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There is an ocean in between us.
It churns in violent winds
and shimmers in shining sun.
The inky black depths of this ocean
seem to reach infinitely down;
I've yet to find the bottom.
An entire world lives in this ocean
and it is one that I'm not a part of.
A toe dipped into this water reveals
the true frigidness that lingers just under the surface.
The ever moving waves pull me in
just to push me away again.
I can hear the ocean through the
empty conch that was once full of life.
There is an ocean in between us
and we're still holding hands.
  Aug 2015 black butterfly
Mike Hauser
There's something in-between us
I'm not sure I can say
But I hope to put my finger on
Top of it one day

And on that day I hope that it
Shows itself for what it is
That something that's between us
We'll seal it with a kiss

Then take it out and show it off
That something in-between
All around will marvel at
What this something means

This something here between us
That so longs been festering
We both then will face the fact
It finally made it to the scene

That something in-between us
What else can I say
Without really letting on
Or giving it away
I am the stain
You are the white shirt
You can never appreciate me
Until you stop seeing me as a dirt
But as a work of art
It is all about how you see it.
black butterfly Aug 2015
I always wonder
If there is something more about X
It is not always just the sign of wrong
If you look closer
You can see two people
Holding each other
To prevent from falling
Just a random thought. :3
Maybe when the author was writing our story
His pen has run out of ink
And when he finally got another
He already forgot what's next
And changed our ending
Where you ended up with someone else
While I am waiting for you to come back
Im not a fan of fairytales.
There's a girl
Everyone thinks she's always fine
The truth is, she was never okay
Even the smallest thing scares her
Her smile is her disguise

She opens her eyes
Suddenly she cries
Her smiles and laughter are all lies
No one knows she fakes it so well
That God himself can't tell

Someone dared to help her
Asked her what she needs
It took a while before she answered,
"All I really need is to breathe."
That was the first time she felt alive.
Inspired by the movie I watched last night. :)
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