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 Sep 2015
brandon nagley

Her chocolate eye's
Wherein creation lies;
A place with gate's
With supernatural fate.


A dining plate
I won't be late;
Swigging her aura
Thus feeling great.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Sep 2015
brandon nagley

Thou always sayeth
Thou art not good enough love;
Though thou hath saved mine life.


Thou always sayeth
Thou aren't beautiful enough love;
Though every man flocketh to thee, and thy sight.


Thou always sayeth
That thou doth not do enough love;
Though thou hath given me the heaven's.


Thou always sayeth
That thou art the blessed one;
Though it's me, who's free by thee, I must claimeth.


Thou wilt always sayeth it's thee most
As tis I wilt sayeth back, me more;
Forever we wilt liveth, on eachother's amour'.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Sep 2015
brandon nagley
Abroad the mystical veil, neath me and mine queen's feet, firmament of wonder, a singing Nightingale. The Ring nebula, an escort in the ample ether;  none weather, to defeat ourn handheld excursion. Across we cameth, to an unlikely diversion; a black hole ******* the innard's of anything to it's course. Nothing couldst escape it, I hadst to saveth mine Reyna; I threweth mine rose to the side; the whirl pool galaxy, I jumped inside the abyss, none remorse. Tis, I hadst to protect her, from the unholy beast, it needed sacrifice, I Gaveth it mine life; so mine empress couldst liveth in peace. Though the end didst not draweth near, as the Stygian cavity sought; I Gaveth mine blood, for mine amare and wife, as the gloomy pit didst not realize, I was already a spirit. A spirit of love.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Sep 2015
brandon nagley
The definition
Of happiness to me;

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Sep 2015
Earl Jane

The past drowned me deep,
Then you came to my rescue,
My valorous knight.

Oh, your touch mended,
All laceration I felt,
You remake me whole.

You walked beside me,
Hold me tightly all the way,
Oh how I feel safe!

You gleam immensely,
This pitch-black path I’m treading,
You lead me the way,

Sweet arms envelop,
Gives me warmth when I feel numb,
Your chest, my console.

Your words, my manual,
That keeps me in the right tract,
Accord assurance.

Your smiles uplift me,
Bring me to jubilation,
My joy provider.

Your laugh enliven,
Move my soul into elation,
You’re all I needed.

Then you give me glimpse,
Of how paradise looks like,
Your eyes sent me there.

Your love lifted me,
Took me to heavenly realms,
With you, I feel free.

We lie in the clouds,
Unleash this passion within,
In this bed so dear.

Me and you alone,
Leaving the world behind us,
And savor our love.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

Was suppose to write 20 haiku , last night just broke me, haha, i wrote many already and laptop unexpectedly shut down leaving no trace of my writing behind, lovely isn't it? HAHA!

I tried my best and wrote again, hope you love this, just so normal i know. LOL !
 Sep 2015
brandon nagley

Once upon a time, in the interweb of H.P
Betwixt technology's advance, wherein all us poet's dream;
I met a queen, a tan skinned Filipino rose
I kneweth her from before formation, we got conjoined by toe's.


Friend's only at first, she was always there to listen
Though in love the whole time, an angelic preordained invention;
Both to shy, to cometh out with ourn realest affection's
Though mine spirit was screaming telleth her, I got her attention.


After us both in focus, and this hellish step-stool left behind
We both, like past life ghost's, made ourn amour' as sweet wine;
And now and forever, until the end of tommorrow, and time
We shalt forever fasten ourn specter's, now all maketh sense fine.


Many thinkest eternal living doth not exist, after ourn death
Telleth that to me and earl Jane nagley, as we shalt flyeth;
Ourn wing's wilt glideth, the moon's, atmosphere's, and star's
God is ourn guider, the angel's sit beside her, as I feeleth whole

                                            In mine heart.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Sep 2015
brandon nagley

An engineer of amour
Artificer of fine craft;
Abundant in moral class.


Alongside her
Astral hierarchy;
Tis, she's mine monarchy.


Fain, I taketh her cape
Made of foreign swathe;
Mixed with Filipino grape's.


