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 Nov 2017
Deep below the surface,
of a sea stormy and frenetic;
lies buried an ancient relict,
once radiant but now pathetic.
It is a long ago sunken ship
the mast and canvas rotten.
The stern revealing injuries,
that are not yet forgotten.
It once carried adventurers,
looking for brand new land;
But now it's decrepit and cursed,
never to reach a strand.
But if you would look closer,
to the shattered and mouldered deck,
you would see the dissembled treasure,
that waits to be found within every wreck.
No matter how broken we are, we all have a treasure within us that just waits to be found. So keep on looking for it within others!
 Oct 2017
Babu kandula
there are times
we are in pain

there are times
we are the pain

pain isn't negative/positive


pain is the result

pain byproducts gain (Victory)

pain byproducts release (Freedom)
 Oct 2017
SG Holter
For Erling

Eighteen years is nothing.
Even those that may pass
Between each time we
Meet over coffee
Are hummingbird heartbeats.

Such are the strings between
Brother hearts.
No room for discord;
Life never 'gets in the way', we
Just know:

The stars won't move an inch  
While we live. So let's just
Walk and watch them,  
Even be silent, and in that silence
Do all the catching up

We need:
These could be hurtful times,
But aren't.
As long as you can look up and
Smile at us all, I'm not

Going anywhere.

Your love is ancient,
Your love is ancient, oh oh oh
Your love is ancient
Lord, I have You

There's redemption in Your scars
There's an ancient love in You
Hanging in every Word You say
You're always present, never leavin' me.

There's a brokenness, in my heart
That only You can bless (bless oh Lord)
You make me hold to what is Yours
Jesus, You make me whole.

You're more than a spark in my eyes
You're more than a flame in my soul
Oh Your love is a fire
I'm breathing now, I am alive

Galaxies are born as You breathe
Your Words are true, I'm anchored in You
You cross the distance when I can't Lord
You said, "Be free" in my slavery.

Your voice says, "Stop fighting
Coz it's not your fight
Trust in Me with hands open wide
Take My hand, lean on My side
I am Yours and You are mine.

You whisper for darkness to go
You shout, "Arise, You are brand new"!"
Thousands of lies disappear
All my failures are gone
I overcome the seas.

Your love is ancient
Your love is ancient
Your love is ancient
My victory, it is done
 Sep 2017
Poetic T
When I was younger an infant of
the illusions of the world, my mum,
"She was a lost sheep trying to find a herd,
Church was my Sunday destination.

Drinking and eating though it was the
blood of a fallen man, people in lines!
Like waiting to pay for something,
its the UK we line up for everything.

"if there isn't a line don't trust it,

I used to pray little hands clasped together,
but then mummy and daddy argued..
so very loud, I prayed for silence
but  anger travels, voices echoing in vacant halls.

I asked on Sundays "why doesn't god help,
"Why doesn't god breath,
"Who created God,
"Why does he not hear my pain,
"Why doesn't he just stop the devil,

"Free will of man he gave,
"Because he is everywhere, he is the breath of the universe,
"God has no creator, for god created everything,
"He hears everything, that all speak,

My mind thought on these answers, even though
young my mind collectively I was thinking,
"why does he help others yet not me,
if free will is ours then isn't he violating it
by helping the few and not the many so we
have no free will at all??

Sunday came around, and I had questions to
ask my mother was cool
"A mind is a journey, and thoughts are our footsteps,
My mum was deep, and also loving and silly..
I walked in a now not seeing this place as before.

Eating the bread disc it just felt stale in my mouth.
Songs were sung and the plate was passed around,
those with little gave much "Later I would understand,
Then I walked up to the priest, nervous of my questions.

Sir, I thought of the words on answers I asked.
My question like water flowing out my mouth...
I told him of my confusion at his answers that I
had thought long and *******..

Everything has a creator
God created everything
God doesn't have a creator

Doesn't make sense the last cant happen
without the first, then I continued...

"God gave free will, our path is his chosen
he knows our life upon our creation,

"But then why does he help others?
Or so they say, isn't he breaking that pattern
on non interference, or is the reality that nothing
Is answered its happenstance, our will is our own.

"If he hears everything, sees all, would that not
make him non omnipotent as he could stop the
playing of the devils tongue, as he lets children
die at cruel hands, sees those  **** innocence but
just watches like its pay per-view.

