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  May 2015 Ashley Gray
sanch kay
will I
ever get to
be with you in
the bright sunlight, or is
The idea of you and me a concept -
Two people who are only
allowed to be with
each other in
the dark
  May 2015 Ashley Gray
Victoria Garcia
You should be here with me
My heart is as empty as the side of the bed that you used to sleep on
And my life's crashing harder than the waves on the shore like when you first kissed me
And I'm falling harder and faster into loneliness than I was when I fell for you
And I know there's no stopping this
But you should be next to me
Kissing each freckle on my arm and tracing "I love you" into my palm because each letter deserved it's own recognition for it made up a larger picture
And you should be next to me
With my head leaning onto the very shoulder I spent entire nights crying into
You should be beside me
But I guess this was all besides the point
And now you're next in line for a new girl
I just wish you would give me a next chance
  May 2015 Ashley Gray
Laken Cooper
Love* is seeing imperfect things perfectly
Their flaws, which catches you,
Their smile, which means nothing to others but means a lot to you,
"Love is blind.", Indeed it is,
Turn-off's and on's isn't a big thing when you're in love,
Just the fact seeing them makes you happy,
makes you smile instantly
foul smells, unpleasant things or anything doesn't matter if you
really love them
I doubt people who says that they already have their true love
Where's the love there?
Love, because he/she looks good? 
Because he/she is rich?
Loving someone despite their flaws and issues is what we called true love
Added by trust, respect and faith are the perfect ingredients to achieve true love,
Just by accepting them in any imperfections that they have will mean a lot.
Bored. Yay.
Ashley Gray May 2015
Every night I went to bed
Tears would sting my cheeks
I used to think you wouldn’t hurt me
No matter what happened
But I was wrong as usual
But now I’m happier
Happier without you around
I got someone who cares about me
He doesn’t use me like you did
He doesn’t cheat on me with other girls,
he doesn’t lie to me when I ask him if something’s wrong
He doesn’t lay a hand on me like you’ve done
so many times before
He is there when I need him and when I don’t unlike
you who ran away at the slightest sign of trouble like a
scared little girl
You were everything to me but now
you won’t lay another hand on me
since you are only an awful memory

— The End —