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 Apr 2015 Anon
mjk plumage
past life
 Apr 2015 Anon
mjk plumage
"long time, no see,"
is what i'd say if i found you again
i probably won't find you again
but my heart is aching for you
my heart is hoping for you
and i need you

i was a pianist,
you loved to sing and make up lyrics to music
you woke me up from my solitary dreams of music
so beautiful, were your words
so innocent, were your words
you were the first new thing i heard

where are you now?
i miss our days of music
can we have one more day of music?
the place; time; songs would be different
even we would be different
maybe our old joys would be brought back in that instant

how have you changed?
i can't play piano, i'm too short to catch you like i did
but let me put my heart into mixtapes for you, and i will
you brightened my world in our old life
you were my ray of light in our old life
i have just one wish in this life

that we get to spend it together too.

hey, are you out there?
i only had two friends and you were one of them.
 Apr 2015 Anon
William Burger
All I want is to be with you
so you know I am there.
All I want is to hug you
so I can protect you.
All I want is to hold your hand
so I can show everyone our love.
All I want is to kiss you
so we can lock our love inside our hearts.
All I want is to cuddle you
so I can hold you through the night.
All I want is you!
You are the only one that makes me   believe that
actually does exist.
All I want to do is treasure it with
I love you!
 Apr 2015 Anon
 Apr 2015 Anon
The dreams I dreamt,
The tears I spent,
The sorrows I have,
The love I gave,
It was all meant for him.

His love,
His hate,
His laughter,
His sorrow,
I wish I could accept it all.

Our time,
Our thought,
Our laugh,
Our smile,
It’s now in the past.

My wishes,
My dreams,
My kisses,
My gleams,
I give it all to him.
everything i seek
 Apr 2015 Anon
 Apr 2015 Anon
He loves me;
He loves me not,
I love him;
He loves me not.

I fought, he didn't,
I chased, he didn't,
I cried, he didn't,
I plead, he didn't.

I saw the sparks in his eyes,
I saw the way he looked, at her.
I watched his movement,
I watched him kissed her.

I wrote a thousand words,
I sang a thousand songs,
I shipped a thousand feelings,
I watched them sink.

And now,
He loves me,
I love him not.
Thank you, my darling
 Apr 2015 Anon
 Apr 2015 Anon
she spoke to me
with a cold, hard voice
and i looked at her
like a sweet soft
touch on the bare skin,
and i loved her
just like that.
i don't know what to say
 Apr 2015 Anon
Lachlan Smith
Darkness closing in

a weight upon my chest.

I struggle to find the light,

fighting with ragged breath.

Every inch of sanity clawed back

a battle that is hard fought.

Being a prisoner in ones own head,

lost in horrible thought.

Fighting against your every being

desperate to survive.

With desperation and fading hope

For normalcy, you strive.

Crushed under weight of words

and reflections of your self

Wanting nothing more than to be placed

upon the highest shelf.

Out of sight, out of mind

so you don’t burden others with your troubles.

Everyone else is so full of life

As carefree as a bubble.

But your bubble has burst

and released an ocean of pain

You hold all the emotions back

Fighting for your sanity to remain.

You put up walls around you

and bottled everything down deep.

You tried to fight the war yourself,

but this enemy is hard to beat.

So you locked yourself away,

shut from the outside world.

But this just fed the darkness

and even more troubles unfurled.

You fought in silence at parties

not wanting to ruin the mood.

You just sat there saying nothing,

and instead chose to brood.

For the feelings that you have inside,

you consider yourself as weak.

You don’t see anyway out from here.

The future is oh so bleak.

And so the days fade away

one after the other.

Seasons pass by slowly

yet the darkness continues to smother.

You find yourself growing tired

And you feel you don’t belong.

You want it all to be over.

You’ve been fighting for so long.

The darkness has a hold on you.

One you don’t think you could break.

It pulls you deeper down into the pit

And you wonder how much more you can take.

You pine for the feeling of happiness

It’s the one feeling you miss.

You haven’t felt it for months.

You want that feeling of bliss.

Finally it hits you.

It’s time to face the truth.

You need someone else to help,

Someone to guide you through.

You open up to family

and tell them you don’t feel the same.

That you haven’t been yourself lately,

Despite what you may have claimed.

Talking about your struggle

seems to release a mighty weight.

You feel better not having to pretend

That everything about you is great.

You feel so much lighter

as the darkness slowly fades.

You can now enjoy yourself for once

without putting on a charade.

Talking to your family has helped

hold the darkness at bay.

The journey is not over yet

but you have started on your way.

Opening up about your battle

is the hardest step to take.

Once you put yourself out there though,

what a difference it will make.

I opened up earlier this year

and have not looked back at all

I feel more like my old self again,

To the darkness I’m no longer a thrall.

It was hard for me to admit it,

but once I did I felt happy.

It was strange to feel that way

after a long time of feeling ******.

So if you feel lost in the darkness

Scared and all alone.

Open up about your struggles to family.

They will help you find your way home.
This is a poem I wrote shortly after being diagnosed with depression, and many of the feelings that I experienced in my silent battle with the illness.
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