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 Sep 2018 Alexis
I despise myself for not being someone you could love.
 Sep 2018 Alexis
 Sep 2018 Alexis
The first time she looked up
She fell in love with the sky
Her heart reaching higher
The only answer was to fly

So she made wings of her heart
Carved dreams into feathers
Bid farewell to earth
And fluttered towards ether

But gravity loved her too
Had no intention to let go
Pulled her firmly to the ground
And broke her wings in woe
 Sep 2018 Alexis
Seven Years
 Sep 2018 Alexis
It took me seven years
to realise
the words in my mind
were too deep for
my mouth to dig up
I thought it was easier
to open my skin
and let the truth
pour down my arms

It took me seven years
to realise
nobody should be allowed
to touch parts
of your home
or hold pieces  
of your heart
that you don't yet understand

It took me seven years
to realise
I will wear these scars
I'll carry them
through every smile
every kiss
every concerned gaze
I'll carry them
to my grave

It took me seven years
to realise
the pain carved
into the walls
of my castle
etchings of
attempting to disappear
are not a story of weakness
but a tale of
how I survived
 Sep 2018 Alexis
 Sep 2018 Alexis
I try to give up poetry
Like it is some horrible habit
Instead I find it is addictive
As I try to pull away
It breathes it's literary nicotine
Down my throat
And it seeps into my heart

Yet when I read another's art
It makes the cycle repeat
As once again I feel shame
Truly it is an addiction
Just one that I can't stop
There is no rehab
For a poet's vice

My favorite brand of cigarette, passion
 Sep 2018 Alexis
please don’t make me feel bad
for wanting to talk to you
if we don’t talk much
of course i’m going
to miss you
i think you forget
that i love you
 Sep 2018 Alexis
i can't
 Sep 2018 Alexis
I can’t do this anymore

Just let them see

Who i truly be

An angsty



With no life

No will

With an ******* of a dad

Who all he did

Was make me like i am today

No one will remember me

Well,they will,they’ll just

Remember me as “That Girl”

That girl who

Never got to leave her mark

On the world,like they always say

That girl who draws and writes during her classes

That girl who hated herself so much she would bully herself

That girl who wastes her energy on people she cares about,helping them

Instead of helping herself,she’s wants to save everyone but can’t,because

She “Doesn't pay attention”...
not feeling to well today,my first poem as well
 Sep 2018 Alexis
J Walt
Only One
 Sep 2018 Alexis
J Walt
Well, we only lost one
But it was a rock star
we only lost one
But she was a soccer player
we only lost one
But he was a philanthropist
we only lost one
But she was a podiatrist
we only lost one
But he was a good dad
we only lost one
But she drove us all mad
Well, we only lost one
But it should’ve been our first one

As the days go by
No matter how hard we cry
Nor times we ask why
We will never know

Well, we only lost one
And we missed all the toys
we only lost one
And we missed all the stories
we only lost one
And we missed all the scrapes
we only lost one
And we missed finger smashed grapes
we only lost one
And we missed all the laughs
we only lost one
And we missed all the baths
Well, we only lost one
And we will try for another one

As the days go by
No matter how hard we cry
Nor times we ask why
We will never know

Well, we only lost one
So my heart severely aches
we only lost one
So tears puddle like lakes
we only lost one
So this emptiness is real
we only lost one
So things seem so unclear
we only lost one
So why does it feel like more?
we only lost one
So to the sky I roar
Well, we only lost one
So we hope to meet the next one

As the days go by
No matter how hard we cry
Nor times we ask why
We will never know
J Walt
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