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Mar 2015 · 618
The Monster
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2015
There is a monster
It is an invisible monster
It is an intangible monster
It is wild
It destroys all things inside & out
It is wild & random
It throws tantrums on whim
& nothing is done
Because no one can see
That there is a monster
It is wild, random, & deformed
It is an uncontrollable monster
But it is possible to tame
With either pills or death.
The problem becomes
"Which is better?"
This poem is referring to the struggle of having mental disorders
Nov 2014 · 6.5k
The Break-Up
Cheyenne Brown Nov 2014
I weeped and sobbed
after you knocked on my front door
to tell me that I have been blocked
by your love and then you said,
"This you should just ignore"
I should ignore the signs that warned me to just give up.
Too bad, so sad that I could not
because I loved you too much to break up,
So why should I be punished when I thought that this was not one-sided?
It would have been nice to know
your love for me has never begun
and that this all was just an act!
Good thing I don't care anymore.
But why does my heart stay so sore...?
A sonnet I made.
Jun 2014 · 412
The Game Nobody Loves
Cheyenne Brown Jun 2014
I don't know why I couldn't see
That you never felt for me
I chased after you
And if only I knew
That you just came to play
But atleast come to say
That I was never loved by you
Atleast tell me the truth...
Jun 2014 · 492
Imaginary Chains of Love
Cheyenne Brown Jun 2014
I felt like a jilted being
I never harbored fleeing
Your actions disagreed
This stress is not in need
I constantly waited in pain
For you to explain
Why you never leave
So that I could grieve
Over advantages you took of me
Then live my life alone yet free
From the cruelty
Of humanity
Now I relieved all the stress I could
As I lay in a pool of my own blood
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Imperfection to Salvation
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
He created us as imperfect beings
But He exhibits various rules
To 'perfect' us or else we suffer
He threatens us with these morbid actions
Because we are intended to be perfect
Perfect in His eyes
And yet He created us as imperfect beings
He evokes us how imperfect we are
He generates excuses that it's only human nature
But we're still to arrive at this petrifying region
For being created imperfect by Him
Unless we track these rules to perfection
And yet He created us as imperfect beings
This is my confusion with religion
Mar 2014 · 419
These Emotions
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
I realize I can't get through to you,
These emotions.
I chase this wistful dream, I do,
Unable to stop thinking of it daily.
It's just too painful as you're still blind to
These emotions.
I feel like I have to unwind,
Almost surrendering to
These emotions.
I secretly dream of us becoming one,
Expressing to you
These emotions.
But there's no point in trying, you're already dead.
So why is my hope still alive?
Mar 2014 · 570
The Worst Kind of War
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
The worst kind of war
We see it every day
It's too obvious to ignore

It's too stubborn to negotiate
So it corrupts society
This is what it will create

It's like a disease
Little germs floating around
Destroying everything it sees

Correcting it is like a chore
It corrupts everything anyways
This is the worst kind of war
Mar 2014 · 301
Mental Illness
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
I thought I saw
As plain as day
A dark figure
Just standing there

I thought it was
You I saw
Although it was
Nothing at all
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
Land of Confusion
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
People have always been taught
How easy it is to lie.
When they're told it's bad,
They get really mad.
It's not their fault.
Adults lie so much.
And children learn from them.
We all do it.
They say it's just a little white lie.
But they say lying is bad.
Every day we exclaim
Empty words of emotion,
Empty promises of affection.
It's like a fad,
So it'll be alright.
Because this too shall pass...
And move to another lie.
Mar 2014 · 4.2k
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
People are opinionated.
People are selfish.
People are obstinate.
People are argumentative.
People are lazy.
People are destructive.
People are creative.
People are beautiful.
People are determined.
People are complex.
People are unique.
People are amazing.
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
Ich Liebe Sie
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
Ich liebe sie
I love her too much
I show her the affection she deserves
But she is either blind
Or refuses to take it

Ich liebe sie
I love her with all my heart
I'd do anything and everything for her
Whatever she desires without question
Yet I still feel like it's not enough

Ich liebe sie
Forever and always
Infinity and beyond
It pains me to see
How blind she is to my love
For her and only her
Ich liebe sie
Mar 2014 · 1.8k
The Blame
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
All my hope is gone,
Demolished, obliterated, corrupted
Its not my fault, but your's
Its not my flaws or negativity
But your carelessness and selfishness
Because I,
You made a mistake
I am stained and broken
I will take my anger out on everyone
I will make them cry
I will hear them scream
I will watch them corrupt themselves,
As did I.

I am justified.
Mar 2014 · 353
I Love You
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
I love you, I really do
I wish you would notice me
And my love for you

I love you - with all my heart
Unfortunately you don't know
And it's like you rip it apart

I love you, but that's not enough
Because I need your return in favour
Or the rest of my life will be rough

I love you - forever and always,
You and only you, but
This just keeps going on for days

I love you,
But you don't love me,
So my heart just rips in two
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
I'm just a tool
People use me like a spoon
They don't see I'll wear out soon
They do see I'm stained & broken
They won't hear me when I've spoken
& they still don't do **** to fix me
Mar 2014 · 333
Life or Death
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
Life is only temporary
But Death is eternal

It is best for one to
Respect both the

Currently Living
And the
Forever Dead
Mar 2014 · 343
Waiting For You Never
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
The loneliness is taking over
You've been gone so long
I've been here waiting
Assuming you will keep your promise
Of love and return

I'm exhausted by your constant excuses
And yet I wait for you
And I'm so cold without you
Without you blinding me to your true colours

Stop causing me these headaches
Don't act like your heart's made of stone
Realize that I won't always be here
Smiling at your face
Weeping over your mistakes
Waiting for your return
Loving who you're not
Mar 2014 · 801
Right or Wrong
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
We never really learn
This is a big concern

We were taught to lie
We were taught to comply

They said it was okay
As long as I don't disobey

They tell me it is wrong
Their own actions aren't as strong

I ponder which is right
I wonder which are really bright

The ones that defy
Or those little white lies?

— The End —