"Wouldn't an omnipotent being have the power to seal the devils fate, but if not in choosing is he no better than the one he warns others about?

The gentlemen just stood there and had to
think on my questions, and his answered
sealed the position I stand on now
                                  "God has a plan for every one,
I knew then as a child that this was just a herd
of sheep gathering in a waterhole of falsehoods.

My mother excepted my stance, for her she
had a needing for something more than herself.
But life is the something more, to attend to yourself,
friends those around you helping strangers when
the need is needed.

I wasn't only going to be good for what a book said,
Fearful that some are only that way, not because of humanity,
but the fear of spoken words that they'll go to a fiery place.
My mother was cool, an open book of thought, she delved
into a few religions, spiritual gain.. she past a while ago...

The proof of my thoughts confuse some, I say that those
stories as a child didn't hold water, but we all grew out
of the tooth fairy, Santa. but still believe a story that holds
great contradictions, from a time long ago not suitable to this
day and age. I see the world and see more shedding the covering
of there eyes.

Were growing up, leaving our cradle of ignorance and
superstitions behind. I look up at the night sky, never
thanking some abandoned father.. But just looking at
the universe realizing I'm just a spec of dust in the motion
that are happening around and above. I glad I'm still here,
but that could change at any moment. Then I'd just be
a memory on others thoughts, just hopeful that  I made
a little ripple to make others lives, my children's, my wife,
my friends better, worthy of the time I was around ..
I`ve been an atheist since I was 7-8ish my mum was cool with it, but I found I had grown up from childhood insecurities, even though not of my childhood, I read the bible a few time now faded the stories hold no waters on my thoughts as they make no reality based sense. I noticed that most religions are just the rewording of those that turned to myth just changing forgotten knowledge, verse, for a new time, but also outdated thoughts as were growing past this need for needing, were looking up at the sky seeing more and more.
 Aug 2017
Mike Hauser
I was in too much of a hurry
In my younger days
To pay that much attention
To what life had to say

I'd shrug it off then move along
To what next caught my eye
And in my ignorant bliss I continued this
Throughout most my life

Not knowing the consequences
Beyond a shadow of a doubt
I'm sure I was told but never listened
As the wheels kept spinning round

Anyone that is anyone
Knows that age does not play games
It is focused on its purpose
And that's to quickly end the race

You can take it all for granted
Like the tortoise to the hare
Lay out all your schematics
Showing the years you've gotten nowhere

And you just past your prime
Find it's too late to turn back now
So you keep on in the wasting time
As the wheels keep spinning round
 Aug 2017
Babu kandula
Well, this is a long day.. but a thoughtful day..

I memorized the power of words, not memorized but somehow theorized not really, I don't know what I can say .. but if you are patient enough read it

Take an example

If I impose positive words against me or just say I am a good boy or conclude that am a good boy, my fellow folks .. they might believe me, hopefully if they did.. their thoughts create a positive energy and yes a positive vibration fills my life and my surrounding even am not a good or great guy .. this vibration lets me to change my point of view or perspective or whatever it is.. I change myself ..

The reverse might also be true, I'd say am bad a negative energy, clouds my surrounding.. eventually that turns my point of view..

But, it's my whole self .. which has to take a decision.. if more positive am more positive and good or great guy.. and more negative am more negative ..

Well, a bit confusing ... but still this has some meaning I think .. impose or bombard positive energy rather negative energy ..

Every coin has two sides, choose the best side

Hmm, I conclude without a conclusion.. I hope someone from my vast list of friends can understand my true intention..
 Aug 2017
Ileana Payamps
I consider life
“Something that *****”

When those thoughts
Come to mind

I flip the page.

Life is beautiful
Life is lovely
Life is a blessing
Life is an extraordinary gift from God

Make it special
Remembering these 77 words:

You are precious
You are valuable
You are here for a reason
You can achieve anything
You are unique
You are the change
You can touch lives
You can inspire lives
You are different
You are kind
You are generous
You are humble
You are beautiful
You are healthy
You are strong
You are talented
You are free
You are prosperous
You are anointed
You are patient
You are protected
You are forgiven
You are a masterpiece

Start your journey
Not tomorrow
Not later

Start right now

Do not stop

Not until everything is done
Not until you achieve your goal
Not until you are remember
As the warrior
Who created her destiny
In the palms of her hands.
Wanted to share
My daily reminder
With you guys!
hope you like it.
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