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 Mar 2016
Emily Dickinson

To die—without the Dying
And live—without the Life
This is the hardest Miracle
Propounded to Belief.
 Mar 2016
Commuter Poet
Today I will embrace
Every single part of myself
And every single part of the day
There will be no space for sighing
No room for disappointment
Only joy and creativity

Today I invite delight
To be my companion
I will treasure each opportunity
And dance with the universe
I bid guilt and sadness farewell
Opening the door and waving them out

Today the trees wave and smile at me
And I smile back

Today I am open
And ready for anything

Today I will work to give
Give my utmost and best to whatever I do

Today I will make a plan
And stick to it

Today I am proud
Of who I am
14th March 2016
 Mar 2016
Little Bear
While I read I wonder..
When I close my book.. do you wait for me?
Do you wait for me to read then next line?
Does time stand still?

Do you wait for me?
Sitting upon your horses, waiting to go to battle?
Are you stood in silence or do you chat among yourselves
while I put the kettle on?
While I go to work or make tea?
Do you wait for me?

I narrate your story.
For me, while I read, you are real.
You fill my head and my heart.
My ears hear the horses charge.
I hear your war cry.
I hear the horns blow.
Your cries of pain and sorrow.
I can hear you..

I smell the turf under your feet.
The smoke in the wind.
I smell the blood of your enemies.
The acrid stench of the funeral pyre.
I can smell you..

I feel the sunrise warm my face.
I feel your anger, your joy.
I feel the sharp edge of your sword.
The heat from your skin..
I can feel you..

I run with you.
I ride with you.
I make camp and sleep under the stars with you.
I hunger and thirst with you.
I eat at your table.
And I will follow you.. where ever you lead.

But where do you go when I get tired?
Where do you go when I need to sleep?
Do you wait for me?

Or do you say..
"No!! not now! We go to battle!! We have no time to waste..
our enemy fast approaches!!!"

As I close the book and turn out the light.?
 Mar 2016
Aztec Warrior

chaos reigns
and yet order
from disorder
as a new conversation begins.

it reminds me of something I heard-
“we all are living in the gutter,
yet some of us are looking to the stars”,+
and you say, “huh”?!

well, in the midst
of all the horrors,
all the drones and torture,
all the wars
and planet destruction;
out of all this
resides the possibility
of great and wondrous change.

change where humans
find their beauty,
not perfectly,
but through struggle
create a world
of voluntary associating humanity.

out of all the horrors of today
great beauty can emerge
and isn’t this
“looking at the stars”.

Aztec Warrior/redzone 2.21.16
+quoted lines are from Oscar Wilde

NOTE: in a small café near the Joyce Theater here in NYC, I met
Leslie and Fred. They had just come from a dance performance
and we struck up a conversation. I wrote this poem and gave it to them.
I also told them that I would mention them when I posted the poem
on line. So, thank you Leslie and Fred, for the conversation and inspiration.
 Mar 2016
Mystifying Chaos
Let me get devoured by the yin
Give me the power to commit a sin.
I'll swim in the ocean of greed
For I'm not someone who follows any creed.
I'll indulge in the poison of pride
Since I don't have any intention to get off this deadly ride.
I'll play the role of the sloth
Who killed the goodness that was hiding under the cloth.
I'll drown in the pleasures of lust
Because love isn't meant for those who can't give their trust.
I'll burn with unrestrained envy
As you flirt with her coyly.
I'll let her suffer with gluttony
It's a small price to pay to continue with the journey.
I'll unleash my reign of terror and wrath
And walk down the ****** road that'll lead me to my aftermath.
Forgive me father for I've committed these sins...
I wish I could genuinely apologise but now I can no longer hide my grin.
 Mar 2016
MS Lim
Whoever or wherever you are
should you look at the stars with their faint but self-assured light
know that somewhere in a far corner of earth
there's this weary old man who walks alone at night

heaving a long unrelieved sigh
for mankind's irredeemable plight
for demise of kindness and humanity
for untold sorrows of millions as nations fight

proclaiming:' Dulcis pro patria mori
the clamour roars and deafens in hateful might
never mind if civilians are sacrificed
we are on the side of right'.

How serene and content are the stars
nestled in the tender cradle of night
while we poor mortals *****
in self-destructive darkness---with no real hope of seeing the light.
 Mar 2016
I retreat into myself
Into the corridors of me
I lounge on the well worn flagstones
Gazing on the marble columns
Arranging tapestries and paintings in
A more perfect order
I stalk down old hallways and explore unnamed galleries with a
Single candle to push back the deep
Sometimes rooms are filled with old Furniture
Sometimes entirely empty
Once feeling brave I held onto
The threshold of such a room and
Stretching out I hold the candle aloft in the chasm. Nothingness, darkness complete the light puddles at my feet pitiful.
When I recall that yawning abyss the silence of
It persists.
In ballrooms I play Chopin's waltzs' for no one  in particular
Yet I take my bow and my place at the head of a table set for a score of kings
I lay on marble steps trying to guess the riddles that my echo whispers
I climb the  towers and the spires to dizzying heights and many weeks I was lost in the labyrinth of cellars of basements of tombs beneath
I have seen strange things lately: a chair upturned or
Bed unmade, quills still wet, and doors open and shut of their own volition in the inky black
I swear I have seen before
A tall figure in a hooded cloak dart
Into the shadows, and it did not seem
Altogether human

I read for years inside my library  
And have spoken at length to Shakespeare and Plato
I have seen Yggdrasil and the seven hells
And sped through time with
H.G Wells. Of death and moon, of birds and galaxies I am enamored.
Tea with Julius Ceaser, chess with Captain Hook.
Breakfast with The Buddah
Coffee with The Christ
Did you know that Captain Ahab takes His water with a squeeze of lime? No Ice. Abraham Lincoln and Mark Twain know me by my first name, I have fenced with the Gods of Olympus and of Asgard and I remain undefeated. The divine crowd my hearth and many nights have been passed here in quiet conversation, with Confucius, with Archimedes, with Epictetus, Davinci, and the brothers Grimm
I have lived ten thousand lives and Will live another ten

-Without a single thought of you-

I wander
To my garden
Gently lit by paper lanterns
The path is smooth and heady
The amber blossoms
And weathered sculptures
Make my eyelids heavy
Monuments with fists clenched beat my
Ego ******
New flowers sprout from the ivy throat
Always things are grown but never overgrowing
I steal through the hedge maze that only I know
To the secret center where no plant grows
Pavilion and pond
Where no bird sings year long
In that quiet I endeavor
To look without fear
Into the pupil of forever
Some say writing is a good outlet
Some say writting is a good inlet
 Mar 2016
Julie Langlais
Some of us are fractured
Stubborn scars that just won't heal
But here's the thing
I've recently discovered
We survived by shielding our souls from monsters
We managed to stay beautiful
Despite our ugly life
We are special gems
Like no other
We have profound empathy  
Seeking happiness in helping others
Our love glides the length of the sea
As deep as its bottomless kingdom
If you ever fall in love
With someone like this
Commit to never losing this precious treasure
This remarkable woman is a priceless pearl
An irreplaceable gift

© Jl 2016
I was thinking of a warrior queen on HP when I wrote this.
 Mar 2016
Denel Kessler
Beyond the thoughts
that keep us bound
we will fly
though it be fleeting

we savor
the height
while craving
the ground below
it takes both
to make
a soul
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