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maybe love is to watch a thousand winters pass, and still stand by his side because you know he's made of spring
Infinite possibilities can happen in a second.
Infinite number of possibilities can change a person's life forever.
Infinite realities can alter the phase of time.
Infinite people can shape you in a good and bad way.

Infinite. Infinite. Infinite. Infinite.

There are infinite things in the world.
The stars in the sky, the sands near the sea, the drops of water in the ocean, and the amount of love that can be given.
Science and theories can count the first three things though but only the person capable of giving the fourth one, would be able to measure it.
 Jul 2015 Lolia Djisnoa
 Jul 2015 Lolia Djisnoa
When a pen's point touches paper,
The ink spreads out,
The page bends around your words,
As you mark the page forever.
With computers, every word is written,
And rewritten.
With a tap you can delete
Your words,
Your mistakes,
Your regrets,
But you can never take back ink.
The drop can never go back into the pen.
The paper will never again be white
Or perfectly smooth again.
You can't delete pen.
ironically, i must have rewritten and deleted half of these words half a dozen times before posting this. go figure.
Another journey travelled,
A step along the way,
A different road to travel as we conclude each day.

Another challenge levelled,
A hero from the fray,
A darker time to follow or so we hear them say.

Another dark cloud battled,
A force we cannot sway,
A demon rising deep within just sizing up its prey.

Another dream unravelled,
A blink in time’s decay,
A distant past forgotten in the memories we betray.
rush recklessly forward
in awkward sentient colonies
by self preservation
and fragility
by regret
and indecision and
burdened by lust
(shadowy voyeurs that we are)
in unreasonable haste
by misunderstanding.

awake sleeping
– faultlessly –
by emotion
and media:
to get ahead of change
before change changes.

We push
silently alone
– forgivably selfish –
and factory bred to be unaware
of what to ignore
drowning ourselves in excuses
and reasons to find them
searching for peace
and harboring nothing
– absolutely nothing –
of the sort.
We survive
possessed by impression
and ruined by greed.

We launch
propelled on
and upward
finding any description that fits
to fit
calling it ‘destiny’
(the time we have left)
that time exists
but in the moments
that we hurry
(society, that is)
in droves
to pass on by.
© Tamara Natividad
Written 11 January, 2014
 Jul 2015 Lolia Djisnoa
the ground doesn't seem that far from the roof
but how far is it when you're falling?
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