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brandon nagley Jul 2015
What is a poet?
If he
Or she
Canst not spilleth their soul on a Papyrus?
Or speaketh their soul's poetry in words?
If one poet canst canst not speaketh their poetry in word's
Or write it down on some Papyrus,
Than that's control
And no poet
Ever wanted to be controlled!!!!
It's as if a prophet in the oldened day's
Whence man tried to control the prophets truth from being spoken
Take Moses as an example.
They tried to holdeth back his truth,
And the water's didst turneth into undrinkable blood....
Never control a poet's writing's
Or his souls word's!!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesoms poets poetry
This isn't pointing to anyone, this goes for media anyone period so anyone saying this is for them not for you... Goes for all who wanna control our souls and our souls words and feelings and truth!!!
Jul 2015 · 663
The miracle mile march...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Plush gadget men, strapped with rounded green circular things, pig's of high class weapon. Mustard seed, to ghastly. Their deed's ***** and satire flaming. Guillotine wagon's to be put into FEMA cache camp's, the 200 million man army to cometh, a false prophet to bloweth mind's, wherein crime wilt seemeth as a prize to the suckling babies.. Rat's and scabies to infest the white pillar mansion! **** thy cigarette's and fathom, what thy blue bowling ball couldst hath been. Calleth it greenhouse gas, I sayeth get out the gas mask's and survive the fan flying ship's!! Martial law to be given as commandment's, citizens shalt turneth ****, normal wilt be blood running down thy alleyway signs reading (STOP) the red paint to be the mark of the martyr's, desolate and slaughtered. The day wilt be shorter, as night to colden longer. Suicide vests to be strapped to the terrorist chest, as mothers turneth against brother's, and sister's against father's! Heart's wilt faulter the man's conscious thinking, the skeleton's wilt be stinking, as the maggot's of hell doth rise ... New age Rome to collapse as a domino on grandma's stove. À triumphant death, the devil wilt smile, until his days art outnumbered by the chariot riders, of Jehovah's miracle Mile..........

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Prophetic poetry
Jul 2015 · 252
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Oh what's wrong? No poem huhuhuhu lolll deleted!!!!!!!
Jul 2015 · 638
Chuckling giggles
brandon nagley Jul 2015
A hippy child by birth
Preordained as a psychic,
Gyspie of thieving church.
Dandelions art their thirst
Days groweth colder
Downtime gets worse
Smiling faces sicken them
When others smile back
Vitamin d
And c
Sickened by mailing
Babble trawling
Click lick chatter
Bit wit batter
Shocked to sloth
And madness of creepiness

©brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 214
Prayer needed
brandon nagley Jul 2015
This pain physically is giving me alot of stresses on me everyone so if I stop writing thats why thanks
Need prayers
Brandon nagley
I'm having kidney issues not some bullcrap.. I need prayer for you who pray for God's healing over me thanks ... With love BRANDON
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I guess
What feareth me the most
Is feeling like
Im the only one in this...
Jul 2015 · 264
brandon nagley Jul 2015
As the medicine man waved his feather over mine body
                                      And kissed mine cheek

                           ­   I
                    ­          Mine
                          ­    Soul
              ­                Was
                      ­        Leaving!!!

As­ I saw the medicine man in his dance below the clouds!!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 329
brandon nagley Jul 2015
When Mi amour'
Gets on H.P
The darkness dissipates.........

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa Angelica dedication
Jul 2015 · 246
Jul 2015 · 245
Jul 2015 · 195
Jul 2015 · 2.4k
Abstract expressionism
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Do we notice the finer things in life? The husband's and wives, children that's been conceived! Thou and they are all thou needeth when thy roof springs its leak!


Looking in all the wrong places?

Itinerant in the stagnative imagination's
For don't even the mammals haveth a place to stay?

Like the son of man
I haveth no chapel
For this head to consecretly layeth!!!

Dog nights seem more teething!!!!

Vestige of all beauty
You've left that still life post,
Wherein thy mantra's I seeketh the most!!!

The I loveth thou's
And thou more....

