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Jul 2015 · 451
Resting her woe's on mar's
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The light-holes in the dusk art our's
She cometh from the moon
She resteth upon mar's....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
Jul 2015 · 882
Deleted poem
Jul 2015 · 1.5k
Vast confirmation
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Peering off the albino wrap-a-round step's
When tis only us and noone is left,
I'll let her develop me until I mold into her tresse
As she swayeth her dress, mine arm's wilt go weak.

I won't be able to speak, as she bundle's me to her package
Mine toes shalt curl, as mine body she'll ravage.
In arcahic mode, she's fixed in mine passion
As we shalt dissapear in upward direction, vast confirmation.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication..
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Sophisticated not as metal-steel mechanic's
Not a domestic to gargoyle theology
She's a seraph, who only knoweth pure.


The Luna to her is her finer amare
The DNA of life passes through her hair
As she playeth truth and dare with her own self.


She seeketh none help, a woman of God
Foresee's the hero's from slob's
As men around her mob, like a desert after dinner!


Though sorry boy's she's mine
I claimed her long ago
When this palace was broken by lazor night show, I held her...


She's tender as a flower
Tis I waiteth for her throughout the hour's
The coward's do try her, to hurt her, yet I wilt never break someone so tender....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
Jul 2015 · 342
Crowd kool-aid
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Some mute their ear's
Whilst other's bludgeon their eyes
The crowd's own suicide....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry.
Jul 2015 · 449
Their stand in guy
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Spurious microbes in green tank's maketh blunder's by the inch, The mut eateth their own secretion, whilst frustration of the crowd groweth hungry for martial law take-down. Strayed away by liver decay, consevator to their likeness awaits them, yet they just debate him as some unknown source....The war-torn aeroplanes art diverted by their own bucolic, idealistic and yet sadistic ways........ They play political course action.. As Lucifer is their stand in man....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 270
Poetry just a dream son
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Many's parent's told them at birth
Don't waste thy time on rhyme's
Get a job and real life....
Though to many of us....
Poetry is a job
Is life......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
I've never had mine parent's tell me to not do this growing up yet I know many who tell their kids don't do this or that it's just a dream... well as I more than know!!!! Dreams can be a reality if you make them and want them to be
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In her arm's wilt I die...
Daily for her
Wilt I try...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
brandon nagley Jul 2015

I shalt abideth on her seafoam tongue
To prance thither wherein her enchantment floods
This body do I attend to her, this mind set on her way's.


Consecrate me upon thine Jasper smoothies
Where thine pumping box is a Ruby
Feeling me out, and ******* me on in.


The enchantment wilt forever last
I shalt maketh thee a poem of amour'
A dedication of ourn rapport
As the ticket is only handed out, to me and thou.........
Special invite only.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
Thither in old terms means to go to a place or to ....
Jul 2015 · 512
Forgetting them, and us
brandon nagley Jul 2015
If we forget the one's of whom we love
We forget ournselves...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 609
Tucked in together
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Wherein this rocky place disappears
And the cumulus cometh down
And the people art into madness
And their feet leaveth the ground.

Whilst the fish all swim away
And the priest's loseth their own faith
When the cup spilleth over
And hell erupt's in this place...

And whilst the prayer's art called out
For God to help them
When the selfish taketh lives
And the greedy so let them...

When the blue ball goes blackened
And the mush turns more dust
I shalt be watching it all with mine queen
As tis were an angelic bunch....

Watching from the ship
High over the moon
Clasping eachother immensely
For we've done this before, when this place lost it's fuel.

And when all fails here
And the asteroid's cometh down
Me and mine mi amour' shalt be connected
Afar in ourn comet covered mound...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
brandon nagley Jul 2015

In the impossible
I hath found the possible
As her education is far from
Terrestrial proficiency.


In the death I dieth daily
She's mine starchild baby
As her gushing decorum
Is a forum to all saint's and good Samaritan's.


She outdoes any in beauty
None doth cometh close
She's alive yet a ghost
Soo miraculously she sketches her maquillage.


Her life-force is astounding
Spanish lingo of her's so attracting
Mine thirst for her is abounding
As a suckling I çryeth when she goeth away......


She maketh all nightmare's leave
Tis its her I am, tis she's me
Like a trapped bird, she set's me free
How daily do I wait her empress call to her throne!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
maquillage means makeup for those wondering the word lol
brandon nagley Jul 2015
ojos de Angel
Thy dress is quite seen, thy vocabulary to me reads
The word's of a queen.......

mo chuisle
Thy feet art tired from work
Relax, let mine finger's exhort, pressing and caressing softly to thy skin.....

buah hatiku
For thee I write ancient poems and haiku's
Doth thou not seeith thou art mine muse, and law giver to me?

