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 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
I put up a flag above mine abode
To let all others knoweth I was a different soul
The flag read freak
Freak flag.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Inspired by Shanna Stojakovich
This one inspired by Shanna Stojakovich..... Thanks misses lolll
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
This is just a quick note to hellopoetry site:

Don't know if anyone else noticed this on this site but as for me certain peoples notifications aren't popping up on me page... Though when I look at poem by itself I can see the person liked it yet I'm not seeing it in notification.. Also I noticed when I type peoples name in the search box it won't even show some of them in search box to even find! Though when I see them on one of the poems they liked of mine and click on their picture it takes me to their page?? Mmm something strange going on with this site??.and its shut down four times Maby more last four days .??? Hmm weirdly strange to me h.p weirdly strange lol... Oh and last thing I have to keep hitting the follow button for people for some reason this site keeps making us all hit follow on same people as I've had to do and someone else brought to me why did she have to hit follow on me. When she thought she was following me? Yeah lol

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Instead of this site's name to be
It shouldst be,

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This site has been down like four times in the past four days. I'm getting more used to the error 500 signal on this broken page sadly lol
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Midnight lonesomeness, hath becometh mine best friend
Midnight lonesomeness, verily I telleth thee shalt be mine end....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
I noticed later at night I seem to get more lonesome... Due to fact I miss cuddling kissing and hugging and cherishing one...  even a late phone call. But none. Oh well. You get used to this sadly lol. Guess that's why I'm a ( hopeless romantic) starting to lose hope now sadly.
 Jul 2015
Jake muler
Dashcams caught me again
Car ticket with full money spent
This bites.
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Agrestial highway's, an agora of light's
Mine carrion shalt release its brawn,
Pushing the deceiver's and devils aside
I shalt awaken to the new dawn,
With Thorn's on mine head, dispensing mine own shine
The moon to guideth mine steps, the sun to glass mine eye's,
Às at the end of this deathly hole
I'll meeteth mine own cherub who awaiteth me, a cherub of flight

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
The irony of mankind,
They maketh technology to better their lives
And yet,
Their technology
Is ruining their lives....
The irony...
As tis they couldst use that wired technology for healing
They use it for bombing and killing..
As tis they couldst use it for connecting
The fact is
They've all gone unconnected!!!!!!
Hiding behind some screen,
Forgetting what an old fashioned phone call is.....
Connection, man thought this technological advance wouldst do.
Disconnection is what is hast really brought them......