Deluge of happiness
Covereth me
Bury me
In atmospheric condition,

Oh man didst thou not mention?
The plaques to ***** it's protract sorrow!!!!

Hath society made materialism
And the dollar sign
Their romantic gesture?

A pity to God
And me!!!!

Mobs of fleas
To calleth what they maketh

Wherein the frauds
And phonies
Art thy t.v magnate stars!!!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Old poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I don't thinketh
Two year's enough time
To liveth out mine love
To liveth out mine life.
Though wilt haveth hope,
And seeith the sun shine
I'll taketh every day seriously
Unlike so many
Who've lost their minds....
I prayeth for more time
And I'll keep mine head high
Though when the angels needeth me home
I guess tis time to fly...
Jul 2015 · 209
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Nothing here sorry
Jul 2015 · 253
Jul 2015 · 210
Jul 2015 · 209
Jul 2015 · 234
brandon nagley Jul 2015
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 358
Jul 2015 · 201
Question in deep meaning
brandon nagley Jul 2015
If thou hadst one day left here on this rocky place,
What wouldst thou telleth thy lover?
If thou hadst only one day left?
I think I'd telleth them of mine love....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 234
Jul 2015 · 228
Jul 2015 · 604
brandon nagley Jul 2015
It angers me to seeith
This governmental man-made rain everyday
I want the sun to cometh out
Man, man,go away...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Wake up America and world. You think this is natural weather change and quote climate change as the false popes pushing false... Maby u need to awake to harp program created by the USA.,. They can change weather they have poles in Alaska that shapes and shifts the northern lights... It can create rain, storms, and flood and fires places it shouldn't be... Take a look around u what's going on eh friend,.. The government and bilderburgs well kñown secret society planned this long ago to reduce the population. There's even a plaque In Georgia that reads the population they plan to deduce down to I believe 500 million which will happen with war soo on anyways... Look up harp program on YouTube!!! Realize your weather isn't right!!! This isn't climate change ... Some claim it to be ¡!!nonsense. Harps a real governing control from our government with pics of their poles up in Alaska that can make weather destroy our planet... It's called population control!! Wake up. This isn't July! I've had rain in Ohio that's already rainy anyways! But not in June and July. We're flooded here.., wake to what's happening america and world.... This isn't climate change .. Don't believe me see the facts!!! Many people like me who know truth!!awake!!!! Also look up harp program messing with sky's on YouTube... Something you might wanna see.. Thanks. If you have no good comment and think I'm some nut your loss. Please don't write nothiñg. God bless.
brandon nagley Jul 2015
A man seeith a woman's beauty
By her flesh, blood, and outer appearance,
I seeith one's soul, spirit and inside...
That's wherein the true beauty and truth hides..

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In the game of life and death
DEATH always WINS!!!
brandon nagley Jul 2015
What doth thou invest thine time into?
Is it watching sports?
Is it t.v?
Is it *******?
Is it lust?
Is it media in all forms?
Is it money?
Is it memoribillia?
Is it the metal car?
That wilt just rust and ruin and not last........
Is it mansion, home or shack?
Is it dope?
Money orders?
Is it hatred?
And greed?
Cutting others down?
Is it lonesomeness?
When thou aren't really lonely?
Is it a fake smile
To please the phonies?
Is it thinking of tommorrow
When we've only today?
Is it thy looks?
Pride amazed?
Is it shopping?
Hath thou tried to focus
Not on these wordly things..............
But focus on thy lovers!!!!!!!
Pets(anima­ls period)
Fa­mily period
Or the one thou art in love with
Romance wise?
Hath thou  done this today?
Or keeping that love secret???
Tommorrow might not come
Better make the move,
To be one......
Tis I sayeth
Might not cometh....
Tis I do believe
Tommorrow don't always cometh!!!!!!
This goes for all here not one.. Remember what's important. .. Tommorrow doesn't exist!!!!
Jul 2015 · 601
Hp inspires me
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The best part about poetry
Is not even having to write ourn own poem's
But just relaxing back.
And reading all the other amazing poet's on HP....
Lovely indeed....
And so

©Lonesome poets poetry
©Brandon nagley
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Knocking for thy love
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Mi amour', let me taketh thy anguish
Mi amour', let me shake away thy learyness
Mi amour', let me hold all thy miseries
Mi amour', let me set thou flying free.


