I was once lost in the ocean of uncertainty,
Filled with fears of abandonment—
Of visions without clarity;
On distorted dreams
I once swam in great delight,
Until I saw what true joy is,
painted in crimson and lovely white.
These colors lit up my corner,
Put me back in the proper track,
But as I go though near the ends
I was once again, lost in the dark.
I wander on it endlessly,
among the crazy twists and turns
But still, can’t go back straight ahead,
For my mind can’t handle it anymore.
I might seem to be fine
on every aspect you’ll look,
but have you tried reading the pages?
No—you just saw the cover of the book;
That’s why mysteries remain unsolved, unseen—
For no one will truly dare to read
these tainted lines and the meanings in between.