The irony.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
My heart is a warm bed of Earth and all you ever do is to dig everything out of it.
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
As tis I've noticed in this new dawning age, men and women used to know what the real meaning of love was. Men used to open doors for their women, men would take care of all of their women's needs, and treat her as a queen, as if you notice hardly any men no more call their women Queen's anymore. They've put them on magazines to be eyed down by perverted men, the media and newscast makes it as if ( normalcy) to lust. To put a false reality in man's head. To make young BOYS and men alike think " gee, these women ( actuality being Queens) are nothing more than a ****** object, nothing more good to life than to be a ****** object, material, and slave to man's wants and devlish desires... As verily, I tell you, Satan is behind the magic screen, in spiritual realm, and on our own hellish planet. As my god of Christ taught which BTW don't care what you feel of mine own beliefs. The scripture sais (Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.).. 1st Peter chap 5 verse truth is Satan walks around seeking who he may devour.. He's a master schemist and artist at falsehood. As man is following the way of him.. Man since a young age has been taught the woman is a slave. A *** object. A material, which sickens me to see men these days all around this earth call women their ( *****, *****, ***, ****, ****, the list can go on....... As I don't like to *** whatsoever I don't believe in cussing, just because I don't *** doesn't mean I'm better than those of you who do BTW. Just my god taught for one to bridle our tounge, meaning ( hold it back,) and to watch how we speak. Because how we say things is an example of who we are and what be believe.... As I said I'm not better than any of you as some may think that I think that I am better... I'm a sinner Im no saint I'm just giving you truth ones may not seek to hear or listen to... We are suppose to speak holy in a way at least not in that manner... And for a man to call a queen ( **** or *****) he has lost sight, a woman was put here to be loved, cherished and treated as a queen, a jewel, a gem. A treasure!! if you would go out in the desert and look for gold . wouldn't you treasure that treasure? Wouldn't you respect it? As you would yourself? If you even have respect for you? If you do not respect yourself I pray you will see your own beauty friend, as god doesnt want us like that, and wants us to cherish our queens and loves... And it isn't just men, fact is women to do same to men, call their men ( *******, so on) can't you see? We are here to cherish, comfort, and love another beings,  many ask the ??? Who believe and don't believe in God... What is your purpose eh? For one your purpose is to love. That's the fulfilling of gods law. Whether you believe in him or not we are put here to love cherish and forgive another and comfort another. As I say always. Without forgiveness there is NO love, and without love there is No forgiveness.... You must have both. As do I notice daily so much hatred for your fellow man, and even pets/and animals around the world, you **** another, and hurt, and hold onto grudges against another.   Don't you see??? God taught us to forgive. You wanna know why forgive?? Because when you hold onto those grudges of past pain's and anger against another... It hurts you more than it does the other person. And for one God doesn't want that for you. He wants us happy. He wants us not slave to our angers and hurt and fears... As so many hold back their love BTW because of fear of everything. And we wonder why we aren't moving ahead in life. Yes the human in me fears things to. I'm not perfect but when it comes to love, why hold back? Why? When tommorrow we might not have another chance to forgive one or to love the people we truly do in this life... And then when we die we have to carry that burden or anger, hurt, regret and the things we ( didint say, or do) onto the next life... And that is a far bigger burden than I need or anyone else does friends... And people these day's will put all their time into car's, money, homes, materials, earthly things!!! Which yes, are wonderful to have... But what if that lover you love that you show no love to or have been mistreating or putting on the back-burner dies today? Or tommorrow? You'd regret every last minute as the ones who have lost their loved ones whether family,moms, dads, brothers, sisters, wives, husband, boyfriends, girlfriends, so on have found out... When they loose sight of what's important, love , then we loose who we are, we loose all meaning to what life should be about.... Love... And if you loose sight of love. Surely you've lost sight of what your life should be about many take life and love for granted, Maby you should take a look at what's important, because in the next life we can't carry our money, cars. Or houses, or materials on, we only have our souls, and the things meaning actions, love, and feelings we have onto the next life... Maby you should think of that

God bless,
Brsndon nagley

©Brandon Cory nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©love and truth and thoughts...
This is for all people not aimed at one.  All
 Jul 2015
Jake muler
Paper and schoolpens will be this schoolboy's end
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Guess into the tunnel
I shalt dissapear
Tis much better
Then being here....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
It angers me to seeith
This governmental man-made rain everyday
I want the sun to cometh out
Man, man,go away...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Wake up America and world. You think this is natural weather change and quote climate change as the false popes pushing false... Maby u need to awake to harp program created by the USA.,. They can change weather they have poles in Alaska that shapes and shifts the northern lights... It can create rain, storms, and flood and fires places it shouldn't be... Take a look around u what's going on eh friend,.. The government and bilderburgs well kñown secret society planned this long ago to reduce the population. There's even a plaque In Georgia that reads the population they plan to deduce down to I believe 500 million which will happen with war soo on anyways... Look up harp program on YouTube!!! Realize your weather isn't right!!! This isn't climate change ... Some claim it to be ¡!!nonsense. Harps a real governing control from our government with pics of their poles up in Alaska that can make weather destroy our planet... It's called population control!! Wake up. This isn't July! I've had rain in Ohio that's already rainy anyways! But not in June and July. We're flooded here.., wake to what's happening america and world.... This isn't climate change .. Don't believe me see the facts!!! Many people like me who know truth!!awake!!!! Also look up harp program messing with sky's on YouTube... Something you might wanna see.. Thanks. If you have no good comment and think I'm some nut your loss. Please don't write nothiñg. God bless.
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