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B Sonia K Dec 2018
There is a difference between pretence and adaptation
Your mind constantly in motion
Rising up to the occasions
Depending on different sitiations.
To the British I speak English
To the Polish, I speak Polish
To the rich, I’m rich
And not just in manner of speech

It's not pretence
It just makes sense
Adapting to every situation
A constant change with diverse emotions
Not just an illusion
There are established illustrations
To everything there are two sides
Upsides and downsides
What I call adaptation
Some call pretence
When I give an illustration
Some come to my defence
My aspiration to be better than I am
My conviction to change who I am
Has turned into deception
Leaving behind frustration.
The constant changes has its effect
Some might call it a defect
Just like trying to learn 10 languages at the same time
In the end all you have is half-baked knowledge not worth a dime.
A current situation
To which there is no solution
Or pretend?
You decide if this is a upside,
Or a down side.
In the end, a position you must take,
“I am Half-baked.”
B Sonia K Dec 2018
It fuels my imagination
Intensifies my passion
And directs my emotions

Overwhelm me and let me create.
B Sonia K Dec 2018
I saw you naked in my dream as you walk to me.
Your arms around me as you talk to me
All my emotions exploding
Your expressions all knowing
I want you, you whisper
My response, a breathless shiver
And deep down south I quiver
I still feel your touch when you're not around
Just to catch a glimpse of you, when I turn around.
Oh the excitement of your touch
Overriding all my conscious thoughts
Yet conscious of my blood pumping
Like molten lava flowing through my veins
Endorphins and dopamine crowding my brain
I want you, you whisper
My response, a breathless shiver
And deep down south I quiver
My heart, a whistling song
In your arms I come undone
jumping at every touch and  graze
Quivering in anticipation
Oh, I smell our passion
Like a shimmering heat
Sweat dripping as they roll off my skin
A Cascade of chain reactions

You've struck a match to this dynamite
And there's no room to duck out of sight
for I'm a quivering mess
And I want you no less.
As we explore this fire between us,
We face an impending explosion
An ******* expectation
I want you, you whisper
My response, a breathless shiver
And way down south I quiver
A fiery tiger unleashed
We'll be horizontal for weeks
In a wet cocoon of private entanglement
Oh, how you turn me on
In inexplicable ways
I can't but try to explain
A shivering bliss.

©2018 Busola S. Kolade.
  Dec 2018 B Sonia K
Ally Ann
A friend asked me
how to be a writer.
I wanted to say,
lock yourself in a room,
scream until you have
a poem and no voice.
Open your veins and bleed
until you know that your bones
are pure words and sorrow.
Act as if you slit your own throat
and all you can bleed
are your own regrets
and all of the darkness
you boxed up for inspiration.
Write your mom a letter,
tell her you're leaving
and you won't be back for awhile
Because being a writer is traveling
through all seven layers of Hell
and denying anything is wrong.
Forget loving yourself
when all you have is a pen and paper
fused to your wrist
and Jesus is tapping at your skull
saying turn back now.
Warn the neighbors that if they smell burning
It's just your soul
clawing at the front door trying to get in.
Learn how to be alone.
Learn how to lose everything you have
in order to feel release,
learn how to only feel deceased
from now on.
A friend asked me
how to be a writer.
All I said was
B Sonia K Dec 2018
White Head Phones
Blue head band
Wearing the shirt I bought her

Golden earrings
Golden wrist watch
As Golden as the sun

Feigning ignorance
In the face of romance
I think I like her

Wouldn't you?
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