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782 · May 2016
Open Your Heart
Open your heart
And spread good cheer
Be a positive force
Each and every year
Guide the little ones
Show them the way
Encourage and support them
Teach them how to be brave
779 · Nov 2016
Continue To Push Yourself
Continue to push yourself
Always go above and beyond
There is no limit to greatness
Find yourself and be heartstrong
Rise through the battle
Keep positive thoughts in your mind
Build your world with happiness
You can be bright as the sunshine
Girl, when we lay together by the fire
We cherish one another completely
Nothing but comfort and support
And love one another deeply
We pick each other up
Together, we uplift and inspire
With each day that passes
We challenge one another to reach higher
Always find a way to make yourself better
Believe that you can do it
Take on a new challenge
Build up your inner spirit
Be that light that shines
When the scenery is dark
Uplift yourself greatly
And provide that spark
767 · Sep 2016
Take That Risk
Take that risk
And be willing to better yourself
You have only one life
Live it up and reach for that top shelf
The answers are there
Right before your very eyes
Look carefully
And strive for that top prize
764 · Jan 2016
Girl, Those Beautiful Eyes
Girl, those beautiful eyes
Really mesmerize me
So pretty as can be
Along with your loving personality
They hold the window to your soul
Those eyes are simply captivating
Filled with heart and grace
And admirably breathtaking
761 · Feb 2016
Spread Those Wings And Soar
Spread those wings and soar
You have the ability
Never give up on yourself
Just think carefully
You can do it
Rise up and face the challenge
Just put your heart into it
And find your balance
You sit alone and stare at the wall
And darkness is all that you will find
Messing around with narcotics
Is sadly destroying your mind
Just get yourself some help
And take your life back
Remove yourself from the negative
Move towards the right track
748 · Nov 2015
Keeping A Watchful Eye Open
Keeping a watchful eye open
As nature takes it course
Weathering the storm
The sight of a natural resource
The scenery takes your breath away
As we stay within the range
As time goes on
The story line will change
Always thinking of ideas to better herself
And possessing a sharp mind
Acquiring mass information
In order to benefit mankind
Her books are always open
Nothing but a strong will to educate
A desire to be better than yesterday
Once she passes that open gate
742 · Jan 2014
Be In A Jolly Mood
Be in a jolly mood
Put a smile on your face
Do not be bitter
Just make your world brighter
Always think positive
Be the person that has the drive
Go the extra mile
All you have to do is strive
737 · May 2016
Stand Up Tall
Stand up tall
And take control of your life
Put your heart into things
Be jubilant, be bright
Jump and rejoice
Be an inspiration
Rise up and earn your victory
What a great sensation
736 · Feb 2016
Work Hard
Work hard
At everything that you do
The battle is never easy
You will face disappointment as you try to get through
Guard your heart
As you go forward
Enjoy the journey
And continue on upward
735 · Dec 2016
She Is Altruistic
She is altruistic
Always taking care of others
Brightening everyone's day
Nothing but love that she smothers
She shines like a beacon
Always willing to go the extra mile
Very conscientious at what she does
And possesses a heartwarming smile
735 · May 2016
Empty Words
Empty words
Simply have no weight
They do not say how we feel
Make things clear before it is too late
Moments will come and go
Life will simply pass you by
Take the time to show that you care
That is no jive
727 · Jul 2016
Tell Your Woman Everything
Tell your woman everything
Make her feel like she matters
Communication is vital
Without it, your world would be shattered
Build your foundation with her
Just always be there
Give her love, support and comfort
And make your words clear
725 · Aug 2018
Always Be That Spark
Always be that spark
Have a nature that is good
Go that extra mile
Be an inspiration to the neighboorhood
Mentor our youth
Guide and show them the way
Provide words of positivity
Teach them everyday
725 · Oct 2015
Never Lose Courage
Never lose courage
Rise up to the challenge
The battle may be difficult
Hang in there and do not lose your balance
Obstacles will be there
They will try to deter you
Always maintain your inner focus
And fight your way through
