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 Feb 2014
JK Cabresos
The world is sleeping with gun
under its pillow.
Dreaming of fantasies
to shade its broken windows.
People against people,
souls against souls.

The world is sleeping in terror
beneath the moonlit night.
'Tis the coldest war of the year;
raining tears from the skies.
Yet every cloud has a silver lining;
tomorrow is never been frozen.
All Rights Reserved © 2014
 Feb 2014
JK Cabresos
I write through the words I could not speak,
for every teardrop, lying on her lonely lips;
she is my sunset before night comes awake,
she is my poetry, in my dreams, when I sleep.

I write on the silence embraced by the night,
for every hope, foresee but strength to move;
I cast myself away from the shadows of life,
she is my poetry, in my eyes, when I love.

I write those heartaches she tried to seclude,
for every doubt, which ever maimed her feet;
she is a one perfect love story to be told,
she is my poetry, in my grave, on my death.
Copyright © 2012
 Feb 2014
JK Cabresos
We were young,
sitting on a couch,
playing legos and super powers,
faces with chocolates,
yes, those smiles melted my heart,
and I have no idea
I would love you since then.

We were lying on the rooftop,
watching the glimmers of the stars,
how they passed by
and fell from the skies,
I looked at you
while you were talking,
yes, those smiles melted my heart,
and you don't know
that just like those stars
in the moonlit night,
I have already fallen for you.

We were lost in the middle
like bottles in the ocean,
I sought you in every corner
of the streets
and found you crying
in your room,
you hid your face with pillow
and I was standing there crying too.

You never noticed me,
he broke your heart
for a thousand times,
and I was just your crying shoulder ---
just a crying shoulder.

After years of pretending,
I decided to tell you the truth.
I can't smile
without you in my life,
for I was drawn to loving you
with no love at all in return.

Yet you told me
you have loved me
even from the beginning
of our love story,
when we were young,
sitting on a couch,
playing legos and super powers,
faces with chocolates,
yes, my smiles melted your heart,
and you have no idea
you would love me too.

You caught me
looking on your eyes
while you were talking
about the future,
and like those stars
you have already fallen for me too.
And you only hid your face
that day,
for you couldn't take me
crying out of your pain.

We were supposed to be forever,
we were supposed
to surpass eternity,
but I was just mistaken
by my bewildered fantasies ---
I failed you dear.

I have been fighting this sickness
and I have never given up,
it's just that ---
I love you
and I hate myself
when I see your tears
falling on your sleeve.

I wrote this poem
for you to remember me ---
the memories we shared,
and when you read this
maybe that time I'm already gone.
I love you until my last breath,
I'm sorry but I have to leave ---
I'm sorry.
All Rights Reserved © 2014
 Feb 2014
JK Cabresos
I wish I could be your prince,
the one who could ride with you
on a white horse,
and I would always whisper
on your ear
my sweetest 'I love you'.

I wish we could be something more,
that one day you'll knock
at my door,
and tell me
you love me too.

I wish one day
you'll open your eyes,
and see what's right
in front of you
so you'll realize how much
you really mean to me.

I don't know but I keep falling,
I don't know what's wrong
with this heart of mine,
all I know is that I keep
on falling,
falling deeper and deeper
in love with you.

You are all I've ever wanted
and there are words
in my tongue
that are left unsaid,
I've been waiting here
all along,
for a long time,
yet I'm afraid
you'll only leave me behind.

And every night I keep
on praying, wishing
that one day,
in a perfect moment,
we'll have our own happy ending.
All Rights Reserved © 2014
 Jan 2014
Darkness shades the soul
Permeating sparse moonbeams
Glint of black glitter
copyright©PrttyBrd 27/01/2014
 Jan 2014
Sacrificial pawns
An evil necessity
in checking her king
copyright©PrttyBrd 27/01/2014
 Jan 2014
JK Cabresos
I am water,
the good
and the evil,
defended by foes;
abhorred by friends.

In the nightfall,
I am but water
with harrowing tears.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Nov 2013
JK Cabresos
All I remember
is remembering it hurt,
memories are haunting me now
and reality altered into doubts.
The pale moonlit night
is full of futile tears,
crying for the hands
that once held me.

The hurricane in my heart
is crashing down all my senses
and changing those
that was in greater good
into countless worsts.
It is inevitable,
and killing me within,
and I was left nowhere
cursing the wind.

Every bridge I built
was already burned;
the particular journey
of this avowed love
is now over.
And all I remember
is remembering it hurt.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Aug 2013
JK Cabresos
You are a dream
I could have for a thousand sleeps,
A wonderful dream
in a moonlit night of loneliness,
Of winding roads
where our hearts may never be lost,
Of silhoutted horizon
where our love is unnoticed by most,
Of soaring mountains
where there are no impediments,
Of azure skies
where broken vows are ours to mend,
Of shallow rivers
where our memories may never sink,
Of hourless forest
where a never ending story do exist;
Yet you are only a dream
I could have for a thousand sleeps
A wonderful dream
in a moonlit night of loneliness.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Jun 2013
JK Cabresos
Wake me up when I'm older,
for I can't fight any longer.
Wake me up when it's colder,
for I can't be any clever.

Wake me up! Just wake me up
when the world learns to smile,
when people lower their pride,
when eyes of men will see truth,
when peace will never be loathed,
when war of egos will be stopped,
just don't forget to wake me up.

Wake me up when I'm older,
for I can be any clever.
Wake me up when it's colder,
for I can fight any longer.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Jun 2013
JK Cabresos
In fragmented mirrors
where I used to see myself with you,
and now you become
my own reflection.
Tears can't bring us back,
and those sweetest talks
are only drowned
into memories, I nod.

In every corner of the streets
where we used to walk together
holding hands.
The spaces between my fingers
are where yours fit so perfectly
but now you're gone.

I still see your ghost
which frightens me to move forward,
I might stumble.
And it holds my tongue to say
that I've already forgotten you,
I might mumble.

When I'm with someone else,
it only reminds me of you.
Even when I close my eyes,
I could still see your ghost.
And the worst
is that I still want you to be mine,
but you said
you're already moving on.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 May 2013
JK Cabresos
I’m a wanderer, the good and the evil;
Blessed to see their tears as I left home,
Tonight, under this waning of the moon:
I’m lost in the woods, and this is my will.

These dreams could take me to the Altair,
This is a journey; I trust everything to God.
Farewell, often is love I once succumbed,
Love that no roads can diverge and impair.

I have my reasons; this is just a beginning!
They cried a river, but it can’t bring me home.
I’m a wanderer, lonesome from skin to bone
For I can’t escape from my regret filled coffin.
All Rights Reserved © 2013

 May 2013
JK Cabresos
I just want to share my old works. If you like to read one, please just copy the link and paste it on the new tab. Thank you so much. :)

1.) *
"True Love "

2.) "The Wake Up Call"

3.) "Memories"

4.) "A Lover's Promise"

5.) "Give Me Some Scents"

6.) "Subject: I Love You"

7.) "I Asked Poetry Again"

*~Will you please tell me which is the best?~
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