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You were my first true love.
& every second we spend together I will fall over again.
Your smile lights up the whole world.
Your blue eyes are as blue as the ocean.
Simply everything about you is just so perfect.
I'm glad I have you back now.
& trust me I'm never letting you go.
I want to tell you what I'm doing right now,
I miss the feeling you give me when you are around,
And how you understand me better
Than everyone else.
I want to tell you my
Secrets I can't bear to
Hold on to any longer.
The dark threads of memory are slipping
From my clammy grasp.
I want to give you every poem,
So you could see my brokenness,
So you could teach me how to cope with pain.
I just don't want to spoil this feeling:
A blossoming friendship
In the heart of a rose.

I want to tell you,
But I won't.

Don't get me wrong--
I trust you.
I know you could hold a secret,
Treasure my heart.
I've already fallen for that.
Maybe it's me I need to trust more.
Maybe if I loved myself,
I would have a greater urge
To run to you,
To hide those precious moments,
So we could remember them together.
I don't think I've been in love before,
Somehow this is different
Than the other times I felt my heart
Find another friend.
Maybe you don't understand,
I know I don't,
But teach me how to get through this,
Teach me how to find love.
Vastate Definition: to make immune
 Jun 2014 Ashley Perkins3
to sit on the grass is to sit with love-
love of grass because its grass-
and because its green-
and because its free-
and because its very existence is a confirmation of love
Lies! Money is greed, greed is money,
Credit is given to the wrong types of people.
The stupid ones who were not taught
How to behave with their newfound freedom
And systems of fake income!
Don't spend what you do not have,
But they believed they had everything.
Love. Money. ***. Fame and fortune, the world
Was in their hands!
Until it all crashed down in 1929
After it is done and we are spent
like cartridges,after we
began,begin,became the firing pin,became,become
again the bullets in the gun,
in and through the blackened chambers run,
we killed the sun and kissed the night,held
it tight to let it know
but it knew well that it could go
and went,after
we were done and spent.
 Jun 2014 Ashley Perkins3
 Jun 2014 Ashley Perkins3
Dear friend
The emptiness
can be filled
However friend
Do not rely on others to fill it
They will come with overnight bags full of warmth ,promises and  friendship
A promise is comfort to a fool
And friend
You are no fool
Other will come too
But not with warmth , promises and friendship
They will come armed with their cold hearts , their worn out weapons splattered with the tears,hopelessness of their of other victims
Their weapons will be concealed in their eyes , their movement ,their tongue
They will attempt to **** the little self worth that remains deep in side you
So friend do not let them in
Do not allow them to unload their weapons of mass destruction upon your emptiness
That friend will only bore a hole further inside you

Dear friend
The emptiness you feel can be filled
Will be filled with guidance from the Divine
Not people

— The End —