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The woman I see
I look in the mirror at my reflection, and gaze at the woman looking back.
She has been through so much in her short life, and yet her soul is still intact.
She has known love vast as an ocean, and thought her heart would burst from the joy.
As well as the pain from losing that love, so deep she felt her life was destroyed.
She has seen beauty so vivid and golden that all she could do was stare back in awe.
Along with the ugliness she’d rather forget; it made her curl up in a ball and withdraw.
She’s laughed so hard that her stomach hurt, and it took hours to cease.
Then cried tears that left her heartbroken, and numb, from feeling the bottomless grief.
At times she’s been brave, and overcome doubt, to be stronger than she once was.
That very next breath been afraid to do something, and make an error she couldn’t whitewash.
She’s become quite a woman from living her life, and, she has gained so much intelligence.
Yet she’s also been a fool, and brutally reminded, she still has immense incompetence.
The woman I see looking back from the mirror is true deep down to her soul.
I applaude her and believe that, no matter what happens, she is still more precious than gold.

Randy McPeek
Hundreds of years, why did this war begin?
Hundreds of blizzards, we never did win.
Unable to remember why we even fight.
This war has very long lost its sight.

Trudging against the cold, burning pierce
Of the wind; frigid, shattering, ever so fierce.
The clouds remind me with their dark, gloomy shade
These dreams were always meant to die and fade.

My friends, gilded with white in the ground they lay.
My family, colder than the ice today.
Slain by my kingdom, faster than this savage air.
Slain with golden armor, I can't believe they would even dare!

We fought so the chaos would cease!!!
Yet here I am carrying my friend! Or at least a precious piece...
The beginning of the end of our broken, little hearts.
It ends so much more quickly than it starts.

Lady Iceheart, I can't give up. I will press on.
Our sanctuary, our home. It must be won.
I'll forge the path we would never forsake,
And lay your dreams of ice in my chilling wake.
here i am, three months later still perpetually oxygenating the suffocated fantasy that one day i will see you again and my heart will remember how to pulse, my hands will remember how to hold, and you will somehow love me again

here i am, three months later spoon-feeding lies to my hungry brain, telling it "he will come back" spilling fraudulent words into my impressionable mind
"maybe he misses you too"
"it will all make sense in time"
"keep your head up, and remember you're strong enough to get through this"

here i am with a mind that fully believes you came into my life for a reason yet somewhere beneath those strongly wired thoughts, though i have no control over it, is the lingering pessimist that whispers in my ear when i'm sleeping at night, dreaming about the grace of your skin against mine
"he never loved you"
but it wasn't until this moment right now that, that pessimist has been truly heard

because i'm still here
after three, exhausting months, arms weak from reaching out for your grasp, lungs collapsed from all the dry heaving and half-breaths of missing you, and i'm finally looking at you
but you don't even
see me.
Entice me
With your scent

Caress me
With moans

Bury me
In your eyes

Shower me
With sweat

Soothe my soul
With your lips

Take away
My breath
With your hips
I guess I'm happy we didn't work out... Emotionally speaking....
Sweeter than the song of a nightingale 
Gentler than the whisper of a spring wind
Quieter than the murmur of  summer  grass 
Softer than the symphony of hyacinths 

Hypnotic like the splash of blue seas
Tinkling like a stream that flows 
Mesmerizing like the cadence of rain 
Enchanting like the hush  of snow 

Like the faint breath of a scarlet dawn 
The rustle of clouds on a turquoise high 
A duet of  night and an ivory moon
A Capella of  stars in the sky

A hymn, a chant, a choir of angels 
Singing  on a rainbow of time 
Celestial is the serenade of love  
A tune and a note divine.
Thank you for your wonderful responses and I am so happy this poem was selected today. Means a lot to me... :)
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