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 Oct 2014
Gwen Johnson
Sometimes I'm sensitive
Sometimes I'm strong
Sometimes I break
Sometimes I break free
Today I feel strong
Though tomorrow I may not
And that's okay
Because that's what makes me human
 Oct 2014
Gwen Johnson
There are women against feminism
And I really don't get that
Feminism is about equal rights for men and women
And without that
I would spend my life suffering through the remark
"Get back to the kitchen"
Because it wouldn't be my place to deny that
And little girls would grow up
With their purpose in life to be
To look pretty
And have children
Without feminists
I would grow up and never get the chance to vote
Without feminism
It wouldn't matter if I had an education
As long as I looked good enough to get a husband
Isn't there something wrong with that
And feminism is around today
Because some men still look at women as objects
Because women can't dress nice
Without a male seeing it as an invitation
Because women who have *** are *****
But guys who have *** are praised
Because women get paid less than men
Feminism still exists because so does inequality
And men don't think I'm blaming you
I'm blaming the society
That uses a woman's body to sell anything from burgers
To perfumes
I'm blaming the society
That constantly photoshops women
I'm blaming the society
That blames the victim
I'm blaming the society  
That makes women believe feminism is wrong
 Oct 2014
( by Elizabeth Squires and SilverSilkenTongue in Collaboration)

In an idle ilk the poet
Did **** precious time
Non pursuant twas he
Of that haunting rhyme

The Tap tap tap of his Thumbs
In pulse to the Anxiety that Comes
Resistant and Hesitant this Choice of Word
Like crows on a wire flitting to and fro
Simply to be Assured who is top Bird

He mulled in thought
On his composition
Yet not acting on it
Due to a stalling disposition

Caught in a Web, of Websters Dictionary
Assonance and Consanace Fundimentaly
He Chews each Syllable to Spit out
The Misconstrued Vowels that he Shouts!

By Elizabeth Squires and Silver Silken Tongue
Special Thanks to Ann who suggested Elizabeth and I should Collaborate
All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Oct 2014
Ann M Johnson
My  Head was in the clouds
So I misplaced my keys again
I seem to be falling in pieces
Many pieces of me
Earlier this year my ******* were reduced
I am not going to deduce what happen to my gallbladder that was removed a few years back
Speaking of my bad luck after some back-breaking labor it has never been the same
At least most days I can still remember my own name
One hand don't always know what the other is doing especially if I try to multi-task
I had one eye surgery and another is coming up soon, something my eyes spring a leak
My **** has a crack last time I looked there some years back
when I had a pimple I tried to look at I nearly gave my self a concussion
How would I have explained it to the doctor?
Speaking of my mind, I think I misplaced it some years ago
If you find it please handle it with care and send it back to me or you could replace it with a better one that would be fine with me
What was I last writing?
 Oct 2014
Once the darkness
Ruled the night.
You could not see
By candlelight.

Now the lights
Are bright...

They WIN!

But it's darker than
It's ever been.

Catherine Jarvis
(C) October 2, 2014
The more chaos
The more darkened
Society becomes.

The only thing keeping
The wolf from our door
Is the fact that we have
Already let it in.
 Oct 2014
The First Property Sold was the Garden of Eden.......
The Snake Hanging in the Tree full of Fruit...sold the First Subdivision,
As a Real Esssssssssssstate Developer, Slick fork tongued Sales Pitch,
Here have a nice Fruit snack, while we go over Sums and Figures Involved.
Next Time Bring your Husband By,
We can fill Him in on the details, if all else fails.
We can Show him,  the School System,
Filled with Newly Founded Knowledge.
Here in Eden Falls, we are a gaited Community.
Proud of the Fact We are Crime Free.

At first the Residence was a dream,
But as time Passed by things began to fall down
The BBQ grill quit working, Coffee percalator stopped Perking,
And Brown Green Algae Ran Rampant from the,
French Pewter Faucets over Sunken Marble Sinks.
The Aquafer water Shed Clause in the Contract,
Revealed a way to Dump this Site.
But we found S.Atan real Essssstate Deviliment,
Had closed up and ran off in the Night.
Taking off  with all our Cash, Which Commited,
The First Crime in Eden Falls, as Told by God
Its nothing but just glorified Real Esssssstate Fraud
........................................ by JMF 10/2/14
Irreligous of Respect for Real Esssssstate

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Oct 2014
Captain Caffeine's Comin' down
He needs another cup,so
He lifts his chromium coffee ***
and pours himself a drop.
He gets his Lumps from Sugar Fairies
and floats in clouds of cream
walks around the whole day through
inside a caffeine dream.