I've traveled for thee from afar
I giveth mine courtship to thee, and heart
For though distance doth not keep us apart,
Distance is but a word
As mineself I canst maketh it all real...
Just telleth me,

When thou art up for a real call
A real visit
And everything to be....
For I'd giveth all for thou
Mine reina
Mine everything....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
ojos de Angel- means angel eyes in Spanish
mo chuisle- means my pulse in Irish
buah hatiku- means fruit of mine heart in Indonesia...
sirenita- means little mermaid in Spanish
Jul 2015 · 554
Just a happy place
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The promise of vexation hath come to me again
It fills mine worries
And delights me as kin..

To wanteth just ones all
From beginning to end
To stand in a hall
Of marital bliss....

To look up ahead
To ***** on below
None others let in
Just two lovers made whole.....

A chandelier madeth of obsidian
Dusk as ourn floor's
Righteous opal
For mine mi amour

Nothing asunder
Just wonder's of polite
The cat's eye moonstone
A splendid insight......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 433
Hath i gone nuts?
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Dunk mine head in the ocean
Split mine tongue to the red Sea
****** me with good emotion
I seeketh just one to touch me
To maketh me throb
With their soft untouched hands,
I  seeketh that angelic touch
Not one but both appendage's on mine stomach to land
Not to much to ask
Just a simple feel
Though I feeleth none flesh
Tis I knoweth the feeling is real...
I'm dying for it
Needing it
Like a calf to his mum
Hath I just gone crazy?
For what normal beings hath and want???
Jul 2015 · 340
Making mine way home
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Ambrosial language I quest for thy heavenly manner
Mine life's running short
I canst seeith the drab channel's lantern's.
I don't needeth criss-cross paterns
Just a I loveth thou
Not an adieu
Farewell's art to common
I needeth one thick and through.
The bask of sensuality
I want to afire this chill
I'm stuck in a maze
Like a phantom in place
Trying to make mine way
Back home....
Jul 2015 · 275
All just but a dream
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In a villa of all pleasant tidings
Wherein king's and queens art inviting
I shalt relax to one's Rosie kisses...

In an estate of happiness
Wherein creatures art ourn amuse
I shalt be her poet, and I shalt be her muse....

In a dwelling of companionship
A best friend and lover relationship
No worries to come in between, and none words art hidden...

In a palace
For her tongue and neck to fill mine chalace
Her eye's to entwine to mine, In a statehood of none malice....

In a residential casa
She shalt giveth all, not just a mantra
But a realness I've yearned for.....

In the starry place I've been waiting......

Yet this dream is all just a wonderful dream...
Jul 2015 · 339
Holy flaw
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I seeith the ember's
Over the affluent man's head,
They hideth their treasure's
Underneath their Bunker's and beds...
Feeling alive
Their soon to be dead
I'll be in the cloud's
The widow's and hungry need fed.
Let the planet be filled
With its own spit
They've forgotten love
And it's themselves they forget...
Putting time into money
And money into time
Locking innocent's in jail
Whilst doing evil crimes
The time hath come
The red doth run
No more laughter
And no more fun...
The rioter's loot
The anarchist's gun....
The bomb's shalt explore
Their minds to implode
Wherein the devils will falter
And the veil wilt collapse
No media attendees
Wilt giveth their stash
All to be hidden
Though opened by all
Their secret's revealed
In a holy flaw
Jul 2015 · 319
Lonesome pen
brandon nagley Jul 2015
This lonely pen
Writeth lonesome word's
I see the end
Of everything on shore
Yet the luminescence tis coming
Wherein one shalt stand by mine side
No two to be next to me
Just one glorified,
I do not need other's
To come in between
Mine heart grips, rips
Shackles and screams
To the dead of the dusk
And the first of the day
Mine eyelids shut
This brawn glimmer doth fade
I'm ready for new
Not the same old same
I've passed through
The conduit's of shame
I've been lashed
Thrashed to mine core
Shadow's follow
Me upon distant plore
I rattle mine Scriptures
To the newbies whom come
I giveth sight
To the deaf, blind, and dumb
With them I run
Wherein the rainbow's art seen
I live for today
In an ablaze of rings....

