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Quite empty, quite at rest,
The Robin locks her Nest, and tries her Wings.
She does not know a Route
But puts her Craft about
For rumored Springs—
She does not ask for Noon—
She does not ask for Boon,
Crumbless and homeless, of but one request—
The Birds she lost—

Everyone has their weak spot
The one thing that
Despite my best efforts
Will always bring me
To my knees
Regardless of how strong
I'm otherwise

Your Eyes
Your voice
Your face
Your smile
Your thought
Your memory
Your existence
Your being
Your soul
My weak spot
Is my strong

 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
I wish you knew that
I wouldn't love
if it wasn't
Sweet sweet tender flesh
I bite into the rest
My tongue does a taste test
My mind goes under a slight mesh
Of feelings and taste
My mind sets off a race
My tongue begins to pace

I could eat this slowly all day
This poem is about the rotisserie chicken I had last night. XD
Everything you do to stand out probably makes you stand in.
Just do you.
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
"Don't overthink it. Accept it. It is a gift."
and thank you, God.
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
Word, are a symphony of our minds.
Our mind is the connection of it all.
We all have hearts, and some of us,
Use it well, but some are gifted from heaven.
A mind in a union with the heart, make the perfect one.
The one that is able to control his body,
and express is in a piece of beautiful art.
A true touch from God on demand.

It stole along so stealthy
Suspicion it was done
Was dim as to the wealthy
Beginning not to own—
Desiring a child,
softness of skin
revealing the tenderness
of their hand in mine.
Stroking the beauty of innocence
that of yet is not tainted by
the sins of this present world.
Overtaken by the righteous indignation
of protection,
possessing the fierceness of the lioness of her cub,
not allowing any evil into there world.
Mother, breathing strength to encompass
the purity and virtue of her beautiful baby.
Rocking in the darkness of night,but it is
distinguished by the light of those eyes,
looking up at you while giving them warmth and
Please Lord,bless my womb so I may bear a child.
I want to be overwhelmed with love for them.
Compelled to mother their needs,
while being permeated by their love for me.
Please Lord bear me with a strong will,
while I wait for my Precious child.
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