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Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
Truth is like poetry.

Most people don't like it.
Overheard at a bar
Coleseph Nelzsun Feb 2016
"Hows life? 'Oh you know, same old ****..'"

Well that sounds fulfillin....

Same old ****.

There is NOTHING worse than a complete and utter deficiency of novelty and experience in life

Dont walk the traveled path anymore
It will you leave morbid sick and sore

All my life I've felt an urgent roar

Was like an ocean I had not explored

To reach out far and then still stretch more

I can't believe I have been transformed

Fear holds you you ransom so you crush down fear's door

And beg fear valiantly to give you more
Conquering monsters  helps the true hero score.
Coleseph Nelzsun Jun 2016
"I love your feet for how they found me"
Those aren't my words but there sure true
Because this life is quite the journey
I'd like to travel it with you

We'll find new comfort in the thunder
And let the silence speak its peace
Just happy in each other's presence
As the days turn into weeks
I'll be the one to hold you tightly
And reassure you that your whole
I know this world at time seems lonely but your heart stays warm dispite the cold
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
Its a horrible feeling. The feeling that everything you are doing is pointless. You know when I feel this way most? When everything I am doing is for me and me alone.
  I spend so much time worrying about my goals, my passions, my desires..
When I accomplish these goals what do I gain?
A fleeting feeling of partial satisfaction at best. A pat on the back, a few more dollars in my pocket, a quick buzz. . However, when I see that what I have done brings SOMEONE ELSE joy.. That's a feeling of satisfaction that lasts.. When I know I have truly made a difference, then I feel true joy.
  It makes sense really. It has to for the world to go on. Greed and selfishness lead to self-destruction. Maybe the person benefiting from the greed will gain but others will suffer. The world can not progress unless we are all progressing. We are all on the same team and most of us, at our core, desire the same thing. We all desire to be accepted and to give acceptance. To be loved and to give love.
If you think about it, love is the truest definition of acceptance. For the strongest love that humans can possess is is not the love that is sung about on the radio. That love comes and goes and is based on circumstances and actions of the giver and receiver. The strongest love is an unconditional love. A love that sees the immeasurable beauty of a soul and can't not love... Unconditional love means understanding and accepting every unappealing or inconvenient aspect of a being and choosing love anyway. Its not creepy or controlling its just there. .
And it always will be. This is the sort of love that Jesus talked about having for all humanity. If we could learn to love like that, just think of what our world could be..
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
S: Filled with knowledge like one of a kind
C: Soaked with passion, down to my spine
S: My mistakes are my greatest teacher, they put me in line
C: My perceptions were once limited, much like my time
S: Until I spit about life, and made it all rhyme
C: With thoughts so heavy, they could become crimes
S: But my only crime is love, its what I have for all
C: I love when I rise and still love when I fall
S: So don't tell me what its like to really live. From all I was dealt, love could be the least energy I give
C: I turn off my brain and think with my heart. When I do this, my whole life becomes art
S: And my ego falls apart. When my ego falls apart, my soul awakens. Allowing me to go with the flow, let me not be mistaken
This is a co-operative poem I constructed with a beautiful goddess. It was written within minutes with me texting one line and her texting another. Makes me miss her very much.
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
What is sin but discontent
With the world and your regrets

Spinning on a tilted axis
What could we do to ever have this
Shot at life and all that happens
Can we know if fate or accidents
Would lead us through theses narrow passages
Down the paths of loss and damages

Through the valley of despair
Please keep going don't stop there

Find yourself on the highest mountain
Right beside a clean clear fountain
Live right now for simple presence
Existence is your holy essence
You are sinning against yourself when you choose to dwell in negativity.
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
I do believe the worst of feelings are better than having none at all
So be happy when it hurts after you fall
A sense of emptiness is what I now fear the most
Its not always with me, but haunts like a ghost
Those groggy late weekends where sleep is a drug
I lay there so lifeless with less worth than a rug
Somebody shoot me, or stab me , or **** me
Good God above just let me feel something
This feeling of emptiness is something I can crush with an intentional change in outlook and some meditation; but it nonetheless haunts me from time to time and writing about it is my best outlet.
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
I can take the rain on the roof is the empty house
But what I can't take is the way you wear that blouse





In honor of my last poem:
Also a recorded freestyleD song..In all honesty I should just be saving these poems as Microsoft Word Documentss buuuttttt **** it.
Coleseph Nelzsun Apr 2016
I rationalize out of fear and shame
Saying love can be a game