When you avoid responsibility
It clearly shows that you do not care
Just open your eyes
You need to be more aware
Opportunity will pass you by
There will be nothing for you to gain
You will lose everything
Things will sadly go down the drain
715 · Jan 2014
Be Bold, Be Brave
Be bold, be brave
Do not keep bitterness inside
Talk to each other
Instead of hiding behind a huge wall of pride
Keep your head upward
And wear a smile
Remove all of the negative
Zero in on the positive
712 · Apr 2017
Just Take Flight
Just take flight
Build yourself upward
Be the one who prospers
As you move onward
The challenge will be arduous
But, you have to fight your way through
Reach for the victory
Be stellar at everything that you do
711 · Dec 2015
The Christmas Season
The Christmas season
Is the reason
For everyone is in a state of elation
Upon this special occasion
Filled with gifts and great cheer
It is once again that time of the year
Sitting near the yuletide log
Sipping on some good ol' egg nog
704 · Aug 2014
Sitting Alone In Darkness
Sitting alone in darkness
One must move towards the light
Do not suffer in silence
Enlighten your world to make things bright
The journey is never easy
Lots of obstacles will stand in your way
Always think positive thoughts
As you live your life each day
704 · Sep 2016
She Is Brokenhearted
She is brokenhearted
You have torn her apart
You were never there
Right from the very start
Tears are falling from her face
Nothing but mass confusion
Living in a state of turmoil
Filled with lots of frustration
Girl, remove yourself from bitterness
Just find your happiness
You do not need that loser
You have been under enough stress
Always looking for someone else to blame
And never takes responsibility
Quit living in a masquerade
Haven't you dealt with enough pain?
700 · Jul 2019
Girl, Just Find Yourself
Girl, just find yourself
And be your own sunshine
Be that positive motivating force
In order to keep everything in line
Rise above those obstacles
That simply weigh you down
Let no one dull your sparkle
Lift yourself and adjust that crown
699 · Jun 2016
Moments Will Come To Pass
Moments will come to pass
Enjoy it while you can
It will soon be just a memory
Remember to take a stand
Be bold and brave
Create your legacy
Inspire others to do their best
Show compassion and integrity
You can find your way to the gold
Just shine your light
Walk forward in a positive manner
And make your spirits bright
Rough roads will come about
Adjust, then continue on your journey
Set your sights upward
You will eventually reach your victory
693 · Feb 2016
Show Her Love
Show her love
And treat her like a lady everyday
Make her feel special
Take her in your arms and cherish her in every way
Just cultivate her
Shower her with a tender kiss
Always keep her in your heart
In order to have a heavenly bliss
684 · Aug 2014
Of An Affable Nature
Of an affable nature
Always with a smile
Helping everyone out
Being kind is worthwhile
A friendly personality
And a winning attitude
Adds bright sunshine to your day
And serenity in every way
683 · Apr 2019
Always Be The Sun
Always be the sun
To light all darkness
Bring yourself back to life
When you feel hopeless
Strength is in you
Guide yourself respectfully
Be willing and able
Stay determined accordingly
683 · May 2017
Never Say That You Cannot
Never say that you cannot
Always be willing to give it a try
Believe that you can
Continue on before the water runs dry
Take things one step at a time
You can rewrite history
The harder the battle may seem
The sweeter is the victory
677 · Jul 2014
With Each New Day
With each new day
You can get better
Expand your horizons
Get yourself together
Build your world
Stay on the right track
Maintain a positive attitude
And do not ever fall back
677 · Apr 2017
One Can Learn A Lot
One can learn a lot
If there is a strong will to open the mind
Fill your world with intelligence
Just be gentle and kind
Challenge yourself to grow spiritually and intellectually
Go through that maze
Rise up through those obstacles
So you can see those bright sunny days
674 · Feb 2019
You Find Your Purpose
You find your purpose
As you live your life
Be the best at what you do
Have a clearer insight
Remember to keep the faith
As you travel through the state line
Have the passion and energy
And build your own sunshine
673 · Jul 2014
Promote The Positive
Promote the positive
Think great thoughts everyday
Move in the right direction
Just take good instruction
