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 Jun 2016
_ (( _

half moon balances on
a telephone wire

a golden bowl tipped, spilling




(C) 6/11/2016
This is exactly the view before me. The half moon is the golden bowl tipped
spilling out this star.


Time for me to go to bed. I have church tomorrow.
Thine eyes
Were simply
Two pools of midnight
In which I'd stray
To heaven's celestial shores
#Pulchritude #Eyes #Her #Celestial shores
 Jun 2016
The Poetry Peddler
I would walk a thousand miles
to possess a thousand of your smiles

I would paint a thousand skies
to see my soul within your eyes

I would challenge heaven above
to be the recipient of your love

I would beat a thousand thugs
if you'd heal me with your hugs

Satan himself I would face
just to feel your warm embrace
 May 2016
brandon nagley
The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...

Almighty Holy One of Israel
Possessor of the heavens and earth
Your name be great among the nations
Magnified by your Son's perfect work

The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...

All powerful Father creator God
Blessed hope and salvation
Your kingdom come - Your will be done
Unapproachable light eternal

The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...

Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End,
Faithful Rock and Redeemer
Lord, you alone are just and wise
Who can stand against You?

The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...

The fall verily hath happened
Thus there art demon's in
The world; though Christ
Saidst we canst overcometh
By his light and faith assured.

For ourn truth wilt makest
Friend's turn to enemies, and
Enemies to friend's; though it's
Yeshua ha'mashiach, on which
We shalt depend.

So mine dearest friend edward-starr,
With pain's wrapping thy skull; remembereth
Thou art God's child, not just some being of
Mistakes and flaws. We art to be perfected
In Jesus alone, for Christ hath made thee
A mansion, that soon shalt be thy home.

Hath faith Edward, thou art under
The protection of the great "I am";
He sent to thee, Jesus the king, to
Die for thee and every man.

For God saidst,
I am always with thee, wheresoever I mayest be;
Remember whom thou doth worship Edward,
Christ, the son of God, Yeshua ha'mashiach,
Thy Lord and healing king.

©Brandon Nagley and VS duo poem for Eddie starr
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This poem was VS another poet on heres idea... he came to me and saw my piece that was a prayer on here for Eddie. So i said definitely yes to making a poem of hope and healing and for Eddie to have faith. And this poem is to let him know trust in God for God is always with you Eddie. And no matter what happens god does purpose good to those who love God my friend Eddie. All things our word sais works together good for them that love God. Be in faith hope and strength my friend Eddie. God bless you friend!!! Where me and VS write well VS stops at this line then I come in.

The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...
 May 2016
Thomas P Owens Sr
How beautiful she is in fires light
flames dance sparks off black marble eyes
lips red and dripping sighs
draw me to bosoms salted taste
we lay first locked in passions moan
inferno of sweet lovers heat
she whispers her undying love
bites flesh
rakes nails along back's skin
I swim in swirling shadows
fall dizzy into the altered state
breathless in the bloodied rapture
the addiction that is she
 May 2016
phil roberts
When your footsteps falter and slip
Hold on to me
If your eyes fill with tears
And the future seems blurred and distant
I'll be there to take your hand
You may not see me
But you'll feel me there
Right beside you
So hold on to me

                        By Phil Roberts
 May 2016
Oh blind me now
To the ways of sin
So that I may hide
Myself within
Rip it out
This heart of lust
Take away
My conditional trust
Deafen my senses
To unaware
Cage my guilt
In the dungeons
Of despair

Take away all I've sown
Place a limit on my cares
But you better close the door
Because there's a draft in here
A wind of change
That longs to blow
Into your life
To fill your soul
With the words of peace
Of tolerance that's fair
Allow us to breathe
  Just a little more air...
 May 2016
Damian Murphy
To the enemy you cannot forgive
You shall be bound for as long as you live.
Only forgiveness can sever the bond,
Can set you free to finally move on.
Though to forgive can be so hard to do,
Forgive not for your enemy....but you.
 May 2016
Mike Marshall
Listen and you will hear me
In the rustles
The creaks
The rainfall
In the quietest time
I breathe your name
Teasing your ear
 Apr 2016
Karina Norris-Veirs
Tonight's the night!
I'm gonna "party like it's 1999"
Take my cup and fill it up with "brass monkey"
tequila really
Try to hang with these party animals
See what shenanigans I can create
Then when my libido is at its high
Gonna call you up
Come give me a ride
Even though you said
you no drinky, you no fun
Guess what, it don't matter
I'll make us both undone
That's my plan anyways....

but instead I see it going like this...

Party it up like I said before
Call you up
Have you take me to your door
I'll be drunk so the filter will be gone
I'll ask of you to sing me a song
Then I'll become brave
Liquid courage out of its cage
You may not remember but I sure do
Words you said to me as if on cue
Did I really hear right
Did you call yourself my boyfriend that night
Does that mean you think we're exclusive
If so why do you always act elusive
Tell it to me straight
For I have met you at hell's gate
And if you say that lying you were
Then this is nothing more than a blur
I will sleep this night by you one last time
In the morn I will leave this supposed paradigm...
Brass Monkey- Beastie Boys

We all have our insecurities. This is but one of mine...
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