She doesn't light a flame inside
But she looks every bit of fine

Maybe I can trick myself
Relationships are good for health

She's nothing like me but people change
Maybe we'll become the same  

But she does not think for herself
She accepts the truths of someone else

She lacks a passion, flame and creed
That I believe all people need

To lie to her would not be fair
I must break her heart because I care
When you start to loose love for yourself, one of the many things you loose is your objectivity. I am lonely. And so is she. But I won't fake love to simply have someone to hold. I must regain my focus and realize I need nothing but my own conscious mind to be fulfilled.
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
Time to engage with your surroundings
Don't deny the violent sounds that are your own heart's poundings
Deal with all life's ******* no matter how bleak it may be sounding
No more tomorrows. Now! Get up sloth!
Coleseph Nelzsun Mar 2016
In the modern age, the valued sage is an archetype that we can't explain

Because it seems that every man
Who claims to hold truth in his hand

Needs your cash and its his plan
To build an army that will forever expand

Its not enough for you just to fear him
He wants your trust and time and freedom

Tells you to live a certain way
And that better not be queer or gay

And if you are he'll surely say
That you could not be born that way

He'll make you feel such guilt and shame
For being you, yes that's the game

To make you need that saving grace
That's found within his holy place

The walls and roofs of institutions
Save you from hell's dark exclusion
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
It's like you were my spirit’s mirror
You vowed to build me up
I told you I would do the same as we shared our deepest love
You are more than just a woman and clearly not a girl
Within you lies the power to devour and to heal
More than just a girlfriend, a relationship with nature
The source of all primal desire, undefined by nomenclature
We shared such common interests and had plans to build a future
But suddenly your heart switched gears, left mine torn in need suture

Only I could fix those wounds and learn from what has happened
I simply will be thankful and let not my soul be blackened

And I will not hold back when I have the chance to love
When you break your heart it grows back stronger than it ever was
Have the character to appreciate those who have let you down in love. It feels so much better than holding onto bitterness.
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
I guess life is much more simple when you never have to think
Your scared to open up your mind so you numb your fear with drinks

Don't dare to ask your inner self if happiness has found it
Because the truth is that your phony smiles are what your realness drounds in

All these expectations that your dieing to fulfill
Whatever it may take to fake it;  clothes or friends or pills

You tell me everything thing is fine
But when I look into your eyes
I see pain beneath the lies
I can tell you need to cry
Let it out don't run or hide
Coleseph Nelzsun Mar 2016
Beauty is in your own eyes so look deeply into her's
You'll dream about this in the future but now its so absurd
The feeling that's comeover you, you can't put into words

But know that this is something that you won't encounter often
Rarely can just a touch or smile make your defenses soften

She must have practiced magic because its well beyond what's natural
The way she fills up all your mind and makes your heart her castle

A bittersweet endeavour because to fall this ways a risk
You'll still emerge stronger and wiser whether your her victim or her prince
This is my description of falling in love; and I think I'm ready for it to happen again.
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
I ingest the sacred fungi, my heart pounds forth anticipation
For my body knows my consciousness will soon see a changing situation
Such complex revelations
I feel the ground beneath awaken
I realize all of us are intertwined with this beautiful creation
I look into my friends eye's and see me looking back
I am you and you are me; sounds crazy but its fact
All sharing in this collective breath the universe exhales
Do you understand the implications of what this now entails?
It means we're all responsible as stewards of this earth
War and famine, death and pain we must address but first
We must look into our own selves and purge the greed and hate
To change the world you must change first to make room to create
Sacred plant medicines have within them the power to radically shift paradigms when taken with the right intentions.
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
"I wish I would have expressed and felt love more"
"I wish I would have expressed myself/been myself more"
"I wish I would have been true to myself instead of living the life others expected of me"
"I wish I had helped more people"
"I wish I hadn't been such an *******"
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
My eyes open to another day
Oh my God what can I say
How did so much just float away

But time doesn't pass, its always here
So don't dwell on what has disappeared  

'Cause when you do that your someplace else
And that's stress which hurts your health

Love all you can but please stay true
Do the things you love to do

Don't get trapped by expectations
Create your own based on sensation
Don't manage time. Live outside of it.
Coleseph Nelzsun Feb 2016
I saw the utter paralyzing pain in his eyes

So much of the identity he had constructed to represent himself today, was a product of the attachment to an idea of who they were together
Like a cartoonist he painted a separate reality with broad romantic stokes
One where she existed for him
While he did not admit this to himself, it was true
Because when she was her own woman
He no longer possessed her

Did he truly love her?
Or did he love the image and feeling of being attached to her?
Could he simply appreciate the time they shared?
Or would he spend every present moment worrying and ensuring that she would stay with him through the future?

