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 Dec 2018
Star BG
Where have you gone MOTHER of mine?
Have you traveled to the hills of the universe,
where eternal light burns to lead your way?

Have you etched and completed
your life’s masterpiece
inside footsteps of a long life
to now fly off to other realms.

Where have you gone
the MOTHER who nurtured me when young
and taught me to see who I am.

Have you satisfied your souls journey to now be reunited with father to
shoot the breeze and celebrate a fine life.

I look for thee and find you
in my heart moving with Gods Grace

I feel thee in the wind
when I’m lonely and need a hug.

I sense thee when I breath deep
to hear your spirit words
as I whisper gratitude.

I know MOTHER dearest
you now live in vortex of eternal life
where someday we shall meet again.
I lost my mother Yesterday. She died at 93
 Nov 2018
Paul Hansford
My mother was the tenth
of eleven children,
all born, on average,
two years apart.
So her mother,
- my grandmother -
was, as far as I was concerned,
always old.

She had pink, wrinkly cheeks,
like an apple that’s been kept too long,
and, to go with the apple cheeks,
she smiled a lot.

I had heard of Granny Smith apples,
and assumed they were like my gran,
pink and wrinkled,
but when I found out
they were shiny
and green,
I was deeply shocked.

Fair enough,
green was her favourite colour,
so that wasn't too bad,
but . . . shiny!
I never really got over the shock,
and, however long ago it was,
I still can't quite forgive them for that.
 Nov 2018
South by Southwest
I sailed away from the
Bay of Dismay
Of my recent past

I left the land
of the midnight's voice
I buried the remains

Now I long to return
To dig up all
That could remain

But I would imagine
Not even worms
Would be in the remains

It's been
Way too long
To learn how to sing

Since cancer cut me down
I only hope I will fly
With my broken wings

No I will not return
For the truth died there
As the bell of life so tolls
Don’t come to the cemetery at night, Peter Xalxo would say
if you are so inclined, make your visits in the day
for often in the evening when exam worries were gone
I would go to the cemetery and sit on some tombstone.

I think boy the ones from the other world make visits at nights
and they would not love to find living souls upon their sights
why intrude their peaceful home and not leave them there alone
when the time after the sunset they think to exclusively own!

Having said this with a grave face he would lower his voice still low
While on nightly posts at the graves I’ve seen in the dark some glow
and at moonlit nights on duty’s round heard footsteps around me
I would advise boy not to step into at night at the cemetery.

He used to tell more such tales to instill in the boy some fear
but come the next evening and at the cemetery I would reappear
for I loved the moon bathed solitude the trees’ darkened shed
the tranquility of the place in quiet company of the dead!

All said I wouldn’t leave out in this account one truthful fact
Uncle Peter’s stories had some effect surely some impact
they colored my times at the cemetery spent at nights alone
I seemed to feel they were moving the graves’ marble stone.

Then one night as I was coming out around nine o’clock
to my horror found the gate closed with an iron lock
bewildered I stood there knowing no other ways to go
when there appeared a shadow heard the voice of Peter Xalxo.

I told you boy not to loiter here not disturb their peace of night
this ground here the dead walks now though beyond your sight
run home and never come back
his voice in whisper talked
some more words he mumbled before got the gate unlocked.

That night at the dinner table my father told mom this
he was such a good man and a great friend to miss
but God only decides in his garden which flower to pluck
Peter Xalxo died this evening suffered a heart attack.
 Nov 2018
Word Hobo
fallen warrior's    dying gaze  .  .  .
blurry sun    she braids gold rays
gilded strands     grace Avrey’s hair
misty     tear-pooled stare  .  .  .

Dodoitsu. 7-7-7-5 (26) syllables
gv  .2015

Pfc. B.V. ,  a 22 year old mother of a little girl named Avrey
was Killed in 2010,  by an IED, RPG attack near Kunar province,
(145 military women killed as of April.1.2013 in Afghanistan, Iraq & Kuwait
Pfc. B.V. ,  a 22 year old mother of a little girl named Avrey
was Killed in 2010,  by an IED, RPG attack near Kunar province,
(145 military women killed as of April.1.2013 in Afghanistan, Iraq & Kuwait
 Oct 2018
I do not want to pile on,
But I am in sweet pain,
Just below the belt...

Pain due to nervousness,
My dad was unwell,
He got successfully operated...

He's my dear guardian Angel,
Sustained injury whilst protecting me,
I escaped with minor gashes.

He's undoubtedly the best father,
There may be any trouble on me,
But he's always standing on guard.

I strive to make my father feel proud,
And though I often fail to make him feel so,
I shall not give up hope that I shall make him feel proud.

Right now,
I am in pain,
I am unable to urinate.

But this pain is bearable,
I shall now help him recover,
My life is his blessings all over.
Maybe due to the subconscious tension about my father's recent surgery, I am unable to urinate after the morning bath but it will be alright.

Nothing scares me after my tete-a-tete with death for the 28 days in the comatose state and then the utterly painful but necessary physiotherapy. These bothersome little troubles are not something that I should be worried about now.

My HP Poem #1723
©Atul Kaushal
 Oct 2018
Mr Alkindy
i feel lost,
Like a soul with no host,
Alone in the space,
Void in my heart  with a facade face.

In the midst of "FRIENDs" and "FAMILY"
Yet depressed,  isolated and lonely,
Intoxicated with the drink of solitary,
Leaving my soul injured and weary.

Will i ever be complete and  Whole?
Find my inner peace of soul?
 Oct 2018
J Robert Fallon III
The woods we wander through are never-ending,
over-extending our stay in search of eternal mending.

Can I find the truth?

Can I mature past the bloom of youth?

We all wander and create our own path,
a warpath with an inevitable eternal wrath.
 Oct 2018
Salmabanu Hatim
Food, the basic need,
Many enjoy it on plate....
some search in garbage.
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