He was walkin' down east Wilson
When he dropped into a greasy spoon
Asked the Waitress "for a Cup"
But that was greasy to,
So he dropped into Starbucks
and found his heaven there
you can find him drinking Esspresso
with a wide eyed coffee star
Captain Caffienes Coming down
He needs another
He lifts his cromium coffee ***
and pours himself a drop
..........JMF 1973
A self realisation that i celebrated

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Oct 2014
The eradical emphatical
Disolution of the Conclusion
That X to the Zero power equals 1
Chalk Boards full of Chalk Dust
Ensues the theory of this single Interger
And Zero with the Power of 1 in Binary Union
Based Code Creates the Language of
Computer Programming

I wonder if they Have poetry In this Language
or are they just Bots, Boosting Bits Per Second
or Was it Third MicroSoft Word by Bill Gates...
the Thought Passes in a Nanosecond
Trying to get to First with The Big new
4G Electronic Sirens of the economy
that washes up on the Shores of China
this poem was created from the Phrase "Eradical Emphatical"
strung together with a theoretically Provable equation that X to the Zero Power always equals 1, I guess it was a marriage of Whimsy and Math, Certainly an Unusual Pairing

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Oct 2014
Sincerely nobody
Fifty years from now,
I won't be in your arms.
I won't be kissing you
Or falling asleep to the sound of your voice.
I'll be married to a man who isn't you
And you'll be married to a woman who isn't me.
But I can bear the thought of that.
I'm sure that other man will be the love of my life.
I just wanted you to know,
Even long after we part and find love with others,
You'll still have scars on my heart and memories in my mind.
Because a love like we have,
Can never be completely forgotten.
Not even fifty years from now.
 Oct 2014
Sincerely nobody
Children believe in the tooth fairy because of their parents deception. They don't know any better. They are too young to know that sometimes people lie. Not because it's their only option, simply because they find it in their best interest for some odd reason. I believed that you loved me because you said you did. I didn't know any better. I was too young to know that sometimes people say they love you even when they don't. Not because it's their only option, simply because they find it in their best interest for some odd reason.

How was it in your best interest?

When I told you I loved you I meant it. I knew that it wasn't in my best interest but I said it anyway.

All I cared about was you.

Did it hurt this bad to find out that the tooth fairy wasn't real?
 Oct 2014
Arcassin B
a pond can be tranquility
and hold the secrets you can't see
beneath the surface lying deep
are all the fantasies you keep.....

Desires leak ,
Upon the stream,
No self control it tainted me,
My eyes are Grey,
The sky is blue,
The grass is green,
Come follow me,
I need sense of serenity,

then idle here upon my surface
surely your life has higher purpose
within the mystic water , calm
swim the warm pleasures, silent storm

Poring out desperate feelings,
From gold containers,
Evening high noon mornings,
When it thickens,
It becomes a figment of your imagination,

but what vessel to carry
the wrath of discontent?
for as we ride or die in life
from whence we came is where we went

Learning all you teachings of how you react,
It pays to have respect,
And if there's no respect,
In due time you wont get it back,
They paid the way for that,

and still water runs deep, the game is set
pay as you go, find no regret
the streets are fine, the streets are cool
but this pond of life ...can brand a fool

Like the fountain of youth,
But a little more clear,
Having you subdued,
Mixed with drunken chandeliers,

but the dance goes on
and if you down with it
then the fountains spew
all the love to spin it

Inadequate to regret,
Having the water for a pet,
In your dreams will you forget,
All of the times that we spent,

and yet as we embrace
this life, this human waste
we love, and become fond
still waters, this mystic pond.
An honor working with quin <3 <3
I dedicate this to him and to melz and to soul survivor,
And others that I adore :)
 Oct 2014
Ann M Johnson
Guns and violence you hear of almost ever day
People take drugs or meds or ***** to try to make the pain go away
People abusing those they claim to love
Children not safe at school
People not concerned about breaking rules
Politicians corrupt, out for self not us
People not caring about the greater good
People in our nation starving for food
People abusing their own children
There is a cost to all of this
Our innocence is lost
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