©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Brandon nagley
Not for noone good writing
Jul 2015 · 723
Baboon man
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Baboon man
Locked in a cage
Giveth his all soul
To be the world's slave...
On marbled slabs
In a peasant field
His heart is dragged
By the drug ghetto deals
Freaks in the moment
Tear down the wall
A shot for the morning
A needle to fall
A child wailing
Bringing down the fence
He breaketh free
On God and self he depends
So its all a dream
But he runs for real
He smiles as he grins
He dies as he kills
He taketh the moment
As it cometh to him
A loser by ages
A born one to sin
A rebel druid
High class ways
He ended it all
To be a monkey free from his cage.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
For noone just good poetry
Jul 2015 · 396
The tempest
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The espiridion is existant in the bright of the dawn
The achak meanderer's wear clarion tunic's
Whilst their lips art muted
To afterlife song's...
Their hair unseen
Though floweth long,
They cometh in thy dream's
Sometimes in scream's,
Sometimes to the good...
Their lost,
No cost
Couldst giveth them new good's....
Sometimes their Ahriman
Disguised as good warrior's,
Though the arcangel Gabriel
Lends his sword to the spiritual border's...
Tyrents come steadily
As ready the ghost's art,
Though much protection surrounds me
When I'm alive...
And when this baggage depart's....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
All strange names in poems are spirit names so you all know
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Everyone wants to have
The look of the poet
Yet noone these day's,
Wants to be real poet's....
Everyone wants to be a rock star
Or movie star.
Or even an athlete.....
But the poet,
Is one not of this world...
A poet
Is one unearhtly
Celestial in his way's.....
A poet doesn't follow the paths of this world......
The poet followeth his soul,
Which cometh from God....
And no rock star
Or athlete,
Couldst match up to that....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Καρδιά μου φορο καθημερινά για το δικό μου την ψυχή, για το δικό μου βασίλισσα, για το δικό μου αδελφή ψυχή .... μαραίνονται, μου αφαιρεί ποτέ ....; Φοβάμαι ότι είναι gonna αρρωσταίνουν μου .. Φοβάμαι ότι ποτέ δεν θα με θέλει πίσω. κι αν θέλεις να συνεχίσει να την αγαπά, ακόμα κι αν δεν με θέλει πίσω ... αυτό είναι τόσο δύσκολο. αλλά εγώ δεν θα εκδοτικούς μέχρι .....

Or this Greek version since can write in two ways... And for you who wanna Google translate it that won't work lol Google translation stinks lol it doesn't show form of writing how it should be . anyways here's other Greek version...

Kardiá mou foro kathi̱meriná gia to dikó mou ti̱n psychí̱, gia to dikó mou vasílissa, gia to dikó mou adelfí̱ psychí̱ .... maraínontai, mou afaireí poté ....? Fovámai óti eínai gonna arro̱staínoun mou .. Fovámai óti poté den tha me thélei píso̱. ki an théleis na synechísoun na agapoún éna..........
Jul 2015 · 362
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I don't write of amare
Out of boredom or dying thought's
I write for mine mi amour'
Because it's mine heart she hath got.

I don't write of amour'
Out of lonesomeness or to get attention
I write out mine souls truth
Because I loveth a godly invention...

I writeth for mine ELSA
Because that's where love taketh us...
I writeth for mine ELSA
Because it's her who to me is a must.

I writeth for mine ELSA
Because many ages for her I hadst to wait...
I got lost from her before
Yet met her at heaven's gate...

I writeth to mine soulmate
Because she's all to me,
And though tis she canst seeith it all right now...
Trust me, I do see....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
Jul 2015 · 605
Romance tunes
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Tis the lightbulb went out
The sanctuary's gone dim
Mine vitality ****** from under me
Hell grabbed be in its abyss;

The burning is underneath me
Henceforth burning mine lashes
Mine screaming canst not be heard
Mine liquid fired to Ashes....

Mine bulbed lenses
Singe inside mine sockets
Buck naked for all to see
No shirt, sleeves , nor pocket's.....

Just agony of death,
Clinching it's underworld teeth
Until I saw an entity
Put the life back into me....

This same lass bypassed
The portway to anubis
She hadst taken broken bone and glass
Just to deliver me from Satan's whip....

She tooketh me from crevasse gulf
She granted me just one wish
I wished I couldst serveth her the rest of mine day's
And from her to get one kiss....

She saidst thy wish shalt be granted
And she pecked me on mine cheek
Leaving angelic dust Mark's
As tis mine legs went weak....

