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 Nov 2018
Theia Gwen
She reads
                                          And she sleeps
                                                      Way too much
                                                            ­           It's her coping defence
                                                                ­               When nothing else will suffice
                                                         ­               She needs to get away
                                                       Without actually leaving
                                             Because she's too scared
                                   And too tired
                                            To leave her bed
                                                      So she cracks open a book
                                                            ­     To escape somewhere far away
                                                            ­             And she'll sob for the characters
                                                      ­                       Whose brokenness resembles hers
                                                            ­                                   And then she'll sleep
                                                           ­                                   And have sweet dreams
                                                          ­              Of realities that are not her own
                                                       Because pretending is so much easier
                                                 Than facing reality
                             So she'll sleep and dream
          And secretly wish she won't wake up
So she can finally escape
 Nov 2018
Joseph D
What a sight to see
Your perfection shining through my flaws
A reflection so pure the universe comes to a stop
Pauses in applause
She declaws the frightened dog that learned to act one with the wolves
It pulls me
Yet pushes me greater
For my soul it is the knower of all
The wisest translator
The pen
And paper
 Nov 2018
Gary Quigley
You are my morning sun, that warms my heart.
And the cool breeze that carries your scent to me
when you walk in the room.
And the moon at its fullest can never be more beautiful than you.
When I look in your eyes I see our future in your heart,
I see the love and tenderness you show me.
And with each kiss the passion rises to an uncontrollable level.
I am forever yours.
 Nov 2018
I'm trembling, but who's to blame:
the dealer
the drug?
And, at this point, what's the difference?
I like the way the dealer warms me up, but I like the way the drug cools me down. I like the way they both make me crazy, but I love how they keep me sane. I love the way they whisper everything, but at night, they scream my name. I like the way the drug kisses my insides, and the dealer covers my skin. I love the way the drug feels like a virtue, and the dealer is nothing more than a sin.
I like the way this addiction is going, but I hate it all the same.
I wouldn't mind the dealer, if he wasn't the same place from which the drug came.
love poem
 Nov 2018
Mylissa Lopez
So honest and so true
Just know I am here for you
Forever in my heart
An amazing friendship from that start
Trials and tribulations all set aside
Please don’t be afraid to be you
Please don’t hide
Our friendship is one to never end
I love you because you’re my best friend
You keep me happy you keep me high
Ur the only one that helps me gets by
Don’t ever let this go again
I never want to lose you my great friend
 Nov 2018
Marie Poindexter
It's a skill that one must practice
A tool to wield with grace
It's a path paved for the cunning
Hidden by a pretty face

- You must learn to keep it simple
Don't add threads to growing web Don't pile on more fabrications
But add truth with it instead

- You must learn the ways of patience
Step back and let it build
Whisper words of sweet seduction  
Until agenda is fulfilled

- See,  ways of manipulation
Are obscure and gently made
Yet once you start you must dance on
In a lifelong masquerade
 Nov 2018
Lauren J
Because I have had nothing, I am generous.
Because I have been mistreated, I am kind.
Because I have been lied to, I am honest.
Because I have been foolish, I am wise.
Because I have been hurt, I am happy.
Because I have made mistakes, I have succeeded.

Because I have endured, I am strong. ♥
Just a thought lately, hardship only defines character. -L
 Nov 2018
Flyaway Spark
How do I put it
I'm so annoyed with people
It's hard to explain.
 Nov 2018
Two words
Stuck in one person
You can call her a mason
Feelings as strong
As brick and stone

This is a poem
For the one with
A heart like stone

Numb as she is
But not dumb
For this time she knows
How life flows

She maybe cold at first
But there will always be
Someone with a torch
Who’ll light her up
And make her smile
Get that happiness
She hides inside
Made for Prevy
For you, yeah I’ve heard it all and made mistakes
Chased my days with Novocaine
Oh, I wonder, are we a work of art
I know we’ll **** at making plans
In the end you’ll understand
(For you)
(For you) shhh...
 Nov 2018
Kirsten Claire
He is a warrior
And I am glad to fight
The battles of life at his side
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