stare…
Under the Christmas tree
Are drones for you and me…
It is easier
To put-out the light
From our own inner-flame,
Than it is
To put light
Into someone's inner-darkness,
When they have no morals,
Remorse or shame.

~ Shutting off.

By Lady R.F. (C)2019
 Jan 2019
Sally A Bayan
It had been days and nights of rain,
sun shone this morning, and gave
sparkle and luster to tiny drops
on leaves of the Norfolk pine.
shafts of rays revealed
crystals and diamonds
upon layers of green.
what lovely gems,
the sun creates.


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
December 31, 2018
 Jan 2019
Sitting at a window
seat on a train

looking outside
feeling kind of nostalgic

watching my life
pass by together
with the landscape.
 Jan 2019
Danced down
To the merry-go-round
Horses whirled up & down
Spun in circles around
Lifted off the ground
Then gently back down
Lights of many tints
Blended delightfully with
Sugary songs that sounded
Of Childhood memories
And tasted of cotton candy
Kisses on the carousel ride
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