Mine health returned to me
One hundred fold in a flash,
She crossed the lines of hell
Just so mine life couldst last....

So now I go
Unto her throne,
And sing for her as her muse
And when she's down,
I cometh around,
And play her romance tunes......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa  Angelica dedication
Jul 2015 · 784
Homily accolade to mi amour
brandon nagley Jul 2015
she's the homily accolade by which i liveth,
Idyllic radiance tis she doth giveth.
I am servile to her every needs and wants.
I Shalt tout her,
an implement daily her mine shakespearian vows. . . . . .
Jul 2015 · 369
brandon nagley Jul 2015
. . . . .nothing
brandon nagley Jul 2015
How is it i die daily? Not a bad dying experience. . . . . .Just daily, in deaths dark and lonesome tunnel. . . . . .this all powerful commandment of god and holy reina angel cometh to greet me at the end, where theres a pinpoint of light. And god fashioned this reina in spanish attire for the night. . . Tis i get excite daily. . .because i knoweth tis mine reina spanish angel. . . .wilt always protect me. . . .she goeth by the seraphim name. . ..(Elsa Angelica) moonstruck queen. . . .
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Even though I'm a beastly undeserving human being,
I was still overly privileged,
For God to send me a sublime queen....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa Angelica dedication
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I want to taketh mi amour'
Mine reina
Mine rosa,
Mine vida,
Mine dulce,
Mine soon to be esposa,
Mine mami,
(As tis me and her thing..... )
So don't care if thou mayest laugh (:;;;;
Anyways, got off track!!!!!
I want to taketh mi amour
(Elsa angelica her angel name)
To an open pasture,
Wherein a huge weeping willow sit's by itself...
Lonesomely wanting someone or a couple
To lie down in the grass under it...
As its branches sway like little pixies,
To the green earth around us....
Wherein we shalt lie down;
**** to the elements and the planetary system...
Ourn Sandal's or shoes kicked off...
Her staring into mine eyes with heated passion...
Not having to sayeth one word...
Just knowing all is right
And true.
Wherein the air smells fresh,
The sky tis blue....
Ourn soul's connect
We cuddle and break through...
Not caring one bit
Of the world around us.....
Just me and her, under that willow tree....
Smiling at the pixie dancing branches....
And when the sun goeth down....
Her favorite part is,
When her moon cometh out to greet her,
A full moon to be exact...
As mine favorite part,
Is just watching her
Underneath that old willow.......

Her Being in awe at her orb like friend....
For tis it maketh me so happy.....

Just to see that wonderous smile...
From mine queen and lover
(And elsa-Angelica,mine best friend)

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Elsa Angelica dedication
brandon nagley Jul 2015
When she taketh on all the pain and all the hurt from the world,
Her tears art mine night time....

Whenever she smileth and canst be that little Spanish happy girl,
Her happiness is mine daylight divine...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa Angelica dedication
brandon nagley Jul 2015
How god?
Why God?
How is it thou hast sent me an angelic being whom I don't even deserve?
How is it god, thou hast sent me one unknown to this earth?
How is it God? When I'm the monster, and she is a holy scepter scultped by thine own hands.......
How is it God, thou hath sent me one, a being of light when I'm the sinful one....
How is it father?
Because she deserves better than me!!!
Didst thou send her to the wrong one???
Why didst thou chooseth a peasant Greek?
Though I'm not complaining!!!!!!
I'm more than verily blessed...
I promise God to treat her,
As an angel with every last breathe !!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa Angelica dedication
Jul 2015 · 435
Beauty and her beast
brandon nagley Jul 2015
She sayeth that I am her beauty
And tis she is mine beast,

More like I am her beast,
As tis
She is mine
                    BEAUTY who I don't even deserve.....

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa Angelica dedication
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Day by day
I feeleth less decay
Because of mine love
Because mi amour',

Night by night
Mine heart only enlarges
Im madly for her
Her love to me is priceless

Second by second
Hour by hour
Mine amare for her groweth
As if a budding flower.....

Year after year I waited for mine queen
Past life lovers, meeting once again.
And she feeleth as the beast, though I'm really that beast...
She is the beauty, the reina of mine angelic feast...

And as she goes through tough times
I shalt be her sweet,
When she muddies her toe's in mistakes
I shalt wipeth with oil and myrrh upon her feet....

And on her forehead I shalt kiss her
And leave mine saliva peck,
Mine love to be left as traces
From mine kisses upon her neck....