Not slave's
Unrestricted with eachother;
Messenger's to thy planet, created under the milky way's feather.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
Fain in old tongue means willingly.... If you wondered (:::
 Sep 2015
brandon nagley

I shalt venerate her
In all of mine hour's;
Given I was a gift
A rose budded tower.


She is aloft
The stellar scope;
Prosperous I am
With her as mine hope.


To live without her
I canst not;
Alleluia I recite
In her quintessence, her spirit I'm locked.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Like pop rock's
When she saidst she loveth me;
I jumped out of mine body
As mine pneuma went thither the nebulosity.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
I couldst tell
That she was a cherub;
By the wing's on her back
That ripped through her blouse .

I couldst tell
She was from heaven;
When I walked into her home
I stepped in God's house.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
I layeth mineself
Down to rest;
I sinketh deep
In mine Jane's chest.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Earl Jane nagley:

If only thou wouldst truly knoweth mine sweet Earl Jane, mine evident love for thee, mine treasure, mine all, mine gem, mine queen. If thou wouldst knoweth when I awaketh its thee I seeketh to hear. It's thee, who soothe's mine fear's. Yes, thou doth knoweth to an extent mine amour', mine affection's. Yet, if thou couldst seeith in mine heart and soul, the love, happiness, and peace, and wholeness thou hath brought me, than thou wouldst understand all mine pet. The all, thou hath given me. Thou hast given me a home, as I feeleth more than at home with thee. In all honest speaking, thou art mine home, mine residence, in which this blood floweth through. Thou art the lamp-way God Gaveth me to leadeth me beside the still water's, that the earth doth not give. Thou art the cloud nine; man seeketh to find. Thou art the diamond, the gold, that every miner looketh to get. Thou art that Ruby, hidden from men, seen by God, noticed by angel's, concealed, for celestial purpose. I am but a sinner mine love, a sinful peasant, blessed more than to hath received thee. As tis daily, I'm privileged, to even be in thine presence. As tis they sayeth, when one maketh one better, and maketh one want to do better, that is the one for thee. As thou maketh me want to do better daily, as yes, im a sinner, a man who hath done much wrong, against God in mine life, and mankind, and daily despite mine foolish sinfulness, and way's, thou hath given me a new renewed hope. As god put that hope into mine hand's, and sight. That hope, being thee mine Reyna. That hope is thine smile, thine laugh, thine happiness. Which, so thou knoweth, when thou art not happy; Mine pain's I feeleth from thy sorrow is immeasurable!!! Life, isn't life mine love, unless thou art in it. Unless thou art there next to me. And daily, daily I thanketh god, for such an angel to cometh and SAVETH ME. From mine foolishness, from mine way's, mine anguish. I kneweth not happiness; until thou hast came..As I always sayeth love, God brought us together for a reason. For me to learn thing's about mineself, through thee. And to learn thing's from thee about all thing's. As tis the same for thee amare, to learn from me. As to be guide's to one another, and if it take's a million generation's to get to thee, I wilt do it. Love is not scared, nor afraid mine love, or fearful. In love, as ourn God taught, the greatest thing is to lay ourn lives down for one another; in love!!!! As tis, laying mine life down for thee I wilt do daily, if good, or bad times Earl Jane nagley. I wilt be there, Maby not physically for the time being. But in thine soul, spirit, thought, dream's, in thee........ As thou art  in all of me. We art more than real as thou hath said love. MORE THAN!!!! As tis, nothing, nor noone, canst ever break preordained soulmate's up. As we look around love, and see the world throw the word love around as if some cheap store bought item. We aren't store bought queen Jane; we art creation's of God's own hand's, under his preordainment, and destiny for us. As in life, I liveth for thee, earl Jane nagley. And in death, as thou knoweth, we all hath destination's, and I wilt meeteth thee there I canst not thanketh thee enough, for saving mine life, mine being, mine happiness, and thou keepeth me alive...... And thou sayest that thou art no angel? Thou hath saved me......
I sayest that is MORE THAN ANGELIC... As thou art God's angel,  and mine messenger, who hath come to save me, as I thou....

Mine Reyna
Best friend
Filipino rose
Mine sweet earl jane nagley....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley/Filipino rose dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
We art one soul
Earl Jane, mine spiritual abode;
Mine cruor runneth through her vein's
Into her heart, into ourn brain's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
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