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 Apr 2018
Francie Lynch
I have a true story. Unbelievable, but true.
You have one too.
This too is true.
It's so unbelievable I can't tell you,
As you cannot tell me.
I think mine more far-fetched,
And you think the same of yours.
You wouldn't believe me,
I won't believe yours,
Even though yours is probably more believable.

It's a secret, but not a secret,
Because I want to but won't tell it...
Because who'd believe it.
They'd sooner believe in voodoo... not true.
Why tell a truth none believe.
It has a dangerous intrinsic result.
What personal good is found
In crosses, nooses and needles.
There's truth there, but refutable truth.
Unbelievable truth.
There's the sticking point.

I'm scared.
I'm silent.

It helps me understand broken hearts and crushed spirits.
The lonely, hungry lost stories of the unfathomable.
Believe me. Don't believe me.
The result's the same.

Legends, myths, folklore tales grow
Because the whole truth went untold,
And mixed with a partial lie,
Becomes our reality.

So, I'm reticent to share mine.
I'm open to hearing yours,
If it's what you say it is.
But I doubt it.
 Mar 2018
Kanak Kashyup
Hurl the mystic pages, wipe off the grit and covered dust.
Burn your inclinations with never-ending wanderlust.
The control over pounding, set your heart free.
Colour the sheet with sails of words in your life's sea.
Start new journey in the world of fascinating proem.
Cause poetry is beautiful prowess to turn each incident into peom.
Unable to express more...about it.
Cause poets are blessed with the capability to turn each grief into hear soothing paragraphs and truly these are the rare humans with infinite emotions.
Dedicated to all of you here or anywhere in this world.
Thank you so much for your words.:))
 Mar 2018
Call Quits
We’re done

this is the point
is the best it could be

Do something!
it black

to discuss this love
on the wrong plane
invalidates urMessage

(close) your (eyes)
and send me strength

whisper without words
the murmurs that move me
emotional elixirs: the essence

love in purple
trust in blue
freedom in orange
color in white light
brown textures of the Earth
growing green

let love flow
into (your heart) out of
your spirit pouring endless energy
cAn YoU fEeL iT?

Touch It.
Physically touch your screen to make a rainbow.
And let It touch You.

Weep with Gaia
as Freya spills her amber tears
know all of the pain of humanity
embrace the primordial pain
and weep for all of It.

let every leaf sweep a way

Introduce Yourself
firmly fluid
heavily light
intriguingly familiar
to find everything
yaw taht

Are you OK?

I’m fine. Just go away.

How rude.

I guess I’m the sour grapes
of life.

Days of blue sky inside
blue walls
Infinite screens between me

You never read me.
No one wants to hear me.
It’s no fun to feel me.
And only I can heal me.
 Mar 2018
Kanak Kashyup
The silences comprised in the beautiful rhyme.
And repentance which are running out of time.
Defending the rebel against the predator.
Realize with destructive path and amity distributor.

Deliberately mixing selves in the awful lies' lime.
Affecting with falsehood doing self defined crime.
Until when? the untold utterance will be the interrupter.
Nails are stitching the daze and it remains only motivator.
Everything, each surrounding, just confusing!!
 Mar 2018
Busbar Dancer
We rise
not like smoke from the flame
to demonstrate
the Law of Conservation of Energy
-matter shifting forms-
Violent change followed by
heavenward ascension.

We rise
not like the phoenix from the ashes.
No glorious re-emergence from
the ruined form
of what came before.
No rebirth as
the middle stage
of an endless cycle.

we rise
like an orchid, blooming,
up from the shitheap.
We reach for the sun
even while
our roots sink deep into the filth.

This chain was my home.
This chain is my home.
This chain
will not
always be my home.

I’ve seen a hundred things stranger than
a ship that steers itself.

Not all slaves
have a master
after all.
A good man is soon out of company.

The woman he lives with
believes he is a fool
and having seen no sign of his cure
she feels insecure.

He is weak and so acts good,
she rues in bitter mood.

Goodness buys him no good place anywhere.

People interpret his grace his kindness
as his meekness.

He leaves his seat for others
but is never offered a seat
with sellers he is nice
but parts paying the worst price
being never vocal with claim
favors seldom find his name.

Yet in goodness only
his heart loves to dwell
and on the humble bed
he sleeps well.
 Mar 2018
Elizabeth Squires
the financial adviser
did advise Tom
not to get a credit card
as it would lead
to misery's maelstrom  

interest rates on credit cards
will break a credit card owners back
so it is strongly advised not to
venture down that track

Tom took the financial adviser's
sound advice
and gave the idea of being a credit
card user a shoulder of ice
 Mar 2018
Busbar Dancer
The setting of traps
has always seemed
like a tacit endorsement
of the mice.

Admission of failings as a homeowner –
(cracked baseboards or an unsealed gap in the door.)

We are usually responsible
for our own infestations, after all.

The relationship with the mice is codified
“you are vermin,
I am not.
I will ****.
You will die.”

Thus the mice are transfigured,
Frozen in fear,
frozen in time,
laid bare
on a sticky, chemical
altar of sacrifice.

giving their lives
so that we may preserve
those unwanted crumbs
in the vacant space
between the couch and loveseat
where the vacuum won’t reach.
 Mar 2018
Paul Hardwick
Will you look my way
touch me
be by me
don't just be a friend.

That's what it takes
from your heart
shoot me in my leg
its the only in my body that works

tap it four times
look for'for blue

skys inside out
pink is blue
lemon head
you listen to blood in my vein
that woman tell her
it is better by you than me
better by you than it is better by me
better to find
than today.
If you like this let me know.

Love P@ul.
 Mar 2018
Nick Stiltner
So tired I have grown, of building castles
only to have them overrun by cresting waves.
So tired I have grown, of tasting water on my tongue
but spitting, complaining of its salty burn.
So today I take a dive,
for I've grown sick of the shoreline and
smelling life's salty scent only upon the wind.

So today I took a dive,
head first into that salty steep
and was pulled here by current arms
and pushed deeper by ocean nymph charms.

My body flung about,
counter currents tossing me in circles,
eyes itching red with not a second to blink
and my nostrils jammed full
of the salt that hinted my senses before.

On the brink of drowning,
vision fading from blue to black,
I am pushed to a surface
far from the shoreline from before.
A gasp for air and the seagulls call
beams of sunlight carefully fall
onto the white crests of traveling waves,
and upon my blinking eyes.
Here, on the bobbing wakes of erasing waves,
I begin my ocean days.  

I had become so tired of my earthly ways,
so tired of hating the cleansing dawns
hiding behind the ebbing tides.
So today I took a dive
and began my floating ocean days.
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