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I never thought that a three second eye contact
Could rock my world like this
I just wanted you to notice me
It was never my intention to fall
I don't know where I lost control
Must have been somewhere between your smile and the way you dance

You have marked my notebook
But your smile left a mark on my heart and mind too
You are everywhere I go
And everyone I see
Take my heart with you
I don't need it without you

**I think I better Ron (run)
Fangirling. I dedicate this to the boy who made my day extraordinary. This is for you Ron Mclean Galang. <3
  Aug 2015 black butterfly
Someone asked me
If I was falling for you again,
I replied no
**Because I never stopped falling.
They asked me to compose a song
A song that would express my feelings
Feelings of love, hate, happy, or sad
I have finished it for a day
Only to see your name
On the white sheet of paper
Mkay. Just a 10 pm thought of a girl who is deeply in love.
I just wanna let you know
That I want you back
That I can do everything
Just to be with you again

Im sorry if I looked back
I didn't know
I am sorry Eurydice
I wasted the chance

Now that you're gone, forever
I'll just pluck my lyre
And sing a sad song
Until we'll meet again

In the underworld
Wait for me my love
my life, my Eurydice
Orpheus. <3
  Aug 2015 black butterfly
Ever since the age of ten
I have always preached one thing
Learn to be happy being single
And know you do not need a ring

Though I firmly believe it still
You can be happy on your own
I've grown to question if there's a reason
That I prefer to be alone

I think it boils down to more
I think I'm really full of fear
It's the underlying reason
Why I don't want people near

What if I get in too deep
But they don't feel the same?
What if I'm just strung along
And they play me like a game...

What if it's the opposite
I'm the one that they dream of
But no matter what I do
I will never be able to love

I have a hidden bigger fear
What if our love is true
What if I find happiness
That can only be found in you

What if we get married
And everything is great
What if I've found my one true love
And he gets ripped away by fate

I don't think I am strong enough
Since love can only end two ways
The choice is yours, death or divorce
Either way it ends in a blaze.

To be in a happy loving relationship
The thing I most secretly wish for
But an even deeper secret than that
Is that it frightens me to the core.

*Maybe I'll be alone forever...
  Aug 2015 black butterfly
How far might you go
To protect those you hold dear
How much could you give up
To keep them in the clear

If their life was put in danger
By someone who wanted a thrill
Rather than sit and watch them die
Would you be willing to ****?

What if it were both of you
Who's lives were on the line
If asked who's life should meet an end
Would you be able to say "mine"

What if they were an angel
Who always put others first
And they sacrificed themselves
To keep the world from getting cursed

Would you respect their wishes
And allow their life to end
Knowing they'd be forever in pain
Would you allow them to ascend

Or to guarantee their happiness
Would you give up your own
Would you rebel against your love
And forever be alone

Causing them to hate you
And giving up your soul
Would you still embrace the darkness
To prevent their noble goal

How far might you go
To protect that which you adore
Would you descend away from good
Would you forever close that door?
Ugh....I'm trying to hard to keep with my tradition of giving each poem a one word title...but GOSH did I have trouble this time. I have never wanted to badly to give a longer poem name :/
I worked on this...and tweaked it...and rewrote it 100 times...and it still isn't quite how I want it...but it'll have to do.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it....and that it at least somewhat comes across to others the way I want it to.
Also, sorry for the dark nature of this poem. These are the types of poems I have the most fun writing, and I haven't written one in a while, but I always worry they will worry people/make people uncomfortable/offend people. SO YEAH. I hope that isn't the case. <3
  Aug 2015 black butterfly
Once upon a time
In a kingdom far away
There grew to be a princess
Who in a castle, was forced to stay

The princess longed for adventure
And to go off on her own
She wished to ride and fight all day
Not just sit upon a throne

But every time she brought it up
Her thoughts were just shut down
"It's too dangerous, you'll get hurt
It's my duty to protect the crown"

Everywhere she went
She was guarded by a knight
And with every passing minute
She felt her spirit become less bright*

I refuse to be that girl
I am not some helpless flower
I will not spend my entire life
Guarded in some tower

I will never be your princess
Instead I'll follow my own direction
I will go on any expedition I choose
And I'll do so without your protection
I really needed to write this.
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