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bellamy 2d
1 - Feel Nature
      Us, as humans, view ourselves as separate from nature. We think that we        
       bear any major differences from the grass that grows among us or the
       birds that fly above us. We view benign inclement weather as an
       unfortunate symptom of the world around us, something to be avoided.
       However, nature is deeply ingrained in our human spirit. We rely on it to
       live, eat and drink, and to sleep and awaken. Our involvement in nature
       is consequential as the animals we keep in zoos for amusement, the
       plants we farm for food, and the pests we evade and ****. Feel the nature
       and the life around you. Go into the woods and let the leaves, wind, and
       atmosphere consume you and replace your worldliness and doubts. Walk  
       under snow and rain and watch the water melt on you, see the water seep
       into the ground and join puddles and lakes before it evaporates and falls
       again. Sit at the shore of a lake and observe the algae drift with the
       water affected by the wind, everchanging and yet static. Bask in the
       Moon's forgiving light, watch how it monitors the stars and hides behind
       passing clouds, reluctant to reveal itself. Nature moves in seasons, just
       as we often do. As one condition of our natural surroundings leaves,
       somebody or something may enter our lives, separating one era from the
       last, creating a new essence for ourselves, until the weather changes
       once again and life's dynamic nature is confirmed. Welcome these
       changes with open arms and let the world lead you wherever it might
       take you. The sun, in affecting the environment we were born from, may
       evoke changes so great in us that we become as unrecognizable, as
       leaves change after autumn's cycle runs its course. If we don't let
       ourselves change, we will surely reach the same fate as a building built
       on sand after its creator refuses to acknowledge the changing nature of
       the tides.
2 - Respect Pain
       Change will always foster pain, as pain fosters change. Avoiding the
       pain of change simply means you are choosing the pain of staying
       stagnant. Trees do not avoid the winter coming, though the cold will
       surely make survival difficult. In preparation for the winter, as the days
       shorten and become colder, Trees will pump sap out of any pores in their
       wood, which will act as an insulator, protecting them from any
       temperatures they will not handle. However, they will also shed their
       own leaves, especially smaller and thinner ones, and let them fall in
       order to lose less water and energy. Do not run from the winter. Do not
       run from the freeze, and your losses and the sting of the cold air working
       against you. Keep yourself safe, and learn to go through life and operate
       normally under these new conditions. The pain will, someday leave,
       either through more change or familiarity. Life will be different, but
       alright nonetheless. Life will go on, with or without you, so working
       with the change and the pain it will bring is the only way to ensure you
       walk with life another day.
3 - Love
       No matter how many times it has burned you before, do not stray from
       love. Love is not purely romantic, it lives in every interaction we have in
       daily life. Showing love to somebody is not limited to what we do for
       somebody or how we act around somebody. Listen to the songs admired
       by people you love and feel their warmth in the sounds they've hung on
       to hundreds of times before. Love a piece of art by letting it deeply
       influence your own art, let the words and colors and sounds of the artists
       before you morph themselves into the art you create. Love your body by
       treating it as a temple where you, yourself, are the god. Love your own
       power by performing your skills to the best of their abilities. Love a
       deity you honor by dedicating pieces of your life both large and small to
       your worship. Love no longer performed is not love lost. This love is
       still easily felt by a warm memory, a preserved gift, or art created in its
       midst. Feel every piece of love you have as deeply and dramatically as
       possible. Love, often comes as a harbinger of pain. Love also often
       arises from the ashes of pain, providing a warmth that you may have
       lost. No matter what, love fuels every action we take, and without love,
       the cycles that run our lives would cease. If the sun no longer loved the
      earth, seasons would hold no power or rhythm. If the ocean lost its love
      for the land, life on the earth would quickly lose water, and be able to
      live no longer. An artist who loses their love of their craft is robbing
      learning and developing artists of gaining inspiration. A person who does
      not love life will quickly lose it.
63 · Jan 6
bellamy Jan 6
God is spoken about as a loving, senile creature. He is seen as forgiving, gentle, and generous.

As a man, God is a furious fire, burning in the image of sin and pain. As a man, God is punishing and unrelenting.

I've never loved God as a man. All he has ever shown me is what he forbids, taunting what he does not allow in my life as a light to a fly.

He leads me to what he speaks of as my own demise. If temptation is my own fault, what does that say of the man that lead me there? Would that not make him similar to the serpent that tempted eve? To the very force he claims to fight?

I find god in the very things he prohibits. If we see god as an ideology full of love, thankfulness, and happiness, it finds its way into everything God, the man, hates and punishes.

I feel god in the love the man behind it disallows so strongly. I feel god in the yearning and adoration that God, the man, so strictly banishes as immoral.

I feel god in every word I've said to someone I love, the compliments and curses.

I feel god in their every reply, the way they show they care in their own way, carries god from them to me.

God, the man, has always picked apart these phrases for every word, dissecting them for transgressions against Him. He has always controlled who or what my cares are for.

Every crime I've committed against God has helped me find god in its fulfillment, in the enjoyment and love I gain in it.

Every time I feel love, it's a love that God is so strongly against.

The love I give and receive is so divine that maybe God is unable to see it for anything other than sin. Maybe God knows that he never could have designed a love so dedicated and seraphic.

God knows he can't see love so angelic, so he dismisses it as evil.

— The End —