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 Jun 2015
AK Bright
He passed in double yellow
Like he was heading to a fire
Really nothing to you
Yet it provoked your righteous ire

Would it make a difference
If you felt the fiery flames
Watched a simple man's dreams
Consumed in a flippant blaze

Would it make a difference
If you saw his baby trapped inside
Or counted the tormentous days
'til his agony would subside

That waitress was a little rude
Like she wasn't really there
She just found her husband cheating
And she's aware that no one cares

Her heart is shattered inside
But she tries to paint on a smile
The darkness is overcoming
Her future bleak and vile

Could it make a difference
To someone lonely, hurt, and lost
If we measured our words and actions
And we stopped to count the cost
You never know what people may be going through...
 Jun 2015
Sunset in the sky
low lying
Reminds me of a love
thats dying
So I'll leave the Sunset
where it lies
and think of our Love
*as a Sunrise
© Helen Doogan 1990
Be not afraid, the Spirit of Christ aka Holy Spirit.
Connects to Christ to speaks his truth to you.
So whatever you  do be not dismay but calm.
For the Spirit from Christ shall protect you.
For unless there is some great purpose at hand.
He shall never allow anything evil to befall you.
For he is the source of all gifts from Christ.
For as Christ told all of his disciples here.
The Helper aka Holy Spirit takes from the Father.
Then gives it to us whenever we need something.
So do not give up on your purpose here on the earth.
But trust Christ to finish the works within you all.
Dearly beloved follow the truth which is the Christ.
For the wicked one shall continue to try to mislead you.
But as long as you stay in the Word of God chew it up.
Then shallow it so that nothing nor anyone shall deceive you.
There is so much darkness in this world.
So much evil, selfishness, feel good , and greed.
So much abuse, murdering, and **** as well.
So many people are hurting these days we live in.
So many people are blaming it on a God that loves us.
Because we do not understand , why its happening.
Well the best answer that I can think of is freewill.
He gives us all Freewill to do whatever we choose.
The evil demons gets into people minds speaking to them.
To do the evil that you see in this dark world we live in.
God does protect people to a certain point but still there is Freewill.
 Jun 2015
I love them,
I enjoy every minute with them.
We'd all meet at someone's house and talk,
It was always crazy **** but real talk.
They don't pretend to be who they are,
They are who they say they are.
However because of some people, the trust is shaky,
My heart is aching.
Relationships based off of *** destroyed us,
They did have good intentions but in the end, that was all it really was.
The thing that really stings,
Is knowing they separated into groups and go do things.
My messages untouched and empty,
Time is something I have plenty.
One group here,
One group there.
I'm stuck in the nonexistent middle,
Trying to solve this complex riddle.
There are few here with me,
People who agree.
Now I start looking into it,
Was all the time spent with them worth it?
Because now I'm here waiting to see them,
Trying to be with them!
But I just get ignored,
I get tossed away like trash that has no use anymore.
I sit here and think,
Were they really my friends from the beginning?
I'm not ok, I'm honestly hurt. You think they were your friends, you do everything right, but they still ignore you and don't even bother trying to talk to you. Only a few talk to me, I guess those people are my real friends.....
 Jun 2015
Dawn King
Various portions of the pensive events
Pilot the vessels to nowhere tents
Where storage conditions can appear unkempt
Until the breeze speak trills through vents
That assist partitions of fractured intent
I have not been brought into this world to live a comfortable life.
But to live radically for Christ, to have my life turn upside down.
To overcome the obstacles with not my own strength but that of God.
To Boldly preach the word of God to this lost and confuse world here.
Not always in word, but yes always in action this was why I live.
To love others into change and repentance, this is my purpose here.
To proudly and without shame speak his truth to the world here.
To boldly go every day and night to his throne room in heaven above.
Seeking him to draw the ones that I meet unto true repentance and salvation.
 Jun 2015
Marshal Gebbie
Dissatisfaction curls the lip, so felt,
Alas we deal with what we’re dealt,
Contradiction screams her song
Alas that she could be so wrong.
Potential oozes from my pores,
(Of course my dear, what’s mine is yours)
Surely there must be a way
To reach beyond my limit’s day?
Limitations frazzled paw
Allows me much… but then no more,
Restricting me to what I’ve got
Within this irritating plot.
Dissatisfaction curls my lip, so felt,
Damnation deals with what I’m dealt!
Raging at my limitation's day upon reading sweet Rebecca's fine poem "The Terms".
 Jun 2015
Love should feel like you're floating on a cloud of blue
Or is that just a bunch of Hullabaloo
We are brain washed to believe
Is it worth the time to be pursued

Cinderella, sleeping beauty and all the gang
Who's the fairest in the land
Us girls learned it first hand
Sitting on the laps of our grande dames

Fantasy was taught to be real
Illusion turns out to be a raw  deal
We are a new breed
Applauded and encouraged to succeed
Put away those fairy tales
And say hello to the 21st  century female
 Jun 2015

Walls upon walls of soundless treatment
I talk to the voiceless whisperer.

Whenever it gets too lonely and too silent, I talk to myself. I confide to the voices of my mind/head. I guess that's my crazy to sane life.
'Me, Myself & I'
 Jun 2015

To the world,
I share my words.
Expressed in verses
through Rhymes & Rhythm
It bleeds my life
as I unload my burdens.

I thank those who understand,
who cares to read
and relate
to the art of expressing

this is a little thank you note to all my friends who reads my scribbles.
 Jun 2015
South by Southwest
He's the hand I felt on my shoulder as the tornado went over me . He's the one who saved me from choking to death in my own ***** . He's the one who sat beside me on the mountaintop as I cried over my wrongs . And if I ever kneeled before him he would take my hands and raise me so I could kiss his cheek . Who is God ? My best friend who has saved me time and time again . Who understands my limits and my failures but forgives me each and every time . One who is always there for me to lean on when I am tired , lonely , discouraged . One who has shown me heaven and promised a place there for me .
Who is God ? He is in me , my past , my present , and future . I am nothing without my God .
 Jun 2015
Like butterfly she is,
Forever in your mind.
You see her in all,
The pieces in your life.
Though she wasn't yours,
She was your true love.
You wanted to go away with her,
And you will leave all you troubles here.
You wanted to run away with her,
And you will bring all you beauties and fears.
You wanted to start again with her,
And you will leave all your worries here.
You wanted only her as she is,
You know that you felt with her.
Like Dragonfly you are,
The guard of her dreams.
Infatuation or pure and selfless Love ?
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