Mi amour', let me taketh those uncertainties
Mi amour', let me take thy pains for thee
Mi amour', let me taketh all thine vex
Mi amour', I lie down mine life, for thy heart to beat in thy chest.


Mi amour', stomp out those mindful doubts
Mi amour', thou already knoweth, what I am about
Mi amour', I'm gonna always be at thy side
Mi amour', I knoweth baby steps, though I feeleth thy cry.


Mi amour', I'm here inside thy soul
Mi amour', mine completion, mine abode
Mi amour', taketh all of me
Mi amour', I'm thy dream, also thy reality.


Mi amour', throw thy distress to the winds
Mi amour', I'm knocking, wilt thou let me in?
Mi amour', I hath not gone away, I'll be here in the morn
Mi amour', mi amour', mi amour', I stand knocking for thee.......
Knocking at thy casa door........

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa Angelica dedication
This is just saying I love mine queen Elsa and will always be at her side... She always wonder? Will I leave her????? Neverrrrr
Jul 2015 · 204
brandon nagley Jul 2015
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Ireland onto greecian-land then onto the Spanish aisles
Scotland, bypassing England, than a thoroughfare of French wild
Wherein the wild-child is me and mine amare, flower's in hair


Than onto Africa, wherein we canst ride the elephant back's
Gazing the scenes, to feedeth the poor and hungry, seeing past all
The great china wall, the markets of Morocco, to India's beads.


Charm's shalt adapt us, as we were their own,no technology
No phones, just collections and folds, of ourn novel Romance sealed by ourn kiss, the altitude of the moon is ourn marital bliss.

©Elsa angelica dedication
©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 874
Many lifes to come
brandon nagley Jul 2015
We woke
To stardust in ourn crevice
With flakes of joy on the tip's
Of ourn still sleepy nose
I feeleth thine soul.
So warmly good
As the quilt upon us.
Stitched in by love
Giveth us a hug,
As we giveth one back....
Pillows plush fluffy
The day's anew,
To these words I heareth by thee...
Kiss me, mine pet!!!!
I got red and smiled wide.
Knowing being with her,
Shalt be the rest of mine life's.........
And many more divine!!!!
How this feeleth so right....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Elsa Angelica dedicated
Jul 2015 · 753
Mine life for her soul
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Her chatoyant cat's view's art check-rows, wherein cheribum run
Therapeutic is her coalesce, when me and her art in caress, love
Antelucan passionance ensues, anthem to mine muse, elsa-grace.
Costume's to be festive, the crowd gathers us interested, in amour


She felleth through the milky way galaxy, unearthed by humans
She was In a capsule of alien breed, wearing cupid attire tunic
As I'm just a felon, I hadst to keepeth mine head hung down low
Because if they captured me, they'd capture the queen, so I told the king take mine head to SAVETH her soul... .  

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Elsa angelica dedicated
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Countless nights
I spent awake
Tossing and turning
But never could sleep

(Brandon nagley)
Countless hour's
Of depression's power
Silence is all
Though demon's mess with mine Slumber...

I've layed here for minutes
Though it feels like hours

(Brandon nagley)
And the hours to mine brain
Wrap around me in deathly sleep showers.

My eyes are dry........

(Brandon nagley)
And whilst these eyes art dried
I contemplate suicide
Take the ticket? To young to die?
Until now I'll try, pray to god for asleep
Yet these legs art sore, mine neck is creaked.

I just want my blood to be leaked...........

(Brandon nagley)
I just want a freedom from me
A freedom for sleep
God doth thou heareth me, I'm tired
This bed is wired, the phones on fire.
Must I go on this hellish night routine????

