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 Dec 2015 Carlos PD
E Townsend
Some nights music has to be turned up
at the highest volume
so that my thoughts
do not **** me in my sleep
 Nov 2015 Carlos PD
My heart is torn in two
But I still can't give one half to you
 Nov 2015 Carlos PD
A teacher once told me
I should never begin a sentence with
“I think”
because everything you say is what you think.
But somewhere along the line,
I stopped saying “I think” instead
because I needed to fake something like confidence
state every opinion like a fact
Bold, built up brick walls
making my every statement that much stronger
But there’s something to be said
for sentences that start with I think
I’m starting to wonder if it doesn’t take more bravery
to be tentative
that you might begin to say
I could be wrong; I am sometimes.
I’m not unfailing,
I hope that’s okay.
 Nov 2015 Carlos PD
Mike Hauser
You've heard of the children of the corn
This my friend is much scarier than that
Here to make sure you eat all your vegetables
Adults of the Asparagus

Set in a quaint New England town
Could be in any novel by Stephen King
Making sure both the young and the old
Eat their veggies raw, sauteed, or steamed

They'll make you sit by yourself at the table
With the dog behind the door when they lock it
Before you leave the table they'll frisk you
And have you empty out all of your pockets

You will shudder with butter on the side
Salting to taste if you must
Making sure you eat every last bite
Adults of the Asparagus
Eating vegetables can be scary!
i turn off the light but that's not all
we haven't spoken since the fall
i close my eyes
i hear your lies
i toss and turn
the memories burn
my skin starts sweating
there's no forgetting
i stare at the ceiling
there is no concealing
my thoughts when i'm alone
i glance at the light from my phone
your name isn't on it
if it were, maybe i would quit
this sad habit of staying awake
it's hard to sleep when you're about to break
you get to sleep fine
but you interrupt mine
how much more can one person take?
 Nov 2015 Carlos PD
t i d e s
 Nov 2015 Carlos PD
Do these waters inside move like tides in the ocean?
Constantly pushing, pulling with the moon;
Does it rise? Does it fall? Does it matter where I crawl?
Something strange, strong answers beyond the commune.
Seek beyond those you know and remember, we are all human with 75% water.
i showed it to you
you made a wish and i did too
my wish was for you and yours was for me
oh look how happy we seem
i cried because you weren't there
my wish was for you, you didn't care
it meant nothing to you but something to me
oh look how wrong i could be
i make my last wish
but don't hope for it to come true
because after months of the same wish,
i still don't see you
 Oct 2015 Carlos PD
square ;rectangle
rhomboidal shapes
a special safe
to hold memories in place
magical contraption
hanging on walls
look long enough
and you'll float
on little paper planes
carrying you to another time in space
which once lived now seems surreal
bringing you back to the moment
the present is all you have for real
yet you may traverse the memory lanes
thanks to photoframes...,
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