Continue to strive for excellence
And give it your very best
Maintain your inner strength
Stay on the right path to success
672 · May 2017
Go For It And Achieve
Go for it and achieve
Just believe that you can
Have that extra effort and energy
For the time is at hand
Take those necessary steps
And rise to the challenge
Enlighten your world
Find your balance
672 · Oct 2015
Girl, Just Let Him Go
Girl, just let him go
You do not need the pain
Remove yourself from bitterness
Before it drives you insane
Just reach higher
Make your world bright
Remove yourself from darkness
Move towards the light
667 · May 2017
Continue To Do Your Thing
Continue to do your thing
Work hard and stay on track
Move towards your mission
Forge ahead and do not look back
Be the epitome of excellence
Greatness is within you
Just master your craft
Always be the best at whatever you do
665 · Mar 2017
Always Take Responsibility
Always take responsibility
Hold yourself accountable
Get off of those streets
For they are filled with trouble
Pick yourself upward
Get out of the darkness
For you are in a state of uncertainty
Remove yourself from the stress
665 · Mar 2019
Two Hearts That Beat As One
Two hearts that beat as one
And who are always there
Walking hand in hand
Girl, we are forever sincere
The love that we share
Is golden from the start
A complete heavenly bless
That is true and dear to our hearts
Believe that you can love
It is always in the air
You can make your case
The pathway is clear
There is a mountain to climb
But, you must put forth the effort
Look within yourself
That is where you should start
Girl, just find it in your heart
To try to love again
Lift yourself upward
Continue to grow my friend
Be that shining beacon
For brightness is there
Make those grand strides
Be the one to be sincere
You may feel down and out
And you may be heartbroken
Filled with grief and pain
Because words have been unspoken
But, you must be strong
And continue to rise
Just believe that you can love
Have a strong will to survive
See the beauty in everything
Rise above the madness
There is always hope
Find the joy and gladness
Those dark clouds will disappear
And the sun will shine again
Put your heart into everything
Those jubilant moments will appear my friend
660 · Jun 2017
Utilize Your Mind
Utilize your mind
For it is a sharp tool
Do not waste your time
Your mother did not raise a fool
Learning is a lifelong experience
Continue to open those books
Fill your world with more wisdom
So that way you would not hang on a hook
657 · Sep 2016
Rise Up From Poverty
Rise up from poverty
Get off of those streets
There is nothing but uncertainty
You never know the predicament that you may meet
Take back your life
Move towards the light
Get out of the darkness
And make your life bright
656 · Aug 2019
That One Moment
One moment the waters are calm
And the next, you are weathering the storm
The unpredictability of life
May differ from the norm
Another moment you may see darkness
And the next, the sun will shine
It is up to you to push those clouds away
In order to keep everything in line
655 · May 2014
Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
Was a lady with a vision
She reached out to many people
And carried out her mission
She was an inspiration
To one and all
She taught everyone
How to stand up tall
She was involved in a never ending battle
She fought for justice, education, and equality
Her legacy was widespread
For all to see
She also wrote beautiful poetry
She lifted her voice very nicely
Her words were written with zeal and vigor
They carried such harmony
She was very witty
She was pleasantly headstrong
Sadly, at the age of eighty-six
She has passed on

Her legacy was widespread
Speak intelligent words to inspire
Make the students feel that they can achieve
Encourage them to do their best
No matter how difficult the battle may seem
Give them moral support
And do not ever fall back
Maintain that positive demeanor
And move towards the right track
652 · Jan 2016
Find Your Way
Find your way
In spite of the obstacles
Just remember that
Anything is possible
Think grand thoughts
Continue to inspire
Show them what it takes
Just reach higher
645 · Apr 2016
Words Only Mean So Much
Words only mean so much
They mean nothing without action
Time will pass on
And unexpected events will happen
Day becomes night
Tides will turn
Moments will simply become a memory
Another tough lesson to learn
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