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 Apr 2017 min
Lindiana Mazari
a system of life
where i shall follow your orders,
your majesty
I'm startled from your cruelty
danger is looming ahead
excuse my charisma
but you should beware
'cause I'm the *SIGMA

the sigma
the knight
who stands up
and fight
the mighty sword
in his hands
standing up
against the King
He's fighting for the good
the sigma is the traditional knight who fights against the evil even if it is his king
 Apr 2017 min
Lindiana Mazari

Everyone says that *Diamonds
are a girls best friend
Everyone says that jewelery are a girls best friend
Everyone says that make up is a girls best friend

but they do not know the truth
i do not think they understand

if she could she would be a shadow
which no one can see
away from society

in the night she stays awake
because he is cold and unforgiving

I don't think you understand
she'll never walk away
because she has no where to go
she is alone in this world so cold

she puts up a mask to not answer the hurting questions
so she can go further on the hurting road full of diamonds

if she had the choice between life and death
she would choose death
because she can't stand the pain anymore
the pain of diamonds cutting through her skin

— The End —