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 Jul 2015
Sam Stone Grenier
My street's
on the corner

I tried so hard
to warn her
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
This goes for all
And anyone,
Before calling one a troll
Get physical evidence first
Because paranoid thinking and backbiting
Doesn't do anyone any good
Get facts .....
Stop being paranoid
And stop trying to point the finger
Only pointing back at you...
This goes for all
Not one person..
As so many sit behind like cowards behind a computer screen
And call one out to be trolls
Outta what? Assumption? Thy own misery? No physical proof?
Lol wake up... No physical proof is like the judges in America who put people in death row outta assumption and wanting a conviction with no blood evidence. Then the quote killer gets released because he didint ****** fifty years later so sad Makes none sense to me lol lets stop the hatred of this place and start loving another.  The end

Ps- don't hate noone love all being's but when others get crucifixed by the dozen. Then people need to speak up!!!! As Bob Marley said that best.. Get up stand up.. Stand up for your rights? Get up stand up and don't give up the fight... We can't back down that is coward way.we must forgive and love and forget others pains they strike us with! But never back down..  As the world does from fear.. It's like all when the Nazis killed jewish innocents back in the old day, and the German innocent people that weren't Nazis sat by and watched this nonsense... We gotta stand up for another when we see hatred!!!! Spread peace til others get sick!!!

As mine friend Gary L on here has facts who some of the trolls are . he's done research lol unlike me.. But good to have physical facts from our own internet... Lol

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
This soul's release;
From this purgatory called earth...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
Lights are entities that guides us
Through the hardest
Through the blackest nights
Through the darkness abyss

Rupturing every enmity
Emmiting hope rendering malevolence
Stagnant beliefs alive in flames of miracles
Sparks of faith burnt in hays of hollows
Igniting the ones who lost hope
Believing again,
Living life to the fullest

**Souls returned to their nests,
Finally home.
Believe in hope.
Lights will guide you home.
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Whilst the hate-bringer's, shalt smack mine countenance
I shalt loveth in extraterrestrial manners, never to quit;
And whilst other's shalt scourge me, I'll giveth them mine love
Lending out a hand even whilst being whipped, as I giveth a hug.

And whilst they nail me, and pound the iron in mine bones
I shalt looketh up to mine god,ready to get on back to mine home;
And whilst mine spirit leaveth me, I yelleth out to mine God
Father forgiveth them, they knoweth not what they've done.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
I seeith
  A light
      Up ahead
          In the tunnel
               I thinkest,
                 I'm dead........

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
DaSH the Hopeful
Ripping out pages and crumpling paper
Lately I can't just express without saying
Something too raw pulling **** out the closet
Leave grown women sobbing this **** is bizzare just
Bare with me I'm sorry my life is revolving
I'm falling in hallways get faded to jot this
Can't bring you up every girl I'm involved with
Hates you to death, because I share my heart with
You and you only
Only you see my side
We've loved and we've lied and we've cuddled and cried
We built up our pride
We've drank and gotten high
But every sober moment
Protected my mind
You rejected my kind gestures and efforts in time
made me realize I played the Jester
Just to get by
Wonder why did I lose love?
Well at least I did try
Stealing you rings just to make you all mine
Still remember your size
Those seven point fives that you'd take off at night
I know you lost a couple shouldn't come as a surprise
We both lost it all even who we both are
These emotional scars make what we had hard to find
I'm just stuck in the car strapped along for the ride
I tapped in to the side of me that's still too in love
I know its too much and you don't want to rush, but

Me and you were playing house
Start thinking that I'm losing touch
Falling asleep together on Mare's couch
Maybe I should loosen up
When I leave you and I go home
I start forgetting what it is
Gotta keep in mind our two beautiful kids
I mean that's *reason enough to ******* live

Why are we wasting our relationship on other relationships?*
You know how sticky these situations get
You go up higher than me some days
You know what I think we could be some day
But you already know my side of things, man
 Jul 2015
Jake muler
Enjoy stiffness, as stiff is broad
 Jul 2015
Jake muler
My room today such a fatal mess, try my hardest and clean the best
 Jul 2015
Tommy Jackson
Steps steep of swindler's confession
A monstrous sleep that Pike's definition
Chard broil eggs on a winter of sleep
 Jul 2015
the most intimate ive been
with anyone
in a long time
has been with my own hemorroid.
 Jul 2015
Tommy Jackson
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

This is a Robert Frost poem I forgot to have put this down
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