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©duo with me and Darlene
Me young friend who's kinda new here wanted something to write about she said she hasn't slept in four days so I'm trying to be a friend and help her write... God bless
Jul 2015 · 436
Mine beauty for the day
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Mi amour'
Is mine rose
                      Mine rose without the thorns.......
Soo beautifully dost she reflecteth her pedals..
Mi amour',
Mine beauty for the day...
Mine rose on display...?
How it's thee mine rose,
                                            That giveth me so much hope!!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
Jul 2015 · 867
Seraphic way's
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Seraphic art her ways
Displayed on heaven's fountain
Drinking wine from her lonesome cave
I shalt abide with her in her solace.

Sidereal she's in reverence toward's her white-out orb
A woman, not a girl, just passing through to explore the tour's.
Distress she weareth upon her chest, as her hope dost dwindle
I shalt shake her and taketh her, wherein mine arms a fire kindles...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedicated
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Stellar flûte, la chaleur fulgurante, battant éthérée, tandis que son âme à moi, que tu qui garde ...
(french tongue)

(English tongue)

Stellar flute, meteoric heat, flying the ethereal, whilst its mine soul, that thou keepeth...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
brandon nagley Jul 2015

In the astrology set agora
Wherein mine agra doth rest
The backwoods to her cache
Is a peaceful gentle nest.


She's a cad of angelic estancia
I espy her espirit fandango
Her lace strand's floweth wildly
Fantasia of mine melody, extra terrestrial fangled.


Mine Gage I handeth her, to not leaveth her side
An agala we shalt maketh romance, whilst gaiety is in her eyes
A Jardiniere to hold her tears, when Jasper's do cometh around
Jarrah to fill ourn kava diligence, diluvial amare is it's sound.


No blunder head's to separate us
Just Bluebell's blush
To admire mine belle of a lamb
Her bema shalt be raised, when its me who is her man.


Ourn belvedere casa, ourn terrace to overlook
This is ourn story, not a tale of fools and crook's
The cover of ourn book, shalt we be entwined
Right inside the pages, of every lonesome lover's mind.

®Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
Estancia in Spanish means- a landed estate
Gaiety means- happiness
Japers- means mockers...
Bema means platform
Belle- is a young beauty or her admired beauty by all....
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Animater I'm anhungered
Anigh to thy brunette canvas
Thou art a calliope to mine ****'s
A second pulse of mine calotype Atlantis.


In Corinth, wherein mine greecian ancestor's do cometh
A cambric carriage with thy grisette dress
Me to be the poetic ******
Thou to be mine Spaniard address.


We'll gad like frat-house student's
Learning lessons, not by ruling stick's
Footing the hills, of forane real
We both shalt be an epilogue, romanticism's epilogist's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa-angelica dedication
Calotype means - old process of making a picture
Anigh means- near old terms
Calliope means- Greek for mine muse.....
Jul 2015 · 881
Romeo's spanish juliet
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Omnipotent juliet
the one of shakespearian recital.
Je suis thy wholly inamorato.
Dans le roi of thy sublime reason;
As tis
thou are mine only *****. . . . . . .
MINE SANCTUM. . . . . .
Jul 2015 · 958
Elsa's lullaby
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Goodnight mine love
Goodnight mine sweet
Goodnight mine pet
Thine soul I keep


Do not fret
Close thine eye's
I loveth thee
Mi amour of mine


Cuddle me in clover
Wrapeth me in Spanish garb
I am thy angel
I am thy guard.


Sleep well queen
I'll seeith thou in mine dreams
Wherein me and thou shalt dance
Upon thy own moon gleams....


Forgiveth me mine rose
Mine holy one
Forgiveth me for all the pain I've caused, and the word's ive stung
Goodnight mine amour, mi amour, goodnight. Loveth thee more..

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
Jul 2015 · 332
Bleeding living
brandon nagley Jul 2015
               just let's me knoweth I'm still alive.....
Jul 2015 · 614
Numbered days...
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Hollow tree, ****** me with thy apple I want to grab
Let me pluck thy fruit, mine lips art mute, grasp me in thy hand
Oh divine, thy juice doth unwind, into mine mind, gentle time
A crime for none, a loving- sum, nostalgia from whence was..


