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 Jun 2014
Mike Valdez
I am lost
in this abyss
you have created
in my heart.
A hole that
only you can mend;
that can only be illuminated
with your smile.

I have put so much of myself in you
that after you left me,
it feels like
I don't know myself anymore.
 Jun 2014
Cadence Musick
your father got drunk at your graduation
and i wanted to keep holding your hand.
you in your blue robes,
a white star in the sea,
your heart so palpable
like an artist's dreams.
your step-father pretended he cared,
but muttered under his breath during the procession
and i wanted to keep holding your hand.
i wished my fingers would grow like vines around your
so you'd know i'd be there all along.
the ground may feel broken and your successes
made into background noise,
but you're my white owl
who carries all that is unseen
in your forest-touched eyes
and i believe that our hands,
as long as they're stuck together,
will give you the wings
to leave the rubble behind.
 Jun 2014
Jonine Garcia
you call me beautiful,

as if it was my name

your eyes smile as if 

that word defines me.

as if every time your

eyes will meet mine — 

I am the epitome of beauty.

I only knew you a short time, 

but you were the first person 

who ever placated the voices

inside my head, screaming

how imperfect i am.

I never wanted to believe

but for the first time

this word has an effect

to beat them down.

Your hold onto my head,

the smile on your face,

the perfection of the way

how you look at me

and how the word ‘beautiful’

fall over your lips 
into my ears 
are just so perfect.

I want them.
 I want them to stay
this is how you call me made me feel
 Jun 2014
If I were naked
it would be different
flaunting my body
being naughty
a being
only physical
people would see me
and drop to their knees
just because I am beautiful
let me capture your eyes
but not your love
for I am only physical

I am mental
a dreamer inside a dream
the hero to the story
a beauty when the outside is boring
the subtle collapse of darkness
tears when the rain is pouring
killer stalking your heels
a sunburst laughing
the one who catches you
faceless I hold you
caressing your hand
I am the love
your light
the one who matters
when the world goes blind.
 May 2014
Andrew Durst
I watched my father kneel down on one knee over his parent's graves today.
      The stillness of the air
     was far greater than the few little
words that could have been spoken.
After a moment, he rose with a sigh,
wiping away several tears before
they could even leave his eyelashes.
     It was the first time I ever realized,
that one day,
  I too would be kneeling
over my parents,
devastated and speechless,
      leaving generations behind me
      with nothing more than
                   a faint
Been a while since I've cried, it was strange to me.
 May 2014
Unrequited Love
I'm not that girl who always fits in,
the girl who always seems to belong.

I'm not that girl who people look up too,
the girl that everyone loves.                

I'm not that girl who is pretty,
the girl who got all the luck.

I'm not that girl who boys want to date,
The girl with so much charm.

I'm not that girl and I never will be...
I'm just some girl that wants to be THAT girl
 May 2014
Forgotten Heart
you hurt me
with your eyes
you hurt me
with your words
you hurt me
with your style
you hurt me
with your absence
you hurt me
every time
i am so glad
you once thought
thanks to you
 May 2014
Tears, anger, sadness,
they just want to
Hey lovely reader!
 May 2014
I am being  
b r      o     k   e n  
Hello loves!
 May 2014
Mary R Short
Only in darkness
Is it possible to see
Light at tunnel's end
Leave the lights off for me ;-)
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