And when the evil creepeth in her life
I shalt taketh her Downfall's and maketh her mine wife,
In dying days and living and good bad and right
I shalt maketh her anew, and maketh her wings taketh flight....

I shalt mail her heartfelt word's
By mine poetic hand,
They shalt arrive at her door
By speedfast demand....

And when she read's mine soul on paper
She shalt knoweth how I feel,
For this I've been waiting for her
I shalt maketh all of her dream's real...

©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Brandon nagley
©Elsa Angelica dedication
brandon nagley Jul 2015
It's upsetting to seeith one
Go splurge at the mall shopping center's,
And to seeith one go spend all loot on five cheeseburgers....
Yet when a poor man's on the alleyway corner,
asketh thee,
( canst thou spareth a dime??????)
Thyself laugh's at him....
As in thine man-made chariot
Thyself hit's the pedal,
Flying passing him bye....
Jul 2015 · 321
Duty from god to man
brandon nagley Jul 2015
When one mocketh me
I forgiveth them.......
When one hateth me,
I loveth them....
When one stealeth from me,
I giveth them all the rest they didint take...
When one rapes me mentally
I hold their hand as do I give them a kind shake...
When one uses me
I still let them use...
When one walketh away,
I'm still here to be their amuse....
When one doth all of this
I knoweth its me they don't understand...
I was sent here to love and forgive,
The duty from God to man....
Jul 2015 · 192
So sad,
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I notice this harsh fact
When one telleth other's truth,
They seeketh to not heareth.

And when one telleth other's stuff
About how human being's shouldst be
And how human's art not,
These truth's maketh the human's feeleth insecure...
As the beings due to these truths;
Tuck away,
Hide in a cave.
Blinded by wordly knowledge and sight!!!!

The human's hear the truth spoken
By the messenger's,
And it hits the being's
Than all their insecurities arise
From those messenger's truthful word's.....

And instead of the being's taking the truth's as honesty,
And using those truths to better themselves..
They walk away from them,
As tis they did and do their God..

Leaving the truthgivers by themselves

But fact is
The spiritual messenger's don't needeth those being's to stay.
Their just sent here to loveth and showeth forgiveness
Something the beings of the world hadst forgotten!!!
For tis all haveth free will...

And sadly by those being's own will,
They blind their own eye's
And walketh from truth....

So sad to see....
So sad,

As tis even when the beings hate and mock those messenger's
And the crowd all leaveth,
The spiritual beings still giveth love to those wordly ones,
They still forgive
And still giveth truth...
Not worrying of men's mockery of them
Or disbelief...

For tis the spiritual one's
Art ones of love.....

As tis the heavenly angel's
Already knoweth man is going to disbelieve,
Because Satan hast his deep influence
Here on this planet...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
As I pick up mine burdened cross, mine brow's art heavied by the mockery of the crowd. Mine head shaved to maketh me feeleth belittled, the drizzle of pain down mine vessel, comes pouring all down... The ruler's art all around, as the pharisees laugh, they spit upon mine smiling lips, and whip me with unused glass. As they spike me they heareth mine screams, dancing to the scene. I close mine eyes, and pray to god, forgiveth them of their deeds. As I knoweth mine water shalt soon depart, I shalt uplift to the mansion grove....... I yell back at the crowd..... Expect to see mine ghost... As they see mine ghost, it knoweth not much longer shalt they maketh a travesty of me. I spill mine gut's upon the wood, on the old juniper tree......... As when mine spirit left me, mine own mother sat there because they made her watch, as mine soul left mine carrion, their temple's rent ripped into shock....
And the Pharisees, tis they didst see, the son they hath killed, was one not of this world, now their sin's shalt they feel...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry...
Rent in old tongue back in biblical old ancient days also means like a fabric....the
brandon nagley Jul 2015
An old angelic poet went flying
one drab and tempestuous night.

Upon the clouds he rested
as the fallen angels were in his sight.

Whence all angel's were together
Serving their mighty God.

Now separated by good and evil
By free will the hellion hadst lost.

Their spaceships were ablazed
And their crown's they wore as king's.

Their wing's we're ivory crystalline
And their thunderous aura like electricity didst ring...

A trace of cherub dust they left behind in the sky
Telepathically knowing, today their wing's shalt fly...

Chariot's roll
Chariot's play
Seraphim riders, in the sky.......

Their countenance unearhtly, their eye's lit
Their batas all drenched by unseen blood.
Their flying hard to get those hellion
But they've lost one of their ship's.

