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 Jun 2014 Chloé
Not Knowing...
 Jun 2014 Chloé

Not knowing…
Walls prove unending
Collections collect dust
Socks match and no one cares
Mirrors reflect pain
Clogged drains overflow sorrow

Not knowing…
Nature breathes dreary pictures
Bent branches sway in branded winds
Pathways end without rhyme or reason
Silhouettes run from their own shadows
Ripples disappear on darkened coastlines

Not knowing…
Puzzle pieces don’t fit
Questions have no answers
Music loses all means of melody
Days are merely days
Poetry is pointless

Not knowing…
 Jun 2014 Chloé
 Jun 2014 Chloé
If I wrote a poem
that no one ever read
would you think it alive
or would you call it dead?
 Jun 2014 Chloé

I opened a book today
and then it opened me
 Jun 2014 Chloé
Your front doormat said welcome,
your expression said get lost!
 Jun 2014 Chloé
silence claims me because I want it to.
I want the silence to speak
and silence does speak;
loud and clear and precise;
with no admixture of emotion
no judgement no applause
no pretence and definitely no lies
 Jun 2014 Chloé
Mike Hauser
Who is the cause
Of all this fussing and fighting
The storms that are brewing
The thunder and lightning

I say that it's you
while you say that it's me

We throw angry words
Into the wind
Best hold on tight
As hurricane season begins

You blame it on me
I blame it on you

No early warning
This twister of fate
This destroyer of lives
This dust storm of hate

While it could be me
I still think that it's you

Then come the tears
The flash flood without warning
Into the night
Until early morning

While it might be you
you still think that it's me

If we go through a drought
In our love together
There is never a doubt
We're the perfect storm for each other

When it comes down to it
I guess it's the both of us
 Jun 2014 Chloé
quietly yelling
I want to treat u like a king *** ur my knight in shinning armor~

I want us to get our happily ever after!!!!
 Jun 2014 Chloé
Jonny Angel
I stomped a head
in an unknown village,
broke some ribs
in a city without a name
& crushed a few hands
in a town that
no longer exists.
I insist,
I'm not certifuable,
ain't no lunatic in bdu's,
I was just doing my job.
 Jun 2014 Chloé
13 months.
 Jun 2014 Chloé
13 months ago I experienced the biggest heartbreak I ever had.

12 months ago I was on a high.

11 months ago I made new friends.

10 months ago I did new things.

9 months ago I began writing more and more.

8 months ago I began a new school.

7 months ago I found a new best friend.

6 months ago I tried something different.

5 months ago I met a guy who understood.

4 months ago I began feeling cold.

3 months ago I felt nothing.

2 months ago I missed you.

1 month ago I cried every time I saw the color blue.

but now I realize that I am finally over you.

and oh how sweet it finally is.
 Jun 2014 Chloé
Liz Delgado
You said you needed space once again, so I stepped aside and you put me back in your shelf.
I waited weeks and months to be taken out, but, "give me another week," you said.
And so I waited and I waited, and I cried, and I missed you like crazy.
I was left insomnious.
Eventually, I found my way down, went through the door and you never heard of me again.
I had hoped you would come looking for me... but you never did.
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