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 Oct 2022
Blue Butterflies
A cup of tea, a lullaby
A winter day spent outside.
A warm jumper with frayed edges,
A book bound in leather
With yellow pages.
A love letter and a hand-written message.
Coming home late
For soup and pie,
Outside the full moon
Is watching over us.
Little snowflakes cover the land,
The bare trees sing lullabies.
The barn owl, the snow hare,
They stay cosy in their beds, and
The little birds hide in their nests.
As we go home,
The wind blows,
But we worry not,
We know,
Soon spring will come along.
 Sep 2022
Blue Butterflies
Fallen apples
Fallen trees
I want you here next to me
When the storm begins

The bees kiss the withered roses
The swans swim swiftly through the river rapids
Acorns and chestnuts fall to the ground
Fog and rain all through the day
When the storm begins
I want you here next to me

Great waves transform the shore
The seagulls float and call each other
The boats that left
Have not returned yet.
The sun set, the moon came
But even in the darkness
I can recognize your face.
The storm is beginning
But you are here with me

Your opal eyes, your vintage smile,
Your big rough hands that take mine
I was an old cat that slept too much
But now I'm transformed
And run through the night
By your side

The storm has come
But I know you will stay
Until the end.
nature, love, autumn, sea, storm, night, cat, rain, September, October, December
 Sep 2022
Blue Butterflies
I have loved you for so long,
I have have heard your
Love song days
And I have seen
Your colours march through
The bright green of summer days,
I have learnt to love your authority,
Your soft spoken command,
And I follow because
I love you
Despite the melancholy
You bring with you.

Because I love you,
I love you,
I love you with your tangled branches and barn owls,
With your cold trunks and fallen leaves,
With your empty nests and snow hares,
With your blackberries and marigolds,

I love you.

                               ­  October
 Sep 2022
Blue Butterflies
Slowly fall
The teardrops of the rain,
Slowly into the lake.
Slowly comes September,
As always,
Slowly clasping its hands around us.
Slowly the trees transform
Into ghosts,
Slowly the apples fall and rot,
And the pumpkins, slowly too,
Grow and mature.

Autumn comes slowly.
We feel it in the
Nights and in the wind
Growing colder and colder.
Slowly summer came and left.
And now,
We are left with what
We always had,
Not much:
Two warm hearts
Holding each other,
Two minds content
With time well spent,
Despite the changing times,
Despite September.
 Sep 2022
Blue Butterflies
A cup of coffee,
I feel its warmth in my hands.
This warmth, I know,
Will soon vanish against
The cold, salty air.
The clouds bring rain.
We know that.
The clouds scream your name
And the trees resemble your face,
Serene, as you ponder, as you wonder.

A cup of coffee,
You brought me,
And I think of you
As a warm cup I hold in my
Trembling hands,
Whilst the cold, wet air
Tries on and on
To push me away from you.

But for now,
We are here together,
Watching as the tiny pebbles
At the beach
Get damped slowly.
And we know.
The storm will soon fall upon us.
But for now,
We stand here,
Looking into each others eyes.

— The End —