Because it's their duty, to protect the all powerful God
They sweep by force in by million's, with lightning bolts as Rod's.

As the chariot Master's swept by the ghouls
The ghoulies calleth out their names,
The serpahim said to the ghoulies
Go back to hell from whence thou came.

And hellion its to late to changeth thy ways, thou made a bad choice..... So the Hellion's retreated, back to their doom of fiery noise....

Chariot's roll
Chariot's play
Seraphim rider's in the sky,
Serpahim rider's in the sky
Serpahim rider's in the sky......
I have a song I love stuck in me head it has an old western sound to it as if one walking out into the desert and I love the desert. So free to me and who I am. And anyways did a remake of the song in poetry form and song form of ghost riders in the sky .... Sang by johnny cash and Willie Nelson.. Took me forever to do this but I love it... I'm not country music fan but johnny cash and Willie Nelson are exceptions to me. Their the weird ones of country really there their own genre of music not even country they have something about them everyone loves as do I... Enjoy... I use word batas in poem it means robes in Spanish (+:
brandon nagley Jul 2015
She is as the heart in mine chest
Pumping mine cruor,
She is the the Latin caress
That maketh me feeleth newer,

She is mine lung's behind mine ribs
To giveth me breathe,
Til mine last day
I shalt giveth all I hath left....

She is mine brain parked inside mine skull
To giveth me brainwaves
A life force
Of God......

She is mine eyes to showeth me heaven
She is mi amour'
In angelic terms
( Elsa angelica, a soul so intrepid)

She is mine conscience In the darkness of night
Turning bad dreams
Into beautiful things,
Giving day in mine fright...

Tis she is mine life
I'll scribble this same type of love
A many times over,
That's just amour', something of above, not a place of man made gold and silver....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
When in her presence,
I humbly drop to mine knees....
Not just because she's mi amour,
But because she's mine queen...

And whilst holding up by mine forearm's
I seeith her night-gown floweth,
As the tiera on her head
Maketh me fall when it gloweth...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 389
Hungry beast of a man
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I canst not sleepeth,
From the fact
I think of her
More than she knoweth,
Mine appetite for her doth groweth....
For her,
I'm a hungry beast...
Tis a beast a man becometh,
When its an angel who engulf's him. 
And mine angel,
Is mine all to me...
Mine mi amour'...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 570
Sweet moon dancer
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I needeth her as if there's no tommorrow
I wanteth her in mine times of sorrow...

I feeleth her, though she's across the country
I want to giveth her food and drink, when she is hungry.

I seeketh her upon the moon
Because I knoweth she's not here,
She's up upon her glowing muse....

So I looketh up and seeith her dance
She looketh so lovely
With her moons sweet romance..

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 351
Amare going and going
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In true amour
We never giveth up,
We keep trying
And trying
And trying
And trying,

Even if we canst haveth the one we want......
We shalt continue to showeth the globe,
Ourn amare for that other lover,
Even if at times it may hurt us
Not having them,
We keepeth on going......
That's what love is...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
On the moon,
                        I shalt painteth her name in moon rock dust,
The name,
                   ELSA ANGELICA,
Written by mine soul,
                                       as the world below,
Canst seeith her name gloweth every night!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 426
All i do know, i canst stop
brandon nagley Jul 2015
All I knoweth
Is I canst stop writing for mi amour'
Though we're only friend's...
Being friends won't stop mine true love for her.
Jul 2015 · 316
Her chariot
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Her Spanish chariot is all I needeth,
For her mine soul is living
For her mine soul is breathing,
For her....

I liveth...
For ELSA (mi amour')
I canst not hideth mine love
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I've learned we can't push ourn love on anyone that were in love with, because when we push the ones we love to wanna be with us, we art just being selfish not selfless, and if one just wants to be ourn friends, we should be blessed to even know they want u as a friend. Of course were still gonna be madly in love with them and still want them to wanna be with us, though we canst never maketh someone want us back, we canst hope and wish for it... But the fact is if they need a friend, don't walketh away from them... Be there for them for help and guidance. Because that's what true love is. It's being there for them and for another.. And putting aside ourn own wants, needs, and yearning's, we art just blessed to haveth them want us as friends... And friends are a blessing from God
Jul 2015 · 386
Thanking thee mi amour
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I just wanna thank thee
For loving me
When others don't showeth love...
That's a blessing...
I thank thee with mine soul.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
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