Although he was with her for years
He was rarely ever truly WITH her
He was only with the image he projected onto her
The image of girlfriend
The image of wife

And he was never truly himself
He was the image of boyfriend
The image of husband

So when these illusions fell away
And she went on to live a life free of his expectations
His world fell apart
He lost his role
He lost his identity
He lost his life
A cautionary tail that is all to commonly true for those who get caught up in their life roles. Don't get attached to your ideas and expectations of what something should be. Just live and let live and appreciate what you have.
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
Tell me something I don't know
Is this life a TV show
When I want fast it all goes slow
When time I grasp for it quickly flows
Far from my hands and out of sight
I wish we all could just take flight
With minds so powerful and bright
From hearts of gold we spread delight
We change the world and strive for right
But every day will turn to night
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
Tell me I should do my best
But I need no help to clean this mess
All this pain I must confess
Its not in vain it fuels success
Each mental hill each spiritual test
Will train my being until death
You can shine so bright and free
Once you beat back darkness, hate and greed
Its supposed to be hard.
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
The soil brings forth precious gifts, not tainted by mankind
But we choose to poison them, to me that is a crime

Anything is justified when profit is involved
But food should not be business because food is life for all

Faster, cheaper, longer lasting; all these things sound great
But the truth is most of what we eat is far from food and fake
People hear "organic" and they role their eyes. They have become so brainwashed that they see food that is genetically altered, soaked in poison, and filled with preservatives, as the new normal.
The health of your body has a direct effect on the way your mind operates. Science has proven this. The mind and the body are essentially one. Your mind dictates your thoughts, your thoughts dictate your actions, and your actions DEFINE YOU.
Coleseph Nelzsun Mar 2016
It's soooo attractive when you ***** and complain
You talk so much but never make a change
Same old **** on a different day
I think that Eeyore might be your name

How bout you just stand up and fight
This isn't about what's wrong or right

You gotta ****** hand delt, maybe so
But you won't get gains till you tell yourself to grow
When people complain about **** that is in there control or even things that aren't in there control, it disgusts me.
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
What makes your eyes shine bright with wonder?
What makes your heart beat like the thunder?
If you could walk down any road
Would you find courage to walk alone?
Will you be honest when I ask
Did you truly love me in the past?
Can you trust me here today
And believe me when I say
That just your perfect flawless presence
Makes me again believe in heaven
There must be forces up above to make such beauty that shines forth love
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
She asked me, "Do you think you will ever meet 'the one'?"

I smiled because I see this as a trick question

"Well, no.." I replied..

She looked shocked

I continued.. "Because we all are the one"

You see I sincerely believe that love is a state of being

It is not as if you need some magical key that is only in the hands of one to unlock your heart

As long as the spark of love is in you and you can see that spark reflecting back to you in the eyes of your beloved you have found the "one"

But don't stress yourself with searching far and wide

Because you can arrive at this state of oneness with oh so many beautiful souls
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
I just can never fathom
Why people on the daily jump into the corporate chasm
Chasing monetary lies
But scared of living random
They want purpose they want structure
But that **** is lacking luster

Dull and boring plastic people
Countless hoards of roaming sheeple
I want freedom like an eagle
I won't just chase these crumbs like seaguls
Sweet land of industry.
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
You got time but not a whole bunch
You got money but its never enough
You don't got nobody, nobody to love
But everyone loves you
So that's just enough
You gotta heart, you gotta mind
You gotta spirit so you'll be just fine
You may feel alone, you may feel depressed
But know in the future,you will be blessed
As a matter of fact, your blessed right now
You gotta pair of shoes and two feet on the ground
Hope in your mind and love in your heart
So I think today is a good time to start
Loving yourself, loving your life
Embracing true peace and avoiding all strife
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
You are not defined by the mistakes you make
You are not defined by your success either
You are not the identity your parents gave you
You are more than the body you inhibit
You feel this truth
You know this truth
You know that trying to pinpoint where your consciousness lies is impossible
You exist outside of this reality
You are timeless
You will not cease being when your heart stops beating
You will go on

Because you are part of source
Part of the fabric that is all known existence
All you know is part of you
All you know is you
You are everything

— The End —