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 Feb 2016 Art-Stars
The Rose.
 Feb 2016 Art-Stars
Aw girl, did you dance with the devil
Get ripped apart
Where’s your heart
Ah, I see it beating in the gutter
Well girl, what can I say
Life's a *****, and then you die
But you don’t want to hear that
No,no, not in your beautiful world
Not in pin up poster world
Aw girl
You want to go down to the love hospital
They’ll put you back together
But guess what
That beating heart
In the gutter
Maybe wants to last past puberty
So hey, I’ve been round the block
I’ll give you ten seconds of my time
Best ten seconds of advice you’ll ever hear
That rose growing in the garden there
Is that not the most beautiful thing in the world
Now, not only is that rose beautiful
It’s also very smart
It knows some ******* is going to try and take liberties
So it surrounds itself with thorns.
Do the same
Be that rose.
 Feb 2016 Art-Stars
Tear Drop
It snowed today and I hope
the plows find your body
under a snowdrift. I hope
you are frozen to the core.
 Feb 2016 Art-Stars
Storm Raven
For walls and a roof... sitting on the floor.
Broken dreams are like shattered glass.
Don't move! You will get hurt.
You will always get hurt when your dreams are broken and your hopes shattered.

The light is broken and it's dark outside.
Can't tell where there is a door or window.
Escape out of side. So why look for it?
You will only get dissapointed when you hope to find something in the utter dark.
The start of a poem. I want an extra part but I am tired.
I'm drunk
I'm very drunk
Not on beer or *****
Or wine or margaritas
But I'm drunk
But on what Nero?
What'd you get sloshed on?
I'll tell you
I'm drunk of a mixture of bitterness and lost hope
2/5ths of romanticism and no one to share that with
A shot of insecurity, and a tall glass of stress

I need to get sober
I'm tired of living through a constant hangover
So tomorrow I stop drinking my emotions
I'm throwing that bottle into the ocean
 Feb 2016 Art-Stars
Your touch on me,
firm, protective,
me out.

Trying to touch my
every detail that has
been covered with
the forest's leaves.

Your fingertips so
tender and soft
against my skin.

Your hands so
delicate as they
unknotted the
weeds and seeds
tangled up in
my hair.

Our thoughts drenched
us in love in that moment.
Our thoughts of passion
and lust began to turn
us on.

Making our hearts
pound so strong making
us both nervous and

Your heat warmed my
body that has been
cold for a long time.

Your hands covered
my chest and rose from
being exposed to the
wind and these woods.

Is it destiny that sent
you here ? Is it fate that
let us kiss and touch ?
Is love that allowed our
hearts to sing along the
same song ?

The leaves and vines
giggled when your lips
brushed against my
blushing cheeks.

The sky sighed and
weeped tears of joy on
us damping the soil
beneath our bare

Our kisses and hugs
made nature gaze in
awe. It made nature
shout out for an

While the birds above
placed a crown of the
brightest leaves upon
my head.

You kneeled down on
both your knees , kissed
my hand and proposed
to me in front of the
trees and the fallen
leaves* ~
 Feb 2016 Art-Stars
He left a part of his
heart under my  

Stitched it up with a
silver coloured

Told me words of love
while the needle went
out and in.

Placed a kiss on my
rosy cheek and told
that he'll put my pain
to an end.

He wove love onto
my skin.

While his fingertips
were begging to
undress the champaign
lace I was wearing.

And the scar he left
was exactly like the
signature he leaves
on all the letters he
writes for me* ~
 Feb 2016 Art-Stars
I'm the orange and blue.
The green leaves and
the chlorophyl too.

I'm the prettiest shade
of green found in the
garden of Eve.

My petals breathe with
lust and desire. Waiting
silently for your hands
to touch and caress.

My petals blush when
you gaze at them from
a distance.

You're beauty leaves
them amazed. Making
them twist and twirl like
a ballerina on an opera's

Trying to catch your
attention trying to make
you fall in love. Trying to
make you come closer
and pick me up from
the dirt and rocks.

Desperately wanting
you to take me home
and place me in a

So that i'll be the only
thing you'll get to see
when you wipe the
sleepy off your
beautiful eyes* ~
 Feb 2016 Art-Stars
Everyone's love has
faded from my heart
starting with family
and ending with

Your arms are the
ones that i'll chose
to run in when drunk.
Your chest is the one
that i'll hide in. Your
collar bones is where
i'll bury my face in.

For it's you that will
wash me clean
from sin.

And wash my body
from the alcohol
drenching it from
within in order to
make me sober
once again.

It's you darling.

My mind and heart
will always chose
you even if in a
room with a
hundred or
a billion
standing* ~
I hope you fall into the ocean,

or fall to me instead.
 Feb 2016 Art-Stars
Ezra the Poet
my mother used to drink
she never
so much.

and during the passing of
poison to the
relevant wires
she spoke of how
great it was
to be alive
and that
most did not know this

she used to dance so wild
and free and unknowing in
her knowing of the freedom
of this
life like
the wilderness.
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