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Season after season.
I've gazed upon you
through my window.

I've seen the snow hang low
upon your branches.
With white upon red berries.
I've watched the snow melt away
to reveal new buds,
ever so slowly,
to leaves so green.
In early Spring.

I've watched all the creatures
hop, climb, and fly among
your branches.
I've watched the birds taste
your blood-red berries.
I've seen songbirds...
finches, and chickadees.
Come to the feeders.
That hang from you.
I've seen the squirrels steal
seeds from the birds.
As their little paws unlatch
a little hook.
I've heard the birds sing among your
So sweetly.
I remember when the chickadees
built their nest in you,
and then watched their young fledge.
I remember the year the woodpecker
came knocking at your trunk's door.
As he drilled his beak into you.
And made a hole.
After that.
You were never the same anymore...

I watched your life slowly end.
Another year.
Another season.
More dead branches to be severed.
Fewer buds.
Fewer leaves.
As your story slowly drew to a close.

they chopped down what was left of you.
But I will always remember you.
And I thank the Lord for the joy
of beholding your beauty.
Of watching your story.
You have blessed so many creatures.
Including me.
Beautiful Mountain Ash tree.
h i s
e y e s
h i s
s m i l e
h i s
w o r d s
h i s
h a n d s

m y
b o d y
h i s
b o d y
m y
h a i r
h i s
h a i r
m i n e
h i s

*h i s .
We had moved from the suburbs out into the country.  To walk through the woods, cuckoo woods, for the village for groceries was the way.  By that lane a field of cabbage plants rotting, passed by holding breath, or holding nose.

I forever remember the smell, imagined the slime, the slugs.

If dusk was falling, and fear involved, I ran quickly singing hymns loud for safety. Sadly it was not the lane that hurt me, it was someone else. Hymns don’t work in my case.

One time we swung the shopping basket between us. Lost most of the potatoes, and were sent back to find them.

Nothing was packaged, left loose in the basket weighed by the pound.

Kale was curly and cheap; we shredded it from the stump for boiling.

By now it is more acceptable, even fashionable, already chopped, stump bits intact and probably good for us. Yet I miss the whole leaf, where the memory formed.

No more do we boil it, softly warmed and stirred with butter and scattering of pink salt.

Slightly addicted these days, is it the taste of the memory that holds me?

Each day the good feeling is slightly spoiled on throwing the unnecessary packaging away, damp cellophane bag. I miss Mum’s basket, yet I do not miss the cabbage field.

  May 2017 Christine
Help me heal.
This world is full of evil.

I’ve seen things I wish I didn’t see
Heard things I wish I didn’t hear
And spoken things
I wish
I didn’t speak.

I wish I could just be silent.

Help me heal

Help me turn away
from the darkness

Let me search for the light.

This evil
tastes so good
but hurts just as bad.

It is no use

I am unhealthy

Help me heal

No matter how many times
God can forgive me,
It’s no use to keep saying sorry
And not mean it.

And what more to ask for healing,
when I keep getting sick?

Help me heal, though.

I need to get rid of the cancer
in my bones
the sins
in my soul

Help me heal
Before you know

It’s too late.
help me heal, though
  May 2017 Christine
“It just feels like yesterday”,
you say.
Everything is just yesterday.

For the days have gone behind us,
the months disappear into thin air,
the years turn to dust as they all
fade into the night.

But as the sun arises
We see that a new day has dawned.
And yet, everything has changed in
the blink of an eye;
short yet long,
mysterious the time.

Such is yesterday.
The past is past
Christine May 2017
why think so lowly of me
these flickering heart
arching back
if only you know
what the use of
your knowings

why think so lowly of me
it's not me
i am not flicking the flame
how could i
what the use of
these confessions

why think so lowly of me
those shattered imperfect dreams
gazing eyes
if only you know
what the use of
my explanations

you will still think so lowly of me
please don't .
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