Thus mine shoulder's art tearing me down, pound by pound
I don't careth anymore, for this useless town
Put me in the ground, embalm mine faculty
I'm on hand's and knee's, a fool for just one tease.


Slap me in mud, giveth me a native brooch
Just a pucker shalt awaken me, a thoughtful smooch
Wherein the fears go away, wherein that one stay's
Guess I'm just alone, wherein I've numbered mine days....
Not for noone just being creative (:
Jul 2015 · 307
Like hell, underwash
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Whilst the torrential rain poureth on down
I feeleth mine already lonesome and depressed soul
Like hell
Being ****** in the ground....
Jul 2015 · 356
High of musical tide
brandon nagley Jul 2015
It's nice for a time
To not get high on some drag pill,
For music is making me ******....
I'm getting mine fill....
Jul 2015 · 642
led zeppelin
brandon nagley Jul 2015

I am as a neanderthal, extinct amongst the horde
Sipping off the lonesomeness, mine life hast brought aboard
Paining in mine own groans, is none here to observe?
I guess mine shallow lamenting is unevident, toss me to the bird's


And let the vultures prey on me, not like mine meat isn't pecked
I know I'm not the only one, to give up his last breathes's
I guess I'll just listen to led Zeppelin, and forget the rest......
As the rain downpoor cometh down, I feeleth a weird zest....
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Mine needing just to heareth her voice
I pray may cometh soon
The needing of me being her choice
I prayeth to God's moon.


The asking of ourn creator to protect her nightly
Is a must thing, praying asking he, her he might bring
In lullaby's, cry's, and screams, I'd wish she'd only see
I've been held up in the rain, waiting endlessly.


Like her, I'm a foreigner to this trotting
Man showeth her naught, I giveth her mine pale skin's outting
The knitting of her love Into me, instill's me tightly buckled
If only she'd taketh all of me, I might smile a happy puddle.


Though smiling only cometh when her face shineth bright
When I am assured she's safe and secure, then all is alright
Mine stitches needeth bandaged, shalt she seeith mine wounds?
The red drip canst only floweth so long, wherein song's art true.


Though I shalt still be here abiding, as a spawn to open water
I shalt even take men's ridicule, Ill taketh daily slaughter
Tis I shalt be a martyr, to the amour I believeth in
For I shalt tarry waiting, for that hope from mine hopelessness.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
Jul 2015 · 357
Poetic turn
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Mine feathered hair
And mine nineteen sixty seven side-burn's
Yes I'm happy
With being a different kind of poetic turn...

Though highly I do not think of mineself
I guess I'm just happy
Being someone else.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
I don't think I'm nothing great .. But I can admit this I'm
Happy how God made me, a different poetic creation indeed. As god is the master artist and poet to make me !!! Ha that rhymed lol
brandon nagley Jul 2015
1-When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.........

#2-The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.

#3-The TV business is uglier than most things. It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the journalism industry, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs, for no good reason.

#4-“In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

#5-We can't stop here, this is bat country!”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

#6-We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of *******, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of ***, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.
Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

#7-“You better take care of me Lord, if you don't you're gonna have me on your hands.”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

#8-Hallucinations are bad enough. But after awhile you learn to cope with things like seeing your dead grandmother crawling up your leg with a knife in her teeth. Most acid fanciers can handle this sort of thing. But nobody can handle that other trip-the possibility that any freak with $1.98 can walk into the Circus-Circus and suddenly appear in the sky over downtown Las Vegas twelve times the size of God, howling anything that comes into his head. No, this is not a good town for psychedelic drugs.”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

#9-“We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold.”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

#10-“With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars, men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he’ll never know.”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

#11-The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real. No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride.”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Can anyone tell me why hunger s. Thompson isn't on HP poets or writers when you search for them lol I love his fear and loathing work especially with Johnny depp playing him mine fav actor amazing !!!!! Mine fav quotes from his #5 and 6 and 7 and 9 and 11 lol love it
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