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Brenda Mukisa Jul 2017
She sat in the car staring at him
Waiting for him to drive in.
She wasn't expecting anything.
She hadn't even imagined her first visit.
She just stood there watching.
Letting the idea settle in.

When he opened the door and let her in.
She could not believe her eyes.
It was a beautiful house.
Empty beautiful house.
He said it was her home.
That she could make it a home.
She felt like it was her kind of home.

She could already see herself there.
Waking up each morning to the quiet.
To the peace and comfort of the country.
To the beautiful house and compound.
Her friends and family would visit here.

He showed her the children's bedrooms.
She could already hear them call.
Or cry but mainly laugh.
She could see her touch all over.
It was a home she could be proud of.

A home of her own.
Brenda Mukisa Jul 2017
There comes a time to choose
You do not have to be ready.
You just have to make your pick.
To know what is best for you.
To decide what you must do.
To make a decision that is best.

There is a season of decisions.
You just make a decision each day.
And pray you chose you.
And you chose right.
Brenda Mukisa Jul 2017
I walked through these doors.
I just wanted to get away.
I just wanted to pass a unit at uni.
I just wanted to start afresh.

Its been three years.
I still walk through these doors.
I met good people here.
I had a lot of fun here.
I still have fun here.
I tell people about here.

3 years of growth.
3 years of loving you guys.
3 years of happiness and going places.
3 years of managing sport.
I'm glad I came
I,m glad I met you.
Now I know, home can be anywhere.
Brenda Mukisa Jul 2017
I asked for tall, light skinned, handsome.
You are not that.
But you, God you....
You make me feel things.
You make me want to believe.
You make me choose you.

Goddddd.... I think I like you for real.
Brenda Mukisa Jul 2017
dark night.
The wind is slow but surely present.
Somehow we dont feel it, atleast I donot.
my porch we are starting on.
look up  the stars are beautiful.
pull me close
i'll lean on your shoulder.

wait for this moment.
lean deeper  its happening.
Tonight,  the happiest person in the world.
Is my best
because on dark nights like these.
stories begin, or a story begins.
maybe.... began
Brenda Mukisa Jul 2017
That's the thing about love
It doesn't warn you.
It doesn't prepare you.
One moment you love your life.
And the next moment this person is a part of it.
Filling spaces that seemed full before.
Taking all, and giving more.

You think you like a certain kind of handsome.
Then a different kind of human shows up.
Suddenly you smile at moments past.
And just like that, you've fallen.
Brenda Mukisa Jul 2017
I am sorry that I wasnt perfect
I am sorry that he left.
I am sorry that I let him leave.
I am sorry that I didnt beg him to stay.
O r to come back.
I am sorry that I didnt think of you.
The way you wanted me to.
I am sorry that I didnt wait with you.
I am sorry that I told you to give up.
I am sorry that I made you feel bad for waiting.
For believing he would return.

I am sorry I did what I thought was best
I am sorry I wanted to be perfect for my kids.
I am sorry I sacked at marriage.
I just wanted to be a perfect mother....
I just wanted to love myself as well.
silently, I hoped he would return.
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