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they laugh
because i want to know
all the weeds by name

and when they overhear me
talking to the plants
in the garden

it isn't enough to know
a plant
by name and purpose

or to be able to carry on
half a conversation

i have to know all the seasons
and stages

and guess what might
be lurking
under those leaves

I wonder, sometimes,
if this is how
our Creator feels
It's your soul letting you know
My soul allied,
My journey began.
Wisdom found me.
Madness made sense again.
The void left me.
I am now, whole.
Because of you.

Because of you,
      I am now,
         Not pretending.
         Nor descending.
         Not anymore.
Because of you.

Because of you,
I am hope.
        Adventurous and wandering.
I am wisdom.
        Seeking the universal truth.
I am eternity.
        Immortal and free.
- What if the concept of souls is a figment of our imagination?
my universe
will never
ever ever ever be the same without you in it.
missed ya.
One. No matter how much you scrub at yourself in the shower, you will never wash the feeling of his hands from your skin. You will learn to be okay.
Two. His lips tasted like strawberries and you'll never be able to eat them again without tasting something sour.
Three. Getting under someone else won't fix your problems, but it will help you forget.
Four. Hearing her name will spark a fire so intense in your chest that you'll think all of the flowers have been burnt, but I promise you they will grow back.
Four. It will pass.
Five. He'll never get tired of the way your body feels underneath his.
Six. Let him miss you.
Seven. Let him be angry that he lost you.
Eight. Let him hurt.
Nine. Burn his t-shirt. Burn his boxers. Burn the love notes. Burn everything and let the ashes be the last of him.
Ten. He'll get bored of her too. Don't let him crawl back to your bed.
Eleven. You'll let his empty coffee cup fall to the floor and you'll let it smash and then you'll cry as you pick up the pieces and you'll write a dumb poem about how your heart was his mug and he let it smash and then you will delete it and then you will heal. It will be okay. You will make it.
Twelve. Your first heartbreak will never prepare you for your second love.
Hands roaming
Skin touching
Eyelashes fluttering
You are so lovely

Soft brown eyes
Dilated pupils
Quiet moans
I love you I love you I love you

Parted lips
Messy kisses
I just want you
She whispers

My love and I
Holding hands as our bodies unwind
I think she saw God
I think I did too
I wrote this about a girl that doesn't exist, and it's very messy because I just kind of wrote it and didn't really stop to think about it.
"It's like
I want you to be
A part of my life,
But I'm scared of everything
From commitment
To someone seeing me naked."
it's the emotional
the tingling,
depressions hand
on your thighs,
his skin is soothing
enough but his
nails curve red moons
into those pretty
little girl tights.
they ******* so well,
anxieties got a
mean eye,
for the girls with
they're the most fun,
swallowing back
their screams, saving
them for the
bedroom at night.
you find them in
the morning teasing
the pill bottle,
they got a will to live
stuck in their throat.
doctors say there's a
heartbeat but
no heart.
all their red dresses
over the floor,
the first of many
warning signs,
red dresses to funerals,
red dresses to slide
down the underbelly
of dissatisfaction.
they sleep without love,
exhaling demons on
the balcony, until
they burn like stubs
in their eyes.
© copyright

i was kind of thinking of mental health as these abusive figures in a girls life. red is often said to be the angry/passionate colour, i was thinking about a girl wearing it a lot as a warning sign, a sort of cry for help, that keeps getting misinterpreted and leading to more abuse.
I can't hold you
Like I really want to,
Hold you
Where my hands
Could leave imprints
That will not be easy to forget,
I can't caress you
Like I really want to,
Trace every inch of you
A map that leads
To the stars in your eyes,
I can't love you
Like I really want to,
Ardently consume you
A feverish attempt
To absorb you,
But for a moment
Intensely rage
Against the night sky
Feel your soul
Bubble beneath your skin
Peel like a sunburn,
But I can make do
Just being next to you...

APAD16 - 017 © okpoet
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