I wish I could slowly drift away
from all the pain, all the mistakes you caused me.
I wish I can put into words
all the emotions and the feelings.
I wish you could see what a mess I have been,
and I hope, though I am struggling,
you would take time to listen.
You would take time to even care.
Who are you?
What have you done?
To your desires, why have I fallen so badly?
Looking back only makes me quiver,
when I was moody, childish, immature.
Imperfect, that is what you are.
A human, sometimes careless, but always
always fragile.
Dear Me, hear me out.
Look yourself in the mirror,
this is not what you want.
The battle lies not on the outside
but is waged within you.
Before evil triumphs, darling,
overcome it with good.
(C) 2015