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 Mar 2014
wolf mother
carve it out with a melon-baller
take me down to the river's edge and drown me in my own blood and spit

i don't need a **** heart
 Mar 2014
Reflections of self in others
Painfully, reality slaps
Realization of needed change
More patience, more patience,
The residue of stinging words remains
Making it hard to breathe
There is no escaping self-induced consequences
copyright©PrttyBrd 12/06/2010
 Mar 2014
Right or wrong
Yes or no
Black or white
All or nothing
Drowining in darker
Shades of gray
 Mar 2014
Bludgeoned and bleeding,
     my heart caved in
You chewed up
     the bits and pieces
And fed them back to me
     in the sweetest kiss
 Mar 2014
when your heart is heavy
and your mind is blank
and the words just will not come
sadness is too strong a term
for the emptiness that drowns you
thankful for the distance in between
for the moments in silence
without harshness
without the verbal daggers
gaping wounds begin to scab
grated off with the next conversation
each exchange naught but a reminder
of a past that held a different future
 Mar 2014
The faded dreams roll in with the darkness

Like a whisper in the night

Transported to another time, another you

Surrounded by those who used to love you

By those you will always love

Heartbreak and odium upon awakening

Lost in the midst of then and now

Knowing what was meant to be is

Mourning all that wasn't

Preoccupied with the past, days seem heavy

Ridiculous waste of resources

Yet, it ebbs and flows like the tides

Creeping in, unwanted and unwelcome

Thankful always for innocent mistakes

Grateful that no one can read your mind

Missing bits of who you were

While trying to love who you grew into
 Mar 2014
Sam Temple
I sit holding my aching head in calloused hands
experiencing ‘forlorn’
a worn soul aged beyond the calendar
dreary eyes look upon the state of humanity
irradiated babies trading rabies with deviants
live on pay per view
seeing the shape of famous faces
manipulated flesh blankly posed
only desperate oculars show the truth
darting frantically form mirror to mirror
attempting to validate existence through reflection
but not like the monks in Tibet
regret fills bent cheekbones
spackled with Botox and raspberry jam
thinning peak aligns with the occasional grey strand
and I sit wishing only to see people love themselves
There's a thorn in my finger
I pull and watch the black pour out
Watch as anger takes me into stone
I stop
Frozen in place
Filled with a dark heart
I spring back to life
Leaping at the enemies that put knives into me
But as soon as I walk away
The feelings fade
No knives
No ******
Just me
Alone with a dark heart
Alone with black blood
A monster inside
A passion of mine
Escape is no option
Can't run
But I'll hide
 Mar 2014
It's in the blood and taking over, this feeling undefined.  Moving through veins like lightning.  Taking sanity in burning bits and pieces. Trading hope for function.  Stagnant and murky still seeking the sun.  Time stands still as it rushes passed.  The view eternally slightly askew seeing through those eyes.  Tainted and etched with salted tears.

Broken down and cracked
There's no shelter to be had
Time and space collide

Nothing left.  No hiding places.  Exposed to the universe, alone just the same.  Shoulders soaked through and soggy, gone to dry in the sun.  Far away, the sun shines brightly for them.  For those who think they are whole.  For those who feel the fire, yet are not burned.

Sulfur in the air
A storm of brimstone ensues
Hell is found on Earth

Feared by all. Belonging to no one.  Falling to the depths in isolation.  Longing to be enveloped without fear.  To feel warmth without heat.  To be wooed without woe.  To be naked, exposed, and free, no longer tethered by a past that was never meant to be.  Scars should fade but are still found bleeding.  The heart lies bare in exsanguination. The soul struggles to clutch the tiniest speck of heaven.

**Like a broken wing
Mended hearts may not fly, but
Love can make it soar
 Mar 2014
Tonight we lie alone in wait
Thoughts slowly gaining speed
Solitude breeds demons like rabbits
As blood boils to black
copyright©PrttyBrd 23/01/2014
 Mar 2014
Distance looms
In close proximity
A thousand miles away
Close enough to touch
Together alone
Alone Together
No words
Silence is deafening
A smile and a nod
Polite discomfort
Alone together
Together alone
 Mar 2014
Vacuum-sealed in cloudy plastic
Suffocating by design
No claws to tear through
No blades to slice
The coldness of the air seeps through
But no breath can be taken
Peek-a-boo I see you
Creepy clouded faces stare
Known yet quite veiled in circumstance
The harder the struggle
The weaker the fight
Light fades as breath strains
Wishing for pinholes
 Feb 2014
JK Cabresos
                                                                ­  too

                                ­                being
                                                                ­                  loved